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Posts posted by Parsnip

  1. On 11/08/2017 at 20:28, Coconut said:

    The foul throw rule. 

    Sure, there does need to be one to stop somebody encroaching the pitch or launching it one-armed (cricket style), because they'd be gaining an advantage. Neither of these things ever happen though.

    A foul throw at present though, is pretty much always simply A s**** THROW which is then punished despite having offered no advantage whatsoever to the throwing team. It's just nitpicking for the sake of it, and only ever really applied when the ref feels like he needs to prove he's doing his job.

    As a kid, I avoided taking throw ins whenever possible because I was always pulled up for a foul throw. I never knew why and still don't. I remember trying to keep both feet on the ground, making sure both hands where on the ball... I still genuinely don't know what the rules are.

  2. 12 hours ago, rynny said:

    Had a couple ask me for directions, start explaining when one asks a question about why to go a certain way, explaining that when the other says "For gods sake can hurry up the directions we are late" well guess what mofo, you gonna be even more late now that I have sent you to the wrong place. :lol:

    No need for the rudeness, and I would have carried on if it wasn't for your mate asking a question.

    Bloody ambulance drivers eh? That'll teach 'em.

  3. 1 minute ago, Parsnip said:

    Boom. That's exactly what it is.

    Parsnip mash anyone?

    Actually that's not fair - i'd delete that if i could. Mental health can be hugely complex of course - i wouldn't trivialise it at all.

    My earlier post was just suggesting that from a biochemists point of view, and trying to treat the person as a whole rather than a specific ailment - then a dietry change might help some people.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Tombo said:

    Yeah, that's a fairly feasible theory. But then if it has always been this prevalent, we've on the whole been living a miserable existence as a species for centuries. Like I say, I don't think I can just accept that life is just the way it is and we are the way we are because we always have been, only awareness has increased. Surely we would not have survived as a species if we had this kind of emotional flaw in us.

    I'm inclined to say it's just a modern thing and that our lifestyles are just unhealthy. It's like the obesity crisis for the brain.

    Boom. That's exactly what it is.

    Parsnip mash anyone?

  5. Following on from @ketteringram's very good suggestion re. gluten...

    I know people (as well as myself) who have been able to manage some of these modern human problems through a (less radical than it first sounds) diet change. 

    Basically the idea is that we're all a bit messed up on sugar. Our bodies are designed to burn fat really - but these days we pump our bodies full of bread, pasta and other carbohydrates - which our bodies will burn instead of fat because it's easier.

    Interestingly the only part of your body that actually needs carbohydrate to function is the brain. But there's plenty of carbohydrate in vegetables and if not then your body is perfectly capable of converting fat to carbohydrate before it sends it to work in your brain.

    This forced overload of sugar can cause many of these 'tricky' problems that doctors struggle to deal with - joint aches, eczema, other inflammations - right up to mood and mental health. 

    I personally feel my absolute happiest and fittest when i'm a few weeks off the carbs and running on fat.

    If anyone does want to give it a try theres plenty of info online (its only a bit of biochemistry). Or just take a few simple steps such as cutting out all processed & starchy carbs (bread, pasta, potatoes), drink water!, eat plenty of meat and veg, get your omegas either by fish or supplements, maybe limit alcohol to a couple of drinks a week although it's more about getting your body used to burning fats again rather than quitting alcohol so if you do like to drink try and avoid beers and sugary drinks.

    Oh, and if you think you will miss chips then fear not - there's a root vegetable that makes an excellent substitute (i eat tons of them!).


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