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Posts posted by Millenniumram

  1. Very harsh to say he’s not working hard enough. I’d say he’s one of the hardest working players in this squad - in fact, one of the hardest working players I’ve seen in a Derby shirt. Gets up and down the pitch for 90 mins week in, week out - pressing, tracking back, and taking on opponents. Amazing considering he’s not exactly a spring chicken.

    The problem for me is we’ve overused him, that’s why he’s lost a bit of form and quality in the final third. Feels like he’s played the full game most matches these season, which is not what you want to be doing with your wingers, as it’s the most physically demanding role on the football field. Warne should’ve utilised Barkuizen more and rested NML sometimes. Hopefully the 8 day break allows him to recover a bit - because he’s been very productive when at his best, and we will need him Sunday.

  2. Get what you deserve for those missed chances. One of the most wasteful sides I’ve ever seen, been the story of the season really.

    Been critical of Warne but this ain’t his fault. This group of players should be able to take basic chances. The two in behind McGoldrick are the problem - Mendez-Laing so wasteful, and Sibley completely ineffective.

  3. 30 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    You are truly special 🤪

    MillenniumRams reverse psychology strikes again!

    Now, about that Bristol Rovers lot… absolutely s**** they are. I mean, imagine needing a last minute equaliser against us at home? How bad do you have to be with our away form? Rover made s**** cars and died years ago too, Peterborough will easily beat them

  4. 49 minutes ago, David said:

    No offence caused.

    I would prefer you to be a contributor, rather than a reader, more voices the better. Just be aware though that topics do regularly descend into jokes and puns, the more you read, the more you will see this take place.

    Serious discussions take place at times, think of it like a pub, just without the alcohol.

    With regards to privately messaging people, it’s really easy, click on the username next to the post, or in the Fans online section at the bottom of the homepage, then look for the button with the envelope that says Message.

    That will open a private conversation between you and that member.  

    You really think I’m sober when posting on here?

  5. 4 minutes ago, On the Ram Page said:


    I am generally a serious individual but I can can take a joke too. The majority of the topics on this site are “serious” though and people care deeply about their club. There is a time and a place to be flippant and when someone tries to give praise where it is totally due (I.e. Rams TV) it is annoying to read comments like yours. I know you probably don’t mean to offend people but just take a moment to see if your comments are apt, rather than just make a jokey headline. Peace.


    Wow, bet your parties are fun

  6. Congratulations Conor of course, but seems an odd inclusion to me.

    Think he’s been over criticised by some fans, and has had a good season overall - there have been spells where his productivity in terms of goals and assists has been excellent. But he’s had too many poor performances in between those spells to be anywhere near the conversation for TOTY in my view.

    How Cashin and McGoldrick aren’t in there instead I don’t know.

  7. 3 hours ago, Woodley Ram said:

    I thought their comments on the game were fine and fair. They should have scored early doors and then it would have been a potentially different game. They defended well and I thought were a decent side. I thought it was a penalty and we were the better side.

    I have never had an issue with Burton and I guess I don’t see them as a rival bar playing in the same league. 

    I see them the same way I see Leicester. An insignificant club that I wouldn’t have any issue with, if their fans weren’t trying to force some artificial “Derby”. They don’t mean anything to me other than that annoyance.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Leicester Ram said:

    I’m still hoping Bolton lose this game in hand against Accrington and even things out slightly. Last chance saloon for Accrington so hoping they pull out a performance 

    Don't feel comfortable with a straight shootout with Posh, I’d feel a lot better if we were fighting for two spots come the final day rather than one

    Accrington really are terrible though. It would take something truly special for Bolton to lose to them.

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