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Posts posted by Parsnip

  1. 1 hour ago, David said:

    Where are you planning on scattering the ashes?


    9 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

    All over the bowl, seeing as he served them up?

    They didn't make it to the plates sadly. I accidently left them in with the yorkies giving them an extra 20 mins at 260°.

    I tend to bugger up one item per roast. It's a thing now.

    Maybe I should take a leaf out of @David's cookbook and buy powdered freeze dried parsnips that I only need to add water to and zap in the microwave?

  2. 2 minutes ago, froggg said:

    Simple Sunday dinner, place lamb joint in cast iron casserole, add whole head of garlic, two or three sprigs of fresh rosemary, cover with red wine, put on casserole lid, place in oven for four hours at 140c then take off lid add 4oz of salted butter turn oven up to 170deg until the sauce/jus/gravy reduces by 2/3rds, serve with potatoes and vegetables of your choice, enjoy.

    Sweet Mary mother of all that is good and pure. Amen.


  3. 12 hours ago, AmericanRam said:

    I phoned my grandma last night to ask her how she was getting on with her new stair lift.

    She said, "To be honest it's driving me up the wall."


    7 hours ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Last night the trick or treaters were out. First one looked like a Gloria Gaynor attempt.

    First I was afraid, I was petrified..

    I find these jokes more offensive and 'disappointing' than most racist jokes.

  4. 13 hours ago, Moist One said:

    Hmmm... Hate to break it to you, well, two things really.

    1, either you're colour blind or your camera is faulty

    2, the breeder has ripped you off. This doggy is black.


    Good news however, he looks like a good boy and his very handsome.


    12 hours ago, Bigfella said:

    His mum was a huge black poodle and his dad a large golden retriever, eight puppies four blond and four black - just preferred the black ones. Also if I had a pound  for every time someone said “he’s a golden doodle? He’s not very golden “ I’d be worth a fortune!


  5. 12 minutes ago, froggg said:

    Is that fresh coriander on that?

    Yeah in fairness it was a taste sensation. Homemade flatbread with hummus, red onion, pomegranate seeds and fresh coriander.

    I'm a pig though so i need about 50 pieces to compensate for the lack of animal fats. I did get away with grilling a load of cheddar all over my wedges though.

  6. 19 hours ago, rynny said:

    maybe throw in lazy as well

    Yep. Unless he got a sniff of something - then he managed to cover 3 miles in 5 seconds and I'd be getting a call from some irate pub chef who's found him in his kitchen, or someone having a family bbq at the other end of the village. (Both real examples).

    Once, on a walk he disappeared for 45 mins. I finally caught a glimpse of his fat little arse in the bushes next to where someone had obviously been camping recently. I was worried that he'd eaten whatever rubbish they'd left behind - chicken bones or summat - but the truth was far more sinister. He'd found their toilet. I had to drag the disgusting pig home covered in used toilet paper and stinking of the human excrement that he'd spent the last 45 mins devouring. 

    Imagine that.

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