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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. 12 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    If Tom Lawrence was a £500k signing and on less than £10k a week he'd be looked upon far more favourable. He has becomea victim of not living up to his price tag and wages unfortunately.

    He's on top end Championship dollar but isn't any better than say Luton's Harry Cornick who was cheap as chips.

    In fact, Tom Lawrence cost like three times as much as Everton's Damarai Gray.


    Whilst Lawrence annoys the living daylights out of me because he has the talent to be a lot better and a lot more consistent at being better his contribution to DCFC is significantly better value than the ridiculous signings of Anya, Blackman and say Butterfield 

  2. 7 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    Nor to the general tax payer of seeing them accept only a fraction of what is owed,people outside football see the game as awash with money. 

    Football is awash with debt but it’s tribal and if the tribes get upset then the leaders get eliminated which is why the leaders try to keep the tribes quiet. The leaders will tell the taxman to do a deal especially when so much money has been mis spent during covid so far by the leaders.

  3. 10 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Perhaps the only way to rebuild is by selling our best players. The club needs to survive as an entity. At this rate, it'll be a major triumph if we get a team onto the pitch for our first League One game of the 22-23 season. Selling players and reducing wage costs may be the only way to do this.

    If we end up selling the best of what we have left and I mean Lawrence Jozwiak Belick Marshall Byrne Roos then I don’t end up being overly saddened but if we sell the youngsters and I mean Buchanan knight Sibley Bird Ebosele etc (cheaply as that is all it will be) then we might as well shut down or seriously downgrade our academy as we cannot justify a cost of £6 million per year. We might as well sign out of contract journeymen on short term deals for a lot less than £6 million a year.

  4. 11 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:



    Book values are what P&S transfer profits are based off, so selling someone at a price which would result in us exceeding P&S limits usnt sensible.


    Ongoing monthly losses are around the £1.2m mark (£14.4m over 12 months). Estimate summer income (sponsorship) and P&S exclusions to get a rough idea of the season P&S position.Sell Bielik and Jozwiak for a few quid, you quickly get close to the £13m mark again.

    They'll apply when we return to the Championship 

    It gets to the point where we would just be better off having no footballers at all

  5. 7 hours ago, AGR said:

    But that’s the point. We haven’t got a prove-able case against QPR just like they haven’t got a prove-able case against us and they know that. The only reason they are getting a penny out of us is because they are stalling the takeover and putting us on the verge of liquidation. If we weren’t in admin we would fight it off easily 

    We most certainly do have a prove-able against QPR because they have been charged they have been judged and they have accepted that they massively overspent and did so knowing that they were breaking the rules at the time - do I think we should, no I don’t but neither should Middlesbrough and their owner is being vindictive, mardy and intentionally attempting to destroy what we have left in terms of playing staff potential as well as trying to stop any potential takeover from happening 

  6. On 06/12/2021 at 09:57, RoyMac5 said:

    Yes Fozzy has been awful and Baldock whilst not scoring as many as we'd hope/like does a decent job.

    I don’t think Fozzy has been awful he’s been ok in my opinion. Baldock is an interesting one as he clearly doesn’t seem fit but the last time he was actually any good was in league one, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still around next season especially if he is cheap to keep.

  7. Just now, AGR said:

    I think Rooney needs to be asking favours of his mates in the media Neville and Rio etc to get this talked about. It's disgraceful that Wycombe and Boro are hitting us with these charges knowing that we have to do some sort of deal otherwise we won't get taken over and we will be liquidated. We should boycott Boro away in Jan. This should never be forgotten.

    They are entitled to take legal action against us if they wish but it should definitely be shouted about and not hidden under a carpet so that every other club knows exactly what’s going on and maybe we should be definitely stating that we have a provable case against QPR and let other clubs have an opinion. If we still had an owner I believe things would be different.

    personally I will be boycotting Middlesbrough away as I will not put any money towards Gibsons club ( I do not blame the actual supporters) 

  8. 6 minutes ago, GenBr said:

    Yes i know they are out of contract - that is why i posted the list of players whose contracts expire in the summer.

    So you think its a better idea to just let them leave for nothing in the summer? I wouldnt accept offers that are ludicrously low, but if we get anything even remotely reasonable we should be accepting immediately. We're going to be in league 1 next season regardless of whether these players are here or not. There is no point wasting money on their wages especially if they arent going to be here anyway. May as well sell them now if we can, get some cash in from that and save a hefty amount on the wage bill as well.

    No point playing players who receive appearance money or clean sheet bonuses either then 

  9. 3 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    So let’s face it we’re going down.

    But should we manage to retain a number of our current squad, how confident would you be of a top two finish in League One?

    Ipswich, Sheffield Wed and Sunderland aren’t exactly having it their own way down there.

    The lack of creativity in our current squad needs addressing big time. 

    Regardless of what league you are in, to get promotion you need to score goals. The type of survival football which we have played this season won’t cut it.

    I must admit I’d be quite excited to see the likes of Festy and Sibley as regulars in a front-foot team where they can be released from the shackles a bit. 


    We won’t have our current squad next season, let’s see if we survive and what we are left with 

  10. 42 minutes ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

     No I agree and I can’t believe it hasn’t received more attention. It was from 18 yards out and nowhere near the corner…a good yard inside the post. For me it was poor footwork from Allsop and if he’d moved better it was a routine save 3yds from the centre of his goal.

    I missed all the build up - why was Allsop selected in goal as I genuinely think Roos is doing a decent job.

  11. 1 hour ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

    Lawrence being made captain was Rooneys biggest mistake but apart from that I’m not sure what else he can do. 

    Without a consistent goal scorer your inevitably going to lose or draw too many games. 

    I suppose he was trying to get more out of Lawrence and at the time we had no one else but at the time I would still have given it to Shinnie although Davies is the logical one now 

  12. 4 hours ago, Seth's left foot said:

    He’s done pretty well in appalling circumstances.

    A couple of points that I feel he should change though.

    Give Davies the armband. Nothing against Lawrence but Curtis is unquestionably the best leader in that dressing room.

    Put round pegs in round holes. don’t just pick your strongest XI, play your strongest team. 
    That strongest XI doesn’t include Morrison for me.

    Agree with all of that - if we had a genuine centre forward it would be interesting to see how we played 

  13. We haven’t been allowed to have a centre forward all season CKR has done ok for an old converted winger but this season looks completely spent whilst Baldock was a cheap broken option so the EFL could say they let us have someone.

    you can’t win many games if you are not allowed to have any forwards and the EFL have forced most if not all your better prospects to be out of contract and not sure where they will be in four weeks to four months time.

  14. 1 minute ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Played out of position…..

    He is played out of position to fit others in because that’s all we have which is a shame. If he will be with us next season then it’s a different conversation on where he needs to play and for me central midfield is his starting position.

  15. 1 minute ago, PistoldPete said:

    I thought clubs couldn't sue each other, as that is against EFL rules. If clubs  have a dispute they need to settle it via a panel within the EFL rules. I could be wrong.

    Clubs can sue each other which is exactly what is happening but we don’t have an owner anymore to defend ourselves we have administrators who are just trying to sell us. Middlesbrough and Wycombe are being opportunistic and my contempt for them will be ever lasting.

  16. 20 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    I wonder how many of our games have been on Sky so far this season, including for midweek games, I wouldn't be surprised if it's 7 or 8 - so over a third of games this season.

    Just wait until next season when there is a six week break in the premiership and a four week break in the championship for the world cup - sky will have us on TV none stop in league 1 during that lot.

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