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Posts posted by Parsnip

  1. 2 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

    I'd imagine @Parsnip is the type of gentleman who receives unsolicited images of legs in the bath, rather than searching them out.

    Probably sent with the tacit understanding that he will zoom in on the taps.

    Facebook innit? When a chick's had a hard day at work they like to post a photo of their legs in a bubble bath with a glass of wine in shot accompanied by some hashtag like #metime or summat. 

    And if they happen to have chrome taps then they're there to be zoomed in on. That's what the zoom function is for.

    I don't make the rules.

  2. 10 minutes ago, RamNut said:

    Whats wierdest.

    Girl posting pictures of their legs in the bath.

    you searching the internet for pictures posted by girls of their legs in the bath.


    you zooming in the photos of the taps for a distorted image of nudie bits?


    Er... none of those things are wierd.

    What's wrong with you?

  3. 1 hour ago, reveldevil said:

    New forum feature - Guess what I ate last night, based on the washing up.


    Ignore the glass casserole dish, that was used to serve mash.

    The only prize is pride.

    I just zoomed in on the pan to see if I could see more clues in the reflection (a trick I like to use on bath taps when girls post photos of their legs in the bath)... I think I can make out an empty packet of dried smash. Has David been for dinner?

  4. 3 hours ago, froggg said:

    Proper Sunday dinner, roast shoulder of  Dorset Lamb, roast spuds and parsnips, winter vegetables and a red wine and port gravy, all washed down with a glass of Rioja Tinto.



    That lamb looks all pink and glazed by that boozy gravy. I'd marry you @froggg or at least I'd marry whoever cooks your food. 

    I had pasta with chedder cheese and chilli seeds for my tea. FFS.

  5. 40 minutes ago, steve brummie said:

    I used to be apathetic, can’t be bothered anymore.

    See that girl, she’s anorexic.

    Gee Emily, you know everybody!

    Why did the chewing gum cross the road?

    Chicken trod in it!

    And... a really filthy foreign joke....

    German treads in a cow pancake Ach..dung!


    Wow the standard of comedy coming out of birmingham just gets...


    ...well, it's of a consistent standard.

  6. 5 minutes ago, David said:

    Ditch the actifry and pick up an air fryer that doesn’t spin around

    I bought a dry fryer from McArthur Glen. I used it once and I said to the mother in law that I wished I hadn't bought it because it was too big for the kitchen. So she took it to her house. She just took it. She literally just told her husband to put it in their car as they were leaving. It was like £100 And she just took it. It's in her kitchen now. I still can't believe it.

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