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  1. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to G STAR RAM in The Administration Thread   
    I've not really seen anyone mention this yet but what the bloody hell have the administrators been doing throughout this process?
    There seems to have been 2 major issues throughout this process and they seem to have ignored both of them.
    Why on earth would you identify someone as the preferred bidder without having an agreement for the most important part of the transaction?
    From the outside they've only really done one thing at any great speed during the whole process, and that was letting the EFL bend us over.
  2. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Its going to be a fraught couple of days. Went to bed feeling sick to my stomach about this, woke up feeling same. Lets keep other's spirits up and anyone struggling speak up
  3. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to Donnyram in The Administration Thread   
    Now’s the time to ignore press reports / Twitter comments until facts emerge ??
  4. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to LeeCharlesTV in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Hi everyone,
    Blackpool fan here in peace and respect many of you will probably already have seen my video already but if you haven't I hope you do watch it.
    You guys were absolutely unbelievable on Saturday and it was emotional to see you the true fans who partied and sang no matter what after all you have been through this season it was heartbreaking and uplifting in equal measure.
    Even though we wanted to win to stay above Preston not one Blackpool fan would deny you the WIN. Absolutely amazing support it was a very special day
    I think this is the most important video that I have ever made. Blackpool fans suffered for years at the hands of disgraceful owners and the EFL stood by and did absolutely nothing! Derby County fans came to Blackpool and stood side by side with Blackpool fans durung their prematch demonstration against the disgraced Oyston Family who were found guilty of misappropriating the clubs funds and forced to pay around £34M to minority shareholder Valeri Belokon.
    Blackpool fans have never forgotten what Derby fans did and yesterday was our chance to show our support for the way Derby County fans have been treated this season. Derby came to Blackpool to party and we joined in. 
    This was a game that was bigger than football it was a statement to say Football without it's fans is nothing, the EFL fit and proper person test is a disgrace they approve these rogue owners and when they go rogue they punish the fans with points deductions the whole thing is wrong!
    My hope is that this video gets shared to as many football fans as possible, doesn't matter which club, doesn't matter where in the world, just show it and let's make the people that run football realise that FOOTBALL WITHOUT FANS IS NOTHING
    Please feel free to share this and help me get this message out and let people see what Derby County means to you the fans your football world has been torn apart this season and did any of you do anything wrong? No you support your club just like every other true fan and you get punished because of the EFL approving an owner that has ruined everything for you! It's WRONG!!
    Who knows which set of fans will suffer next?
    Link to watch:
  5. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to JoetheRam in A salutary lesson for Rams from Oldham   
    With due respect to Oldham, being a "founder member of the Premiership" (is that a thing?) don't mean owt. They're a third tier club for most of their history who just happened to secure their second promotion to the top flight in 100 years the same season the "big 5" forced the breakaway from the FL.
    Sure, they're having a tough time to be in non-league and that's somewhat below their natural level but we're not really comparable as clubs, dodgy owners aside.
  6. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to LeedsCityRam in Rooney shouldn’t be allowed to bring in the players he wants   
    There's merit in the underlying principle but the title of the thread is probably going to get some folks' back up.
    Given what he has to had to put up with this season, Rooney deserves the opportunity to bring his own players into the club in a stable environment. Lets not forget the club has been hollowed out & so there is a massive job on to rebuild the first team & under 23 squad...Rooney's connections and draw will be crucial to entice players here so we can hit the ground running in League One. This is absolutely not the time to put restrictions on him other than a budget.
    Going forward, yes it would be wise to have a Director of Football who recruits players on a manager's behalf but that appointment should only be made with Rooney's full buy in as a faciltator, not a restriction. The key point though is hiring a manager (when Rooney goes) who plays a very similar style of football to Rooney...it is the idiotic idea that you can bring in a manager with a totally different playing style that wastes money & necessitates squad rebuilds/wasted players.
  7. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to IslandExile in Rooney, staff and squad: legends   
    I should have added that the support has been truly fantastic..... Every match, the march, the campaigns. Just brilliant.
    You are all Rams ?
  8. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to IslandExile in Rooney, staff and squad: legends   
    We're on the cusp of relegation but the manager, coaching staff and every single player come out of this season with enormous credit.
    I am proud to be a Derby County supporter.
    It has been a privilege to witness the effort of all those at the club this season.
    The staff and the supporters do not deserve what we've been through - and football has to restructure itself so this does not keep happening.
    But what we've seen on the pitch - against all the odds has been staggering.
    Rooney, Ram ? 
    Rosenior, Ram ? 
    The whole squad, Rams ? 
    Those behind the scenes, Rams ? 
    Thank you to all of you. COYR ?
  9. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in POLL: How have you traditionally shown your support for Derby County?   
    While I respect your experience, I  think this season has been anything but "draining", "miserable", or "pointless" on the pitch. The pride I've felt when the lads have given absolutely everything has been huge.
    Even if we do go down, this team will be one that will stick in the memory for a long time. For me, that's the opposite of pointless.
  10. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to Rammy03 in Fresh start   
    Delete this thread. Save it for if/when it happens.
    We're not down. If we win on Saturday and Reading lose, it's back to 6 points and everyone will be saying it's on again.
    Remember we only need to be within 3 points on the final day as we have the better goal difference.
    It's not over yet.
  11. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Lee Buchanan   
    Buchanan is an excellent prospect, good in the air for his height, good one on one defender (no doubt from being  a central defender in the academy), can also get forward and really affect the game in attacking areas when he’s on form. He’s had a stop start season with injuries and think at times he’s looked low on confidence. That’s his issue not ability.
    Its his second full season, like all those who were writing Bird off last season as no good  Buchanan will show his form next season and prove people wrong….unfortunately that might not be in Derby shirt for obvious reasons.
  12. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Blackpool away   
    I’ll be there. Holding off on booking accommodation until Sky finalise their fixtures though. 
    Should be a great day out, whatever happens. And it will be my first season where I’ve done every away game: league, cup and pre-season!
  13. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to TigerTedd in I’ve enough of football.   
    The problem is the FA and other custodians of the game measure success based on how much money they’re bringing into the game. And based on that metric, they’re doing a terrific job.
    But football is a sport, not a business model. It’s about entertainment, competition, rivalry, tribalism, pride.
    When you buy a football club, or run the game, with the sole intention to make money, you’re missing the point. 
    Sport is similar to art, a painter doesn’t paint a picture to get rich, and the art lived doesn’t live it cos it’s expensive. When you commercialise art, it’s stops being art. It become a facsimile of art. A simulation.
    it’s the same with sport. When you commercialise it, it’s not sport any more, it’s not about the competition, it’s about the bank balance. 
  14. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to Ghost of Clough in Peaceful protest   
    Option D - Get in the ground early. Have a few drinks and a bite to eat. Get to your seat early and support the team.
  15. Like
    richgee1976 got a reaction from Premier ram in Eiran Cashin   
    MOM for me. Didn't put a foot wrong.
  16. COYR
    richgee1976 got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Eiran Cashin   
    MOM for me. Didn't put a foot wrong.
  17. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in The Administration Thread   
    I appreciate Gibson finally admitting that this was always about settling a score with Mel.
    Shame he tried to kill DCFC in the process, and Boro fans are carrying on like we should be worshipping the ground he walks on.
    We now simply know that this was always about two very wealthy man-children risking the future of a football club that is older than both of them combined to settle petty scores.
  18. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to Ghost of Clough in Wayne Rooney   
    When you have a manager as devoted to the cause as Rooney, it's no surprise the players are leaving their blood, sweat and tears out on the pitch
  19. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    This way the EFL have to publicly admit they have awarded MFC and the tinpot mob 'football creditor' status or at very least that they themselves insisted that they be added to the creditors list. This in turn begs the absolute killer question: how so given this has been done without any form of consultation or arbitration, effectively deeming Derby guilty without trial or oversight? Why would this be significant? Because this exposes their earlier public statements claiming to have had zero input as yet more bare-faced lies and also clearly illustrates the EFL's dictatorial nature and blatant disregard for fair, transparent and even-handed adjudication.
    There is and always has been a strategy behind Quantuma's PR and that has simply been to give the EFL enough rope to hang themselves. The EFL initially saw Quantuma's silence as weakness and in tandem with the other two mobs piled on, thinking they were winning the war. As it is, they've been hopelessly outthought and outgunned. They will now try to position their change of heart as being down to concessions made by the admins, or a softening in their own stance, whereas it is in fact, nothing less than an ignominious climbdown. The EFL's arrogance led them to overplay their hand and they've now been served up their proverbials on a very cold plate. 
    I said a few weeks ago that the most 'ironic aspect of this whole shabby tale' was that we could now be witnessing the end of the EFL 'at least in its current guise'. This is so much better than that.
  20. Clap
  21. Haha
    richgee1976 reacted to AndyinLiverpool in The Administration Thread   
    Your post is a shameless attempt to boost the count.
    And so's this one.
  22. Like
    richgee1976 reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Administration Thread   
    How great is it that he still goes out and buys Derby shirts.
  23. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to Derbados in The Administration Thread   
    If Mike comes in and saves my football club, enabling my son and his children and their children to carry on the tradition of following this famous old club, then I’ll happily chant his name, get behind him and be forever grateful to him, regardless of who thinks what about him. 
    Bring it on big Mike 
  24. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to I am Ram in The Administration Thread   
    We simply can't be against somebody, who is willing to save our club. DCFC's future is Paramount.
  25. Clap
    richgee1976 reacted to MK-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    One thing is for certain - under Mike Ashley, Derby County will survive as a football club.  It might not be pretty, it might not be a successful period in our history but, make no doubt about it, we would survive and, frankly, that is enough for me after the last two years.
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