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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. Just now, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    Who could we realistically bring in as manager?

    Let's not forget that Rosenior isn't our manager. He's interim.

    Which by definition means he's doing the job until we find someone else.


    Tuchel get him in before its too late

  2. 7 minutes ago, Heisenberg said:

    His reluctance to move away from what clearly isn’t and hasn’t worked all season will be his undoing.

    I said this in a thread very early on, when he was asked about changing things up in an interview he almost laughed it off, I like the guy so I hope this is a wake up, some will say he should’ve already had it. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Sparkle said:

    That excuse doesn’t wash anymore though does it. The personnel we have selected are hampering the way we can play 

    I do partly agree about the midfield being disjointed but I think they’re expecting to walk all over teams with doing very little running. We’re everyone’s cup final in this league and we’re being massively outworked. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    Bang on. NML & Sibley on the right just had 4 players around them. Where were our runners off the ball? Would have taken 4 of their players out with a quick switch.

    Only so long we can use the excuse we’re a few weeks behind on fitness they should be doing more for each other.

  5. 8 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    So with the transfer window closed until January, and barring any free transfer that could still be added, this is the first team squad we’ve got;

    GK - Wildsmith, Loach, Anang

    LB - Roberts, Forsyth

    CB - Davies, Stearman, (Forsyth)

    CB - Cashin, Chester, (Rooney)

    RB - Knight, Oduroh

    CM - Bird, Thommo, Hourihane, Smith (Rooney, Robinson, Knight)

    CAM - Sibley, McGoldrick (Dobbin, Knight)

    WF - Mendez-Laing, Barkhuizen, Dobbin (Sibley, Knight)

    CF - Collins, McGoldrick, Osula (Cybulski)

    Players in brackets are those I see as “alternatives” if we’re struck by injury etc and does show there’s a little bit of depth and flexibility within the squad plus some more academy options could be called upon if needed. 
    Considering where we were a few weeks back it’s a very solid squad in my opinion. Now I can’t wait to see it gel further and continue delivering results on the pitch ? 

    We've done very well considering where we was pre season, hats off to the management and recruitment team, promotion Rams ?

  6. 8 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Definitely not.

    He was a liability at CB and offered nothing going forward at RB.

    Can you honestly see him overlapping Mendez-Laing on the wing, or dribbling to the edge of the box and firing a shot in on goal, or tucking in next to Bird as an auxiliary playmaker?

    I cant see him replacing Knight, you'd have to change the system for him to not push on as much but i still think he's a solid back up at this level, i dont know who else is out there to be honest.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Rich84 said:

    That's the thing with Knight at RB, he's not let us down defensively and he offers a lot more than any normal RB when we have the ball, which we have and will continue to do so in this league.

    Effectively it allows us to have another attacking option on the pitch,  Sibley or McGoldrick in the number 10 role

    Someone said rightly earlier its like we have a 12th man, Knight is a cheat code at RB!

  8. Just now, Derbados said:

    I think he offers more as a midfield outlet than a RB, not withstanding that he’s done bloody well in that position so far. Oduroh looks Miles off it so far so if Knight gets injured what’s our back up? 

    Would have been good to sign a more experienced, dedicated right back for the reasons above. 

    Totally admit I’m just being pedantic and ungrateful at this point, the club have performed a minor miracle to bring in who we have considering where we were not 6 months ago. 

    If Wisdom has kept himself fit id give him a short term contract as cover then that gives the option to move Knight about or if he has made it his spot we have solid back up. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Derbados said:

    We needed a RB, Jason Knight is not the solution for the season and Oduroh isn’t ready. 

    May come back to bite us this one, unless we sign a free agent after the window 

    Name a better RB available on our budget than Knights proven to be so far? We'd miss him more as a RB on current form than we do as a midfielder we have plenty of cover in that area.

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