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    Rampage reacted to Woodypecker in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    Been listening to Nottingham Hospitals Radio commentary!
    Rams doing well, some good Rams youngsters getting praise from the Notts radio staff.
    Adversity sometimes reveals new stars in the making....
    [crosses fingers]
  2. Like
    Rampage reacted to Curtains in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    Cashin our new Colin Todd 
  3. Like
    Rampage reacted to Curtains in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    He’s scored a lot for Notts but credit Ebosele for blocking the 2nd chance 
  4. Haha
  5. Clap
    Rampage reacted to Day in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    As you must have seen, there is some anger towards to the EFL, but the more vocal anger is aimed at Mel and Pearce.
    Now if you go right back to the start, why did we spend so much money it was to compete with the teams at the top that were receiving the anti competitive parachute payments. 
    Where did our relationship with the EFL go wrong? Mel trying to get them to understand the value of their product when negotiating with Sky for the TV deals. Something which would have helped all EFL clubs.
    I’m not saying no mistakes have been made, it’s not all the EFL’s fault but all intentions were made with improving the  EFL and ambition to be in the Premier League.
    The reason I’m not jumping on the hate the club bandwagon is simple, I was happy at the time, thought it was great fighting for promotion, loved having Lampard here, Mount, Wilson, Tomori and for me, aside from the Jim Smith era this has been the best longest periods where I’ve loved watching us play.  
    Hindsight, yeah let’s not sign Butterfield, Johnson, Anya etc. Let’s not employ Nigel Pearson and Paul Clement but here we are, no time for tears, we need to dust ourselves down and rebuild to go again. 
    It will happen, not overnight but it will happen.
  6. Clap
    Rampage reacted to Day in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    I don’t see how the EFL can let us start the season without letting us registering anymore players. 
    The profit and sustainability rules are there to protect clubs, but right now the EFL is actively working to make us not have a competitive team.
    That’s not right. We have an embargo for not paying HMRC, to me this has nothing to do with the EFL, HMRC will take us to court when we’ve failed to meet enough deadlines. 
    I can understand an embargo for failing to pay transfer instalments as this is a transaction between it’s member clubs, makes total sense but not HMRC.
    Other clubs will be looking on and be concerned, I’m sure of it, they will be thinking this could be us next having to deal with the EFL making the rules up as they go along.
    Say what you like about our wrongdoings, but that does not mean that the EFL doesn’t need a overhaul from top to bottom.
  7. Like
    Rampage reacted to CBRammette in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    As a follow on to this and Carl Sagan's question about plans if you cannot sell and also another question about our reputation just now - would you consider showing progressive leadership in the EFL by implementing now some or all of the initiatives in favour of fans mentioned in Tracey Crouch's first report back following the ESL debacle?  This is especially based on the disconnect felt by many Derby fans right now
  8. Haha
    Rampage got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Starting line up for the first game of the season.   
    Wayne's Trialist Army.
  9. Clap
    Rampage got a reaction from jono in Derby County versus Real Betis, 28 July, Pre-Season Friendly   
    Only Clarke and perhaps Edmondson who we never really had are losses to me. Could do nothing about signing them so no fault there. Otherwise we have enough players at the club including 5 out of 9 triallists to be a mid table side 
  10. Clap
    Rampage got a reaction from DesertRam in Derby County versus Real Betis, 28 July, Pre-Season Friendly   
    Only Clarke and perhaps Edmondson who we never really had are losses to me. Could do nothing about signing them so no fault there. Otherwise we have enough players at the club including 5 out of 9 triallists to be a mid table side 
  11. Like
    Rampage reacted to Boycie in Bring on the champership   
    I watched on ramstv too, and I think we will be mid table, that will disappoint the EFL!!
  12. Like
    Rampage reacted to OUTSIDER in We’re going to win the league!   
    thats the spirit, i just booked flight over via manchester, for hudds home,,,
    rooney at the helm and lawrence is our leader wtf could go wrong... COYR

  13. Like
    Rampage reacted to kevinhectoring in We’re going to win the league!   
    Add Beilik to what we saw tonight and this team has a top 6 finish in it 
  14. Clap
    Rampage reacted to Mr. P in Derby County versus Real Betis, 28 July, Pre-Season Friendly   
    Checking out the free agents we've helped to get match fit? 
  15. Like
    Rampage reacted to Anag Ram in Derby County versus Real Betis, 28 July, Pre-Season Friendly   
    Now you see I thought Byrne struggled tonight defensively. 
    They seemed to be able to get on his inside quite easily. 
    Unusual for him as he's a good player. 
  16. Clap
    Rampage reacted to i-Ram in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    Upon completing the sale of the club, will it once again have a stadium that it owns?
  17. Clap
    Rampage reacted to Day in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    I would like to submit this non football related question, but one that I feel on a human level should be asked.
    Mel, how are you and how is your health?
  18. Clap
    Rampage reacted to VulcanRam in Derby County versus Real Betis, 28 July, Pre-Season Friendly   
    It was great fun against a team who were technically very good but played at half pace. Notts County I'd imagine will give us a stiffer test, as did Salford.
    Roos pulled of two excellent saves, and there were some good performances outfield, notable Shinnie, who it's fair to say didn't enamour himself to the Spanish with his style of play, and Byrne. No surprise those two were our best two players last season.
    Of those without a contract, Jagielka and Carroll performed well. Aluko, Morrison and Baldock I'm afraid did not impress. 
    Sibley, Williams and Watson looked bright when they came on, and CKR changed the impetus of the game when he came on by giving us a focal point up front. 
    Decent atmosphere in the second half as well - doubt the East Stand has had so much singing in it since it was built! Overall, great to be back, more positive than the doom and gloom on here and on social. For tonight, at least. 
  19. Clap
    Rampage reacted to NottsRam77 in Derby County versus Real Betis, 28 July, Pre-Season Friendly   
    Unpopular opinion but I think he will be a better player than sibley 
    Both have ability… just like the look of Watson more .. has a touch of  real class 
  20. Clap
    Rampage reacted to Ravabeerbelly in Derby County versus Real Betis, 28 July, Pre-Season Friendly   
    All I got from that was :-
    Salford was a sterner test with their pressing and front foot defending limiting time and space on the ball as opposed to Betis low intensity low energy approach of a team who looked like they were only interested if they had the ball. There was so much time and space in possession it was like a training game at times.
    Jagielka needs to be signed.
    Sibley, Watson, Hutchinson have all looked to offer more as inside forward than Aluko has. I dont see what he brings to it.
    Forsyth was excellent.
    As was Shinnie.
    Bird is better and will be worth more than Carroll. I don’t see the benefits of Carroll over Bird in essentially the same role.
    Roos was MoM
    Not sure Baldock is the answer even as cover as CKR will clearly be the main striker.
    Rooney has made a rod for his own back making Lawrence skipper as he has to play him….will he justify that?
    Morrison has had less impact with each appearance….
    I think we are yet to score a goal with any of Morrison, Lawrence or Aluko on the pitch.
     A win is a win and always raises morale 
  21. Haha
    Rampage got a reaction from Patrick Rams in What to do about Rooney?   
    I used to have a Human Cannon Ball business but I had to close it as I could no longer get people of the right calibre.
  22. Haha
    Rampage got a reaction from Ramarena in What to do about Rooney?   
    I used to have a Human Cannon Ball business but I had to close it as I could no longer get people of the right calibre.
  23. Haha
    Rampage got a reaction from Comrade 86 in What to do about Rooney?   
    I used to have a Human Cannon Ball business but I had to close it as I could no longer get people of the right calibre.
  24. Like
    Rampage got a reaction from Coneheadjohn in What to do about Rooney?   
    Pulse engine.
  25. Haha
    Rampage got a reaction from Rev in What to do about Rooney?   
    I used to have a Human Cannon Ball business but I had to close it as I could no longer get people of the right calibre.
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