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TF Ram

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  1. Haha
    TF Ram reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    You better get cooked ready then.
  2. Clap
    TF Ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    To those saying he’s a tyre kicker, Kirchner passed the Q test on funds to even get the chance to bid (£50m + £50m for ongoing funding), he did the EFL fit and proper tests off his own back back in November. He wouldn’t pay what we wanted, he’s looked at Preston but now possibly a better deal is available for Derby he’s back in. 
    Have no reason to think he isn’t legit. Fact he’s potentially going to be named PB and will look to buy the club, I wonder if @The Baron still thinks he’s Erik Alonso MarkII
  3. Haha
    TF Ram reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Let's again try to summarise our position only this time using visual metaphors . The first one depicts where we are right now.
    Imagine all the 'good guys' are pulling on the lead and that the dog represents all of the current potential buyers...

    For clarity, here's the same metaphor would look like if the buyers could actually
    see some value in the deal and were keen to buy at the prices being quoted...

    And to fix this problem, here's the erstwhile admins trying to persuade Morris (the dog in this case)
    to drop the stadium cost and make all these problems go away forever...

    Meanwhile, here's what we're all doing....

    Hope this helps! x
  4. Clap
    TF Ram reacted to strawhillram in The Administration Thread   
    Q wait for another week
  5. Haha
    TF Ram reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    Tomorrow is the deadline for bids to be submitted. Please don't confuse this with the deadline 4 weeks back where bids had to be submitted, completely different things.
    Once bids are submitted tomorrow, Quantuma will assess those bids and discuss them over the weekend. Please don't confuse the assessing of bids with the assessing that has reportedly been taking place for the last 4 weeks since bids were submitted 4 weeks ago, as these are two totally different things.
    Once discussed, quantuma hope to identify a PB and will present that to the EFL.
    Not hard to understand really is it?
  6. Like
    TF Ram reacted to KBB in The Administration Thread   
    How do you know he isn't good enough?
  7. Like
    TF Ram reacted to ThePrisoner in The Administration Thread   
    Probably talking about if we'll see out the seasoning
  8. Like
    TF Ram reacted to Yani P in The Administration Thread   
    It's been clear for a very long time these potential new owners (if they indeed exist) have zero interest or passion for Derby County football club..they are out to get a sale through for a bare minimum price.
    It appears they do not care one jot whether all of our playing assets walk away for nothing, nor if we end up on -15 next season.
    Doesn't fill me with any enthusiasm that they will be decent guardians of our club.
    Mel Morris has everything to answer for. He has gone down in our history as the worst owner we have ever had by a country mile. An absolute odious human being at every level, enjoy your hundreds of millions you are a disgrace.
  9. Like
    TF Ram reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Administration Thread   
    Can't help but feel Quantuma bigged up how much of an obstacle to selling the club Boro's claim represented.
    I've certainly not been "pleasantly surprised" by the speed of progress since it was removed.
  10. Haha
    TF Ram reacted to Mick Brolly in The Administration Thread   
    Cheer up we'll be ok

  11. Haha
    TF Ram reacted to Mick Brolly in The Administration Thread   
  12. Clap
    TF Ram reacted to StarterForTen in The Administration Thread   
    Absolutely. The Administrators have marketed the club to all and sundry but if the hole left to fill is just too big, that is not their fault.
    I think they are giving it their very best shot to find a way out that leaves the Club in the best position possible - which in turn will result in the best outcome for creditors - and only when that process is absolutely exhausted will they go to plan B and take what they can. Given that it would appear the Club has sufficient funds to play out the season, they will probably feel they still have time to keep searching. Or perhaps more accurately, arm twisting current interested parties to get above the viability line.
  13. Clap
    TF Ram reacted to vonwright in The Administration Thread   
    Absolutely agree with all of this other than "to save a few £" - think it's going to be a lot more than a few!
    There seems to be a bit of a fans' narrative that the admins have just been sitting on three perfectly reasonable, fully-formed bids while stroking their beards and counting their cash. I strongly suspect what's actually been happening is that they have been desperately trying to a) convert "interest" into solid bids, and b) negotiate these bids into a position where they allow us to exit administration, preferably without an extra 15 point penalty. And that isn't just a matter of negotiating with the "bidders" but with HMRC, too.
    I would agree that their communication has been poor but in truth, what are they supposed to say? If the situation is worse than we think then does it really help to start announcing that publicly? Will that encourage higher bids, or will it do the exact opposite?
    We all want there to be a villain here, a block, a nice simple scapegoat who is to blame for us being unable to get out of the situation. The sad fact is that the main problem now might simply be that no one is going to pay the amount we need to move forward, at least without a 15 point penalty next season. We are in a financial mess and our remaining "assets" (including players we'd like to secure on contracts, but can't) are losing value by the day. 
    Maybe it isn't the admins fault we can't find someone to pay £50m for a stricken championship club who are very likely to be playing in the third tier next season. Maybe it just isn't possible.
  14. Haha
    TF Ram reacted to LazloW in The Administration Thread   
    “We increased our offer to £30m for Derby as a whole," Adam Binnie told BBC Sport.
    I know its seen better days but £30m for the whole City seems a bit stingy.
  15. Haha
    TF Ram reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    We'd be deducted 3 points for making Parry's cornflakes go soggy whilst he read the email.
  16. Haha
    TF Ram reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Ah, we're back to posting nonsense again. Fair enough, here's a puppy attempting to tea-bag a cat. You're welcome!

  17. Haha
    TF Ram reacted to Rev in The Administration Thread   
    What the EFL heard "we have done a forecast, and we have money to see the season out".
    What Quantuma meant "we have done a forecast, Trap 2 and Trap 5, Romford dogs, 11.07 on March 30th".
  18. Like
    TF Ram reacted to Owen87ITK in The Administration Thread   
    My gut still tells me that yes, we will.
    Letting Derby go under ultimately doesn’t help anyone, EFL included. 
    I have a lot of thoughts about everything that’s gone on/is going on but it is probably best that I keep them to myself. 
    All I will say is that the supporters & staff have been let down at every turn. 
  19. Like
    TF Ram reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Watchable telly   
    Loved the return of Peaky Blinders last night. Top viewing as ever.
  20. Haha
    TF Ram reacted to Derbados in The Administration Thread   
    “Tell them they’ll be pleasantly surprised how quickly things will move now” 
    “Now tell them the preferred bidder will be announced within 10 days” 

  21. Haha
    TF Ram reacted to Boycie in The Administration Thread   
    I told Ashley it was Saturday.
  22. Like
    TF Ram reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    I was watching a classic episode of Coronation Street earlier and a bird on there kept saying it was Ashley.
  23. Clap
    TF Ram reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    I can't disagree with this statement as I can't prove otherwise, by the same token I'm not sure this is something you can prove either.
    Having visited the Sheffield Wednesday forum there isn't a lot of love on there for Steve Gibson, I would image Liverpool fans would also not agree having been on the end of his legal action along with other clubs. There is also a small matter of the Man United fanbase that have been questioning the claims in their support for Wayne Rooney.
    You can only base your views on what you see and hear, and right now Forest, Leeds and bizarrely Bristol City fans have been very vocal in their support of Steve Gibson, although this will be down to rivalry....except for Bristol City which is once again just bizarre.
    I don't know the guy, won't claim to know his life story and the shenanigans he may have been in, but what he has done against this club is unforgivable. 
    Make no mistake, he is not responsible for the position we are in, he has been responsible for prolonging the situation with his frivolous claims which let's be honest, the club were never the intended target in all this, it was Mel Morris.
    Let's also not forget, nowhere would you find Boro fans complaining at the time in 18/19, Tony Pulis was the target of your frustrations and rightly so, only now that Gibson's claims became public are Boro fans out in force to support their owner, which is commendable. 
    We have seen the benefits of a siege mentality ourselves recently, even clubs such as Leeds which we dislike with a passion, you have to applaud the way they defend their club and anyone connected.
    End of the day, it's quite possible the club could have been sold long before we entered administration had we not had these claims over us, they have been the main stumbling block. That's 12 points back on the board, no Embargos and we could potentially be challenging the top 6 with you this season. 
    I know Boro fans will argue justice has been served, especially if we go down, but relegation is not a punishment the EFL can just hand out.
    If you want to hear tales of how great Steve is, what a gentleman and upstanding person in the community, you will not find that on here, so don't be shocked to read plenty of vitriol aimed towards Gibson and in our eyes it's fully deserved. Every single bit of it.
  24. Like
    TF Ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    Think it was an excellent interview by Chris Coles earlier. Asked all the tough questions and really pushed Andrew Hosking. RD really need to give him the big interviews for as long as they have him (they won’t have him for long as I think he’s destined for bigger things)
    As for Quantuma, we will see what happens in the next 3 weeks but I have no reason to doubt them. I think some will be eating humble pie, they’ve been blamed by a lot of the fans for delays missing deadlines etc, clearly they had a plan and we’re executing, Reading between the lines the EFL we’re aware of that plan to some degree and then what happened over the Boro and Wycombe claims was a clear major curveball. For all the smoke and mirrors from the EFL and Boro it clearly was the main issue. This has been a bloody complex mess left behind by Morris and thankfully he’s moved to clean up a major part of it. Doesn’t forgive what he’s done, likewise I feel no different about Gibson as he’s nearly pushed our club to the wall for a personal battle of egos. They are both Bamfords, but at least Gibson pays his debts, he may be a Bamford but fully understand why Boro fans give him hero status and defend him to the hilt.
    Finally we have some optimism off the pitch, could we possibly now see a preferred bidder named, funding to the end of the season to lift our embargo restrictions enough to sign a couple of freebies, Derby survive relegation, a takeover completed that pays off creditors via a CVA in line with EFL rules meaning no -15 points deduction, we extend all our players contracts bring in some astute signings, and we start next season in the championship on zero points - possibly even contemplating a playoff push?! Starting to think this could be possible now. Can you imagine?! 
  25. Clap
    TF Ram reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Rooney - The Documentary   
    Never thought I’d say this, but I bloody hope Coleen wins her court case against Rebecca Vardy and all.
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