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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. 5 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Well the noisy minority have their way it seems. Can't say I'm looking forward to us playing like Rovrum, promotion or no promotion, but the doombots assure us that this is the way forward and Liam had to go. Let's see how it plays out. A side note perhaps, but it would have been classier had we allowed Liam to announce he was stepping down. Think we owed him that much, at least. Likewise, have to say that coming off one of our better performances and currently sitting just outside the play-off slots, this does seem an odd decision and an even stranger choice of replacement. Appeasement, knee-jerk, or calculated brilliance? We shall see.

    An even classier thing to do would’ve been to hire an adviser (Redknapp, Mac etc) if he needed help and shown some loyalty back. Warnock gets laughed at being mentioned for manager but in a more senior advising role he’d of been perfect. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, TaahnRam said:

    Absolutely agree. Complete change in any style that the players are getting used to. Felt this may be an era of more stability given everything that's happened over recent years.

    Roseniors been quick to mention top two and promotion in several interviews, even if he was given that as an objective, surely it's too early to decide that it's unachievable. Pretty sure he wouldn't have seen this coming judging from his reaction after Saturday.

    The Derby County Way

    Just as we were keeping quiet and out of media attention BOOM ammo for the football world to start hating on us again, not saying we should just settle for a year of not pushing for promotion but we need to get some sort of stability, keep spending low and not fall back into what we've been doing for years.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Rich3478 said:

    Not convinced by 352, we don’t really have any wing backs at the club.

    I think it works with wingers like today, one of your midfielders sits so you’ve still got 4 at the back when defending. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, rammieib said:

    3-5-2 looked awful for the first half IMO. lol sided with Roberts and TB as the wing backs.

    Dids on his own up front didn’t work for me either. He’s not a lone CF.

    Second half I thought Chester needed to pull out wide more when we had the ball as it was a little stale with Davies holding onto it a lot.


    He didn’t really switch to it until he brought NML on we were playing 4 at the back when Roberts was on, which I agree with Chester at RB it looked disjointed and caused the Davies Chester mix up for their goal. 

  5. So much better! If we go at teams like that from the off and have players in the right positions to get on the end of things, we will beat the majority of teams in this league.

    We've set up way too defensively so far this season and almost invited pressure on ourselves with the tippy tappy football. Let NML and whoever is on the other wing run riot, 2 up top and an overloaded midfield we will score more goals 100%. Then 3 solid CB's doing what they should be doing defending!

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