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Posts posted by Rev

  1. 1 hour ago, Jubbs said:

    Anyone who likes hip-hop needs to check out Loyle Carner's set yesterday. 

    Incredible performance, powerful messages throughout. Live band behind him really upped the set too. 

    Been a fan for years, he's so clever and thought provoking, a poet for modern times.

  2. 38 minutes ago, ram59 said:

    How much of our license fee is being spent on it, whilst the BBC are cutting back on local services?

    About 10% of the money the BBC used to spend on music programming back in the TOTP's days. 

    For that much reduced spend, as a proportion of income, they get many, many times the hours of music coverage across a year than they used to. 

    Great value for money from the BBC.

  3. 2 minutes ago, David said:


    True. Just think as a fan, might have felt differently having gone through the summer, I for one never expected play offs, thought we would do well to be mid table.

    Weird summer, wasn't it? 

    No club looked at one stage the likeliest outcome, then we're saved, DC does his walking interview, and the next thing is a steady stream of incoming high quality, but older than usual players, and hope was restored.

    I still thought mid table would be a perfectly acceptable result, and even when Warne took over unexpectedly, I saw no reason to change opinion.

    As the season progressed though, it became clearer, to me at least, just how incredibly poor the opposition at League One level truly is, shocking below the top 6, and we couldn't even finish in that.

    Now Warne gets to build his side, not make do with someone else's recruitment, and the difference in recruitment is stark. 

    I've no idea if any of these incomings are decent players or not, but that's OK by me.

    Warne has employed them, I trust he knows what's needed, and I'm pretty confident he'll be successful come the end of the season. 

    Which will be a top 2 finish.

  4. 13 minutes ago, David said:

    Bloody Nora. Good luck Paul 😂

    I'm with Roy on this one.

    Warne himself said anything less than play offs would be a failure, and so it transpired. 

    This season, with a full pre season to shape the squad as he wants, and some restrictions eased, the ambition surely has to be lifted to automatic promotion?

  5. 39 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    ... and spray some of this in yer eyes, thrice a day for two weeks...



    Devil's potion that.

    You hear the buzz, it fooks off behind the crap that populates every kitchen window, not letting you or the tea towel get in a striking position.

    A fleeting glimpse at your new mortal enemy, distorted between the pasta containers, washing up caddy, radio that hasn’t seen a signal since DAB, and the long expired medicine you keep just in case that maggot bores a way through your cheekbone again.

    You're sure it's a big fly, or a rampant wasp just waiting to stick you with his unbreakable stinger. 

    All of a sudden, a hush descends, a brief pause in the battle between man and beast. 

    He's biding his time, safe behind the fettuccine and spaghetti threads. 

    You twirl the can of Raid around in the hand, like a gunfighter at the OK Corral. You glimpse the operating instructions, imploring you to spray the centre of the room, and let it do its job.

    No chance, you decide, I've seen what it does when targeted effectively, no chance I'm risking overspray onto tomorrow's Sandwich prep area.

    This Barsteward is getting it, targeted, I'll deal with the window residue afterwards.

    He makes his move, upto the top window, which, in a triumph of hope vs experience, you've opened to allow a dignified retreat, how hard is it to fly through an open window ffs.

    He hits the bloody handle, as always, and drops down into the target zone, you're now locked and loaded, and fire away, direct hit, bogey down.

    The death buzz starts almost immediately, but is drowned out by the congratulations of mission control, who has positioned themselves as far away in the kitchen/diner as possible. 

    The buzzing gets more insistent, and now I realise that the distress must be ended ASAP. 

     I'm not a monster revelling in victory, just a reluctant participant in a fight I didn't pick.

    I pick up the half full bottle of hand sanitiser, a legacy of a different recent battle, and gingerly move the obstacles aside to deliver the fatal, merciful blow.

    It's not a fly, and it's not a wasp.

    It's a honeybee, possibly a queen, and I've gone from family saviour to planet killer in one press of the evil Raid can of death.

    Use Raid responsibly, folks. 


  6. 3 hours ago, David said:

    I’m back!

    Just getting ready for work, got out the shower, went to admire myself in the mirror saw I do and whaaaaat is that! 

    Not been punched, clobbered, walloped by a fist, door, knee, dog, nothing at all.

    Weird thing is I can now feel it, like it’s raised and itchy, it’s not raised so probably  in my head, but what’s going on here then?



    Ophthalmomyiasis, I fear. 

    Somehow, a fly has entered via the eye socket, laid its eggs, and now the hatching maggots are feasting on the fleshy environment they've been born to.

    Probably best to wear sunglasses, for a few weeks.

  7. 1 hour ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Just jumped on to get an idea of the content of Paul Warnes interview.

    Just checking out after being hit with the reality that the temptation still can't be missed by the usual suspects to railroad this topic (and others) into another forum to air their gripes about Warne as a manager.

    Quite sad that's it that predictable.

    You could have taken 15 minutes to watch the interview on the OS, and got the full flavour of the interview direct from the horses mouth.

    Instead, you've spent I would guess a similar amount of time, if not more, trying to decipher his message from the responses on here, and are complaining that people who actually have taken the time to watch the interview have an opinion which doesn't coincide with your own.



  8. On 11/06/2023 at 09:55, i-Ram said:

    @ronnieronaldo - thick skin. Entertaining.

    @Paul - not so thick skin. Enjoyed many of his posts, but he didn’t like to be challenged it seemed at times. Hope he is well as I recall he had some health issues.am - left, fed up with someone, or something, as I recall. I enjoyed his pithy interjections.

    Easthearts became @Pearl Ram, I believe.

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