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Posts posted by maydrakin

  1. On 31/12/2021 at 12:00, jimbo jones said:

    Ryan is worse than Cousins and on even more money, $48.7 million next year ?

    Pittsburgh is too cold for Rodgers, he's had enough of freezing his nuts off in the winter, he's going to the west coast if he leaves GB.

    Finally, might as well use Jimmy Saville as team mascot while your at it....

    I hope that next year is the year that the Falcons bite the bullet and swallow the cap hit Ryan presents.

    He’s a steady mid tier QB, but years of restructuring have made him a millstone…

    Could see them trading Deion Jones this year though…

  2. 19 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    I think the club's coaching staff have got to plan for league 1 and decide how we integrate the youth players that we think are capable of making the grade or not. This includes making a plan for those who other clubs may want. If I had to guess I'd suggest Buchanan, Bird, and Knight would be the most likely to go but I don't think any of these will go for particularly big money.

    This leaves us with Stretton, Plange, Sibley, Ebosele, williams, Cashin, watson, and Thomson off the top of my head. I think if the club thinks these players are good enough to be regulars for league 1 challengers next season then it should begin to give them a bit more game time. This I'd imagine would help in terms of preparation allowing us to adopt a style and a system that will be used next season when we're actively trying to win more games than we're going to lose. 

    I’m pretty certain that Festy was out of contract last season and signed a 1 year extension, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see some clubs test the water for a potentially cheap bargain.

    How much would we likely get in compensation?  A lot less than he’s worth to us, I’d wager…

  3. 1 hour ago, Oldben said:

    I want to see a deal done for Cole Stockton, league ones top scorers.

    If we are going to be in League one, a striker who is capable of 20 goals a season, will fire us to promotion.

    He's at Morcambe and given their current league position, I really think that Coles a buy, it would require a high wage and I'm fine with that.

    Zero chance our current strikers are doing that.

    Unless he’s on a free, I can’t see us having a chance.  We have to unearth our own gem - more of a sign a youngish player deemed a “failure” and hope they recapture some of their old form…

  4. I just hope we have started scouting the players who will be out of contract and can do a job in the third division.

    As we know we’re pretty much doomed, we can start talks in January.

    I’d imagine someone like Daryl Horgan who looked outstanding for Wycombe would leap at a chance to play for Derby, and we could steal a march on the other teams by getting pre-contract deals in place before other teams who can’t plan fully due to not knowing their fate.

  5. 10 hours ago, Rev said:

    Thank you, I quite honestly wasn't being an arse, I couldn't remember the content, or the context for that matter.

    Memento is a film with Guy Pierce (Mike from Neighbours), about a man with very short term memory loss investigating the death of his wife, who tattoos information on his body because he can't remember it.

    I believe it was Christopher Nolan's first feature film, and is well worth a watch if you've never seen it, it's quite brilliant.

    I may post this again in 20 minutes, so forgive me in advance.

    I think Following was his first film, but Memento is an early (and very good) one.

    As for Mel Morris… history will definitely not judge him well!  And now we’re going to be league 1, our trainees can be picked off for even cheaper!

  6. 1 hour ago, 86 Hair Islands said:I'd imagine there are those who have passed, either by Covid or other natural causes and have not yet been replaced by the next generation. I'd wager being better at cheering than a dead person might not be something to crow about. We might consider this and other threads may also be unpleasant reading for their loved ones.

    Firstly, I am talking about my experiences and the one people around me that have left are the incessant moaners.  I don’t claim to be a “super fan”.

    Secondly, my father is one of the people who will not be returning as a season ticket holder since the lockdowns occurred due to his untimely death during that period, so I am fully aware of people’s losses, and my intent is not to upset people.

  7. 38 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    ?????So the different enjoyable atmosphere is nothing to do with the circumstances we are in this season? And that wasnt also the case with the premier league disaster season which had a similar vibe?

    Well, if you’re one of the people who ironically cheer Kelle Roos when he claims the ball and then spends the rest of the game moaning that he’s not as good as de Gea, then yes I mean you.

    I’m sick and tired of hearing the moaning twits around me doing the same and I am pleased that they aren’t here any longer.

  8. On 26/11/2021 at 01:49, sunnyhill60 said:


    Covid has been the reason for my limited visits to Pride Park, despite having a season ticket. Most of the season ticket holders I have sat with for over 20 years have not been back. They were not moaners or grumblers so keep your bilious judgments to yourself. I'm just hoping they are still alive!

    I think you have taken my statement too personally.  Whilst I have said the majority are the moaners (and I stand by that), it is definitely noticeable that the atmosphere is far more enjoyable and encouraging despite the crowds being down by several thousand.  I’d far rather watch a match with a crowd that is hugely partisan and hostile for the opposition, rather than having several thousand who just show up to be entertained and dilute the advantage that the home crowd can give.

    It is fair to theorise that the majority of those who are not at the game are those who are not pulling in the same direction and are the fair weather fans.

    Obviously, I would not identify those who are isolating due to health concerns in this broad view (hence the caveat of majority, and not all), and I wish you all the very best in finally being able to return one day.

  9. To be honest, I am not concerned about the majority of the “missing 10,000”.

    Quite often they are the ones who are showing up and moaning about the fact that the current crop can’t spread 60 yard pinpoint passes and score every time we go forward. Oh, and why aren’t our keepers able to dominate the box and perform better than any keeper we have ever seen?

    The atmosphere at the ground is much less poisonous as a result.

  10. I am writing this, largely out of frustration, but I feel I need to get it off my chest.

    My dad was a season ticket holder for 50-odd years and he died of cancer in September. (I joined him as a season ticket holder from 1987)

    He had renewed his ticket for the 2020-21 season before the pandemic hit which was carried over into this season.

    In April, when he knew he was too poorly to go again, he wrote to the ticket office advising as such and would therefore prefer a refund to the ticket for 2021-22.

    He received a response saying that the club could not provide a refund as the deadline had since passed.

    As a result, I wrote to the club in July to see if an amicable solution could be found to transfer his ticket to my friend who would pay the difference from a 65+ ticket to a standard adult one, then paying my dad for the rest of the ticket.

    I heard nothing.  I chased again twice and still heard nothing.

    In an attempt to try and sort it out before the season ticket deadline (after my dad had recently died and after Derby had gone into administration), I went to the ticket office and was advised the process would be that my friend would have to buy the ticket in full and my dad could get a refund on his seat, due to his death.

    I therefore paid for my friend’s seat (which was my dad’s seat) in full for my friend and gave details with regards to getting a refund.

    This week, the SLO contacted me to say that it would be possible to upgrade his seat to my friend and to contact the ticket office accordingly, in response to my email sent in July.

    When I explained what I had already been told by the ticket office, I received another email advising that due to the administration events, no refund could be given at all.

    So, Derby County have taken my dad’s money and my friend’s money for the same seat, have given me conflicting information and are now reneging on returning my Dad’s refund (which would have obviously gone to my mother).

    I have requested that I get his season ticket back but for a different seat, as I can either bring someone else, or sell it on to recover some of the cash, but have had no response so far.

    I can’t express how poorly I have felt Derby have handled this, (effectively costing me over £300) and it shows how much they valued my dad as a “customer”, when their lack of providing the correct information or acting in a timely manner could have seen this resolved.

    Overall, I’m really saddened that this becomes my Dad’s final legacy with the club that he loved.

  11. 21 hours ago, Carnero said:

    Was just about to post, not a single player on that list went on to achieve anything at Championship level or higher in the rest of their career. Not a single player. The "best" was probably Jacobs who was dynamite in L1 for Wolves but failed to cut it at Championship level for either Derby, Wolves or Wigan.

    I thought Dean Moxey became a “top level talent” at Crystal Palace?

  12. On 04/10/2021 at 22:44, Sufferingfool said:

    Saw them a few years back at Wembley great second half comeback against the Lions that was a great game. Disappointed when they blew the Super Bowl still not sure how it happened!

    Yeah, we don’t talk about that.  Going from “we’ve won the super bowl” at halftime to “we’re not going to hang on to this” in the space of one quarter was not a fun evening.  Was like watching Derby play QPR…

  13. 7 hours ago, Sufferingfool said:

    Guilty ?

    looking forward to Sunday at Tottenham will be cheering on the Jets who finally showed some balls with a great win against the Titans.



    I’ll be there, supporting my team, the Falcons…. No doubt we’ll snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  Again.

  14. 18 hours ago, Sufferingfool said:

    Looking forward to tomorrow’s Browns @ Vikings game son is a big Vikings fan where as I have suffered following the Browns since the mid 80’s. Looking forward to some revenge which was the car crash of a defeat we saw at Twickenham a couple of years back.

    This is strange, I mean, who in the uk chooses to follow the Browns?

  15. 1 hour ago, Norman said:

    For a successful football chant, high notes are out. 

    It needs a song that sings in a low note, a slow paced song that doesn't have tempo changes or long notes. 

    It also needs the chorus to end on something you can fit the word 'Derby' into. 

    It helps if the lyrics have some sort of sense of connection. And have a beat that you can clap to that isn't too fast. 

    Which means, for, me there is only one candidate. 

    Just remember
    You're the one thing
    I can't get enough of
    So I'll tell you something
    This could be love because

    I've had the time of my life
    No, I never felt this way before
    Yes, I swear, it's the truth
    And I owe it all to you
    Hey, baby (Derby) 

    Dancing in the aisles and throwing @angieramabove your head is optional. 

    If this doesn't become a chant, I will be devastated. 




    How bizarre - I woke up with this song in my head and thought that it would be perfect for a chant, so literally came on here to post as such!  ?

  16. 35 minutes ago, Steve Buckley’s Dog said:

    Currently on 11 days waiting for my reply. It is absolutely shambolic. I think everyone on the administration and ownership side of the club has completely lost interest. No wonder fans can’t get ticket issues sorted. A month into the season and we still haven’t opened our ticket office or opened phone lines, even in our darkest days we managed to sort things like this out. It is nothing short of disgraceful and incompetent. 

    I’m on 13 days and counting now…. It’s far from ideal.

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