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Posts posted by MACKWORTHRAM

  1. 1 hour ago, TomBustler1884 said:

    I wish folk would stop whining about who goes to the Supporters Charter Group.

    It is impossible for the club to have an open forum with the entire fanbase. Therefore they approach groups that can represent as many fans as possible. That is why the likes of the Supporters Club, this forum, Punjabi Rams, RamsTrust are invited. It is up to those organisations which individuals go to represent them.

    To give transparency, the 1884 Group was invited in the past, and between us we attended. We aren't invited anymore as we aren't active anymore, makes perfect sense.

    It's not always a friendly, happy meeting, it can sometimes be awkward and a little tense. The idea that people who go are too intimidated or self interested to ask anything is, quite frankly, insulting and pathetic.

    I hope the club aren't asking attendees to sign an NDA on the whole meeting, otherwise its pointless. However, if they are prepared to share details that are under NDA but can still allow attendees to give confiden e to their members, fair enough.

    Why is it impossible?

    Its not impossible for Mel to sit down with RamsTV, Radio Derby and be asked questions that supporters what answers for.

    Or for the meeting with supporters tonight to be filmed and put on RamsTV for us all to watch. 

    We've done it many times. I remember the one at the cinema, there's been one at Pride Park. 

    There's literally no excuse for us not to be able, to at the very least, watch the forum on RamsTV.

    To pick and choose who goes and not at least give access to all the fans to watch either live or after the meeting is over is disgusting.

    Plus it does seem that groups like the Punjabi Rams have been asked to sign NDAs.


  2. 49 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    He said he didn't expect anything Tuesday, maybe a few on Wednesday but Thursday should be busy if Rooney & Derby have their way.

    Sounds like were still trying to agree the possible number of additions with the EFL to me.

    I've just listened to it back. He said talks with the EFL have reached a point where Derby can sign the players they want.

    It might be that we only sign 3 or 4. Nothing to do with the EFL more our own finances.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    I think going 1-0 down can happen to any team but doesn’t mean the game is lost .

    The fans need to be patient this season. 

    No I agree.

    I mean tbf last season going 1-0 down meant we had to score 2 which was highly unlikely.

    I just mean that the fans are going to support the team but if we get off to a bad start and I just think things could turn. I hope I'm wrong and people wait till after.


  4. 25 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Protest before the game sounds like a bad idea and is not really going to help the team. 

    Reaction after the game will obviously be highly dependent on the result and performance. Even a plucky/unlucky/promising performance 1:0 defeat won’t result in a toxic atmosphere. A humiliating defeat with no realistic attempts on target would be a different matter altogether. 

    Yes in hindsight maybe before is not a good idea.

    However I do think that going 1-0 down and things could get ugly quickly.

    I don't want them to at all. Nobody does. But I can't blame anyone after the last 18 months who wants to make their feelings known.


  5. 35 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

    On Saturday, whatever team we put out needs 100% support. If some fans feel the need to criticise the owner / board i hope it's after the final whistle. To do do during the match will be doing no favours for our young players.

    I agree with this 100%. 

    Before the game, after the game. Make our voices heard.

    But for 90 minutes the players need us.

    I do fear though that us going 1-0 down would turn pride park very toxic very quickly 

  6. 13 minutes ago, DCFC1976 said:

    We’ve had no income for over a year, no other owner has had no matchday, season ticket and sponsors income to deal with which has compounded the errors made previously. Mel has made mistakes but I don’t see the point in lambasting the bloke until we know the full story and what the outcome is. He has always said he would only sell to someone who can take the club forward so you have to hold him to his word. One thing I would criticise him for is for not submitting the accounts ASAP which is no doubt holding up the takeover as the prospective owners would want to know of any points deduction.

    No club has had any income for over a year.

    But they all have a squad they can put out. 

    We have no centre halves and one striker.

  7. If we can only sign 3 or 4 then we might as well just give up now.

    Shambles of a club.

    Mel Morris took over a club on the brink of the premier League and turned them into a shoe in for relegation to League One. With that little money we can't sign more than 3 free transfers.

    I'll never forgive that bloke for what he's done to this football club.

    And I hope the fans going on Saturday let him know exactly what they think of him.

  8. 19 minutes ago, chewbacca said:

    Later on during the coversation with his guest he said that Rooney would like to sign all of the trialists but that is unlikely to happen, it's most likely to be 3 or 4 due to Derby's own financial issues, regardless of EFL.

    Christ. So we're that hard up we can't even sign more than 4 players on a free.

  9. I've listened to it.

    I stopped after about 15 minutes so admittedly may have missed it.

    All I heard was Chris Coles say that tomorrow is unlikely, maybe Wednesday. But more than likely Thursday will be a day.

    And he said it will be a very busy day if Derby have their way.

    Didn't hear him say it would more than likely be 3 or 4 though?

  10. 4 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    And who else are we going to start against Huddersfield?

    Well obviously if there's no other centre halves at the club then he will have to start. Not the best way for a youngster to be thrown in.

    But Rooney seemed very confident that we would have signings this week. 

  11. 22 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Well my point was Mengi isn't much more experienced than Championship level than Cashin, but I bet Utd would expect him to start. Not the same player and potential perhaps but same situation maybe. FWIW I'd prefer two experienced CBs, but it also depends on who else we could sign. We are desperate for a goal scorer.

    I agree mate. 

    I think another striker is an absolute must. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    You don't think Mengi is an option then?

    An option to have in the squad? Yes. Starting every week. No.

    I didn't see enough from him last season that is making me excited about getting him back.

    Not at the minute.

    I just think we need to try and get off to a solid start. We haven't got much in the way of attacking talent.

    I mean we have exactly the same attacking players as last season, minus Waghorn.

    And last season our attacking threat was an embarrassment.

    So clean sheets are going to be vital.

    I'm not saying I wouldn't blood Cashin if possible. But not to start with. I'd be going with experience if possible.

    Just my opinion.

  13. I don't understand why after playing one friendly against a non-league team are some of our fans wanting to see Cashin start?

    I'm all for blooding youngsters and if imagine he will get his chances this season.

    But it has to be the right time. It's a massive massive difference from playing against non-league opposition in a friendly to starting week in week out in the championship.

    More than ever next season we are going to need experience. It's going to be a long hard season and I don't think starting an U23 centre back with no experience is the best idea at the moment.


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