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Posts posted by Parsnip

  1. Screenshot_20180930-100513_Gallery.thumb.jpg.10a79f21df3dcd74be3c34c8fcb898ef.jpg

    Sunday morning ritual of walking over to chicken lady's house to collect some fresh eggs (honesty box - suckers!), then making a Michelin fry up for me and my black pudding obsessed 2 year old girl.

    Simple things innit?

  2. SCS sofas. Paid cash 2 years ago for a massive leather corner settee. After a few months the seams just started to fall apart. They eventually sent someone to sew them up (11 months into the 12 month warranty). A few weeks later the repaired seams just fell apart again. SCS said it must be a new problem and no longer a warranty issue.

    Fortunately I also bought their 5 year insurance plan - went through that, claim accepted straight away... 6 months later... my claim is still with their 'solutions team' and they can't give me an estimate on how long it will take to resolve my problem.

    I do not recommend SCS.

  3. On 16/08/2018 at 18:00, JoetheRam said:

    These are the same people who are into premium, but ultimately bland soulless crap like going on holiday to Dubai, Range Rovers and De Longhi coffee machines .

    Wtf? I have a range rover AND a delonghi coffee machine! In my defense though Derby were in the Premiership when my Range Rover was born - under Jim Smith. I stand by the coffee macine though. It turns my beans in to coffee at the touch of a button and if it ever breaks down i'll happily pimp out the missus to buy another.

    Anyway Dubai could be fun.

  4. 6 hours ago, Boycie said:

    Asked and got me money back and sat there watching the rest eating.

    I've stopped caring about things like that. Half the time you go out for dinner - the food will be crap. Life's easier if you just accept it. I think of it as being a guest at someone's house and eating what you get given. Forget the money -.suck it up and tuck in. I like my steak bloody and blue, but if it comes crispy and crap, I'll still eat it - rather than make everyone else uncomfortable by abandoning your meal.

    There's loads of things in life that you can apply that mindset to. Big boss David was on about junk mail a few days ago... just accept it - don't let it bother you - put it in the bin.

    We'll all die one day you know.

  5. 1 hour ago, Paul71 said:

    Rucksack wearers

    I see your Rucksack wearers and I raise you Baby Wearers. Parents who carry their babies in a 'Sling' which is basically a huge length of fabric which wraps the baby to their bodies.

    Now I don't care how people choose to cart their kids around, none of my business, but what does annoy me is how superior these Sling Wearers think they are to other parents. They walk around the park with baby Hugo strapped "naturally" to their chests tutting at buggy users and feeling sorry for all the children that aren't getting the same level of spiritual bonding and closeness.

    Hippies in Range Rover Sports.

    Now Mrs Parsnip was a baby wearer. We had the slings, (I always carried the kids around in my arms because if I'd have tried to figure out how to wrap a sling i'd have broken necked kids) and the interesting thing is that I was actually the poster boy for a very popular (and ridiculously expensive) sling brand. Mrs Parsnip took a photo of me wearing a sling - sent it in to the company - and for the next 2 years if you went to their website, there was me and baby parsnip, homepage banner... 

    Little did the website visitors know how much that good looking dad on the website hated them all.

  6. 15 minutes ago, eddie said:

    And there is the fundamental difference between a European beer drinker and a British one. 'That lot' would last me 3 days, not half an hour.

    True dat. I'd have that lot away by 9, move on to something else, regret it terribly until approxinately 4pm the following day... and repeat.

  7. On 07/06/2018 at 14:46, eddie said:
    • 1 bottle Gulden Draak (10.5%)
    • 1 bottle Golden Draak 9000 Quadrupel (10.5%)
    • 1 bottle Bornem Dubbel (7.2%)
    • 1 bottle Bornem Tripel (9%)
    • 1 bottle Piraat (10.5%)
    • 1 bottle Piraat Triple Hop (10.5%)

    I'd be crapping through the eye of a needle after that lot!

  8. 8 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

    Hash Browns have no place in a full British Isles breakfast.

    They were 16p each down from 22p each at the farm shop. The lady was trying to clear them, she said I should try them so I bought 4. 

    Basically she had me for 84p. Bet she's sat at home now with a freshly purchased Cadburys Twirl laughing at me.

    Wish I had a Twirl ?

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