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Posts posted by RodleyRam

  1. 2 hours ago, scout's dad said:

    Probably still awaiting a resolution about stadium ownership ?

    In fairness, a resolution will be imminent / coming shortly / sorted in the next 48 hours / already done but we forgot to update Twitter

  2. I'm looking forward to next season. I don't think anyone is getting ahead of themselves, it'll be heavy going with every team wanting to get one over on us. I'm more looking forward to resetting the club and rebuilding. If it takes us a few years to get out of the league, so be it. As long as a) there's a club b) we set a culture across the whole club akin to this season c) we get back to focusing on the football.

    I think (hope) it'll be a fun ride.

  3. 7 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    I'd say we have more chance of winning the Premiership than the Premier League in that case ?

    If Tony Mowbray replaces Wayne, then it increases a notch further

  4. - Grandad’s Teams - Spurs & Arsenal

    - Dad’s Team - Derby

    - Mum’s Team - Tim Henman

    - Everyone at your school's Team - Man Utd or Liverpool (in fairness I am from the North West)

    - Your local Team now - Oxford Utd

    - Your kids Team(s) - Derby (she doesn't know it yet though)

  5. Don't disagree that the personalities needed to be brought in line and team unified but Pearson was never going to do it without being a bellpiece and losing the respect of the players and supporters in the process. In principle, I agree with the sentiment to back your manager but if you're going to take such drastic action so quickly you'd better make sure you get the results to back it up. 

    Should never have been recruited, thoroughly unpleasant sort of man IMO.

    The whole thing shows how scatter gun Mel's ownership was. Madness.

  6. The more I hear from Rooney, the more I'm encouraged that he should be trusted with the responsibility for recruitment and given a budget.

    I doubt this will be that popular an opinion but I see similarities between him and Nigel Clough (yes I was a fan). A real passion for the club, a desire to build a football club (as opposed to just a team) and a clear idea of the kind of character he wants in his players. This is what we need, it's a unique opportunity to take all the positives from this season and build in that image.

    I think Rooney has good (much better) people around him and more of a positive approach to the game. He's earned the right to build the club he wants in my opinion.

    And he'd never take a Director of Football nor does he need one.

  7. People have said it already.

    The key is getting the takeover, the terms and the rebuilding priorities right. Ideally without the 15 point penalty.

    Keep Rooney and Rosenior, maybe enlist an old head who has been around the lower leagues as a calm, sounding board. 

    Retain as many of the current squad and youngsters as possible. I would keep Bielik, Bird, Knight if possible. The only 'senior' player I would lose is Lawrence, to make as much money as possible to reinvest in attacking options.

    Any new players coming in have to 'fit' with the culture. We want people who will work hard, commit fully to the club and want to succeed. 

    It's a mammoth undertaking and we don't know quite what circumstances we'll be faced with but I hope Rooney will hold out for terms that give us a fighting chance of bouncing back first time, it's not a league you want to get stuck in if you can help it.

    Looking forward to getting behind the club!

  8. I don't think I have ever bought any food or drink at the ground in 30 years. It's overly priced, poor quality commercial food and drink. If there was a fan zone with Street Food and a range of beverage options, I would have. Agree with the comments about match day experience for families too, it's poor. 

    Other sports do a much better job of giving people a reason to come early and stay later. I think the club needs to move away from the concept of making money from the fans to giving fans a fun day out. People will spend money if they're happy and having fun and be more inclined to tell their friends and come back.

    All the suggestions would also help to build the atmosphere for when the match starts too. Get people in, build the buzz and when people filter into their seats, keep it simple and focus the energy on cheering on the team.

    There's so much opportunity when you start to think about it.

  9. 2 hours ago, jimtastic56 said:

    We have had 4 penalties this season , the same as 8 other teams . Some teams have only had one. Pushing and pulling happens all the time especially at corners. It just hurts more when you are fighting for your lives.

    Agree with this. If we were mid-table I doubt the refereeing would have had as much focus. It's because every decision counts and we feel the injustice acutely when it doesn't go our way. In the last few weeks we've also had a fair few marginal decisions go our way too.

    In fairness to WR, he has cut a hugely frustrated figure in the last couple of months, knowing that admin stuff outside of his control has ruined our chances and put the long term future of the club in further jeapordy. It's not difficult to see how this frustration spills out onto some poor refereeing.

    I would have sooner that energy went into figuring out how to convert our away performances into points on the board but it's unfair to criticise given the hand he's been dealt!!

  10. 1 hour ago, Kathcairns said:

    That maybe london,my kids went to a secondary scool that at the time was classed as the worst in derby, they had to go there because we couldnt afford to move the the" better areas". They didnt get to become doctors or lawyers, but i am still proud of them,even if my son had turned out to be a footballer, which he didnt by the way.

    I know this is slightly off tangent but your conversation reminded me of a quite a funny / insightful quote from Frankie Boyle about Cristiano Ronaldo, I think, which goes something along the line of 'how can you expect Ronaldo to behave well or have a normal sense of perspective when he's been hero worshipped and paid a fortune since childhood for having particularly well coordinated feet'

    I think it's great that we have a manager who, somehow, has seem kept some grip on reality despite being Wayne Rooney.

    Fair play to him, he's proved loads of people wrong, including me.

  11. 3 hours ago, ollycutts1982 said:

    That’s my thinking. If it’s CK and WR stays I’d love to see who he gets in. I know we need a raft of new players but that could be a positive as it’s a clean slate. Maybe see Jags come back, a few loans through his contacts, retain some of the current squad and some permanents. As long as he can do it sooner rather than later to give him the full preseason to get them to gel. At least for the first time for a long time we won’t have any deadwood. 

    Clearly WR is a draw for players both youngsters on loan and seasoned pros like PJ. One would hope that with some certainty and ambition we could use the opportunity to reset in L1 and build a club with the culture and ethos we've shown this season. You've got to admire his leadership and determination. Hopefully he can retain that for a very different kind of campaign next season.

    The club has a lot of potential and with the right plan and careful investment we could bounce back strongly. Obviously it's all in the balance and we will need to get clear of the admin bureaucracy ASAP...

  12. Didn't think Bird's tackle was a red. He's gone in side on, admittedly both feet and one off the floor but it's the angle that counts. He's not breaking any legs with that, their guy's reaction is way over the top. I guess it's the risk you run if you dive in but I would have given a yellow.

    Didn't think theirs was a red either for what it's worth. 

    Great to get 3 points!

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