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Posts posted by Rev

  1. On 04/07/2023 at 22:40, Grumpy Git said:

    So the money has gone, but surely there has to be the details of where it went to recorded?

    I'm curious as to how the electronic 'paper trail' is of no benefit. The initial receiving account has to belong to the crooks, or am I being niave?

    I've no idea. 

    Their first action was to make two small payments into legitimate accounts, which has seen those accounts locked.  

    Then set up 3 new payees, and empty the firms account into those accounts. I'd guess they immediately move the money out before those accounts are locked.

  2. 1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Girl in accounts gets an email off "the boss" (Boss' Email changed to such miniscule levels, girl in accounts doesn't notice!)

    "Hi Sally,
    Need to pay a new supplier.  I've ordered some blah, blah, blah at a good rate, and I need it urgently, so we have to pay Pro-Forma until we set up an account with them.
    Bank details are blah, blah, blah.... £5k plus vat.
    They'll be sending the Pro Forma invoice later.
    Can you do it straight away, as I need them to dispatch it before end of play today.

    Mr Boss."

    Now, this is a friendly company, ran slightly informally, and the trusting Sally has absolutely no reason to double check directly with the boss that this is genuine.
    The figures stated are by no means out of the ordinary, and also fall within any banking daily payment limits that may apply.
    Akin to that, the boss is often out of the office, sometimes for a few hours, sometimes not seen for a day or so.

    The plot thickens...

    A few hours later (Behind the scenes, the scammers now see that the £5k plus vat has been paid into the aforementioned bank account...

    "Hi Sally,
    Sorry to mess you about.
    Just ordered some more stuff from that same company.
    Can you pay them another £25k plus vat before you go home.
    They are emailing me the invoice shortly.  And the Credit Account Application form, so we can set up an account with them.
    I'll forward it all on to you when I get it, if I get chance.  I'll be in in the morning anyway, so will tidy things up then.

    Mr Boss"


    The above is based on a true account from a business acquaintance  (I don't recall the finer details, but it's near enough for this exercise!).  This happened about a year or so ago. 
    If I recall correctly, the bank eventually agreed to pay some back, following an investigation, and once it was found to be a scam, but of course, it ain't really their responsibility, so my acquaintance was rather relieved that he (his company) only lost c. £10k in the end, and not the full £30k (plus vat!) 😲


    Am I close, @Rev🤷‍♂️

    Not that sophisticated, unfortunately. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, Grumpy Git said:

    Rev, assuming its possible without comprising any identities/confidentially, would you please care to share how this scam 'worked'?

    I'm hearing this second hand, rather than from the horses mouth, so it's probably full of holes.

    Being vague, a phone call to the office on Monday morning.

    Hi, we're calling from your bank, and we suspect a fraudulent transaction has taken place amongst a batch of  payments you made last Friday.


    The caller then dropped the name of a occasional supplier of ours, a firm who are by no means a household name, and not one easily guessed at like utilities, broadband etc.

    This detail was enough to lower the defences, apparently, and the employee proceeded to log onto the website address provided by the caller. 

    Once the page had loaded up, seemingly the normal online banking page, they logged in as normal and followed instructions. 

    The screen went blank several times, and eventually the employee heard something in the background of the phone call, which was still ongoing, that alerted them all may not be what it seemed, and immediately hung up.

    The next bit is bizarre, the phone immediately rang, and a different person answered. 

    The caller asked them to tell their colleague it was too late, they'd already took all the money, and told them to suck their dick!

    Seems an oddly personal response to a stranger you'd already ripped off, and removed any doubt over what had actually happened.

  4. 10 hours ago, Brammie Steve said:

    Sorry to hear that!

    Hope the company recover without having to lay any staff.

    These scammers don’t think of the ripple effect of their so called ‘victimless crimes’ nor do they care!

    Thankfully, there's enough of a business to survive the hit without lay offs, but there's a lot of similar sized companies who couldn't survive such an event. 

    Hopefully, we'll get the money back after the investigation is completed.

  5. 52 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:


    Joined Portsmouth, which was the main suggestion on Twitter a couple of days ago. Probably just our name thrown into the article for the sake of it. 

    Any agent worth his salt at this level will make sure our name is in the mix.

    Same goes for the other players linked to us, but signing further down the pyramid. 

    It's why I'm not concerned we've missed out on supposed targets so far, if we really wanted those players they'd be here.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Srg said:

    If you’re in Vienna, you should take a trip to Bratislava. Another city and country to check off. Two closest capital cities in Europe, and a really nice old town on the Danube. Circa 45-60min and €20 on the train.

    I wasn’t enamoured with Budapest, I have to say. Wasn’t what I was expecting at all for some reason. 

    Berlin is brilliant. So much to see and a lot of museums etc can be free too. 


    They looked at stopping in Bratislava, as its on the way to Budapest from Poland, but it would've used up an extra day on the pass, and they're on the sleeper train.

    I'll let them know it's only 1hr on the train from Vienna, and pretty cheap too.

  7. Hi all, 

    Rev Jr and a mate are setting off on a European journey next Thursday, starting in Krakow. 

    They've already booked a visit to Auschwicz and the salt mine while in Poland, but have no firm plans for any of the other city's, apart from an Idles gig in Vienna.

    The planned iternary following on from there is Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam, spending 2/3 nights in each, before ending with a few days in Paris.

    Any ideas of the must sees, don't bother seeing, and any other tips for those cities, or possible diversions along the way would be most welcome.

    We're a well travelled bunch on here, so any genuine advice would be appreciated. 

  8. 39 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

    Wish we could go back to the McClaren days where all you had to worry about was DerbyBrexitLoyal or whatever he was called 

    DerbyEnglandLoyal, DEL for short. 

    I liked him, you could subtlety probe away without him taking offence, although I believe he went somewhat off piste towards the end.

  9. 42 minutes ago, SKRam said:

    Towns and villages struggling to hold on to their local population who are being forced to move due to lack of affordable property, lying empty for most of the year…... Hmmm not sure about this one either. I’m in agreement with you unless I hear otherwise 

    I should add, I didn't personally have a problem with a bookmaker sponsoring our shirts.

  10. 45 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    I think this generation's equivalent of Elton John, Bowie and the rest is Elton John, Bowie and the rest.

    The ones you mention above are mainly pop music, and are maybe more this generation's equivalent of Take That, Madonna, Bananarama etc.

    Glastonbury has changed from a dis-orgainsed, fairly niche festival up into the 90s into this huge mainstream thing covering all sorts of music, with blanket coverage on the bbc. Take That, Bananarama etc would have probably headlined if it had been like this back in the day.

    Also, seeing how my kids "consume" music these days is so different to when I was a kid. I had to save up to buy an album, after hearing some songs by an artist I liked. I would have been influenced by what was "cool" at the moment, which is why I went to see the likes of Kulashaker at the Phoniex Festival in 96 rather than Bowie and Neil Young!

    My kids are both on the family spotify account and can access anything they want for (in their eyes) free. As well as me getting them into songs, they also get into stuff through tv shows, fortnite, youtube clips. I really don't think they pay any attention to what might be contempary or not.

    As they get older, I hope they'll start to get more into new music and then go and see bands. Most the music they listen to now is by dead people or from bands that are split up. I was the opposite when I was a kid, probably as there wasn't much easy access to loads of old songs.

    I'm not saying one way is better than the other, just very different.

    No such thing as new music, or old music. 

    There's music you've heard, and music you haven't.

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