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Hector was the best

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  1. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Justa in Twitching   
    Sorry after watching him last season I just don’t believe 😞
    To be honest I’m just not sure what Collins offers ? He’s not quick or strong, doesn’t hold the ball up and is never in the right position…
  2. Haha
    Hector was the best reacted to trekkie_ram in Twitching   
    James Collins will bang in 20+ this season.  #ITK
  3. Haha
    Hector was the best reacted to Archied in James Collins   
    I’m one of those that has a sneaky feeling Collins might score a decent amount this season , im gonna go with a prediction of 18 
  4. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Reggie Greenwood in Charlie Lindsay - Rangers - signed for u21s   
    Willie Carlin 5’4” , Archie Gemmill 5’5” are the two I can remember 
  5. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Ambitious in Mark Harris - joined Oxford United   
    He’s tall, direct and quick. Wales fans seem to like him well enough. I genuinely can’t remember him in the slightest, never heard of him before yesterday, but seems to be a player who may have something but hasn’t put it together. Every signing we make is going to have some underwhelming undertones to his career to date - it’s difficult to sign a player in the third division and that not be the case. We just have to give them the opportunity to prove us wrong. 
  6. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Taribo in Pre season training   
  7. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in Harvey Knibbs - Joined Reading   
    I'm not getting over excited or underwhelmed with any signing we make or anyone we get linked with.
    I don't know enough about anyone we've been linked with so far to pass any judgement on account of the fact that I've barely seen them play.
    Positives with this is that he's on a free, young, will improve, potentially good resale value.
    People on twitter moaning and saying no because "He didn't score enough last season"
    Well Blackman, Waghorn etc had one good season and we spunked nearly 8 million on them pair. 
  8. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Gerry Daly in Harvey Knibbs - Joined Reading   
    Certainly sounds interesting. I like the sound of him. Nice to think he is from Derby
  9. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Archied in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Jeez this thread is hard going these days ,, it’s like a professor Brian Cox lecture , this number , that number , this percentage that percentage, seems you need a masters in algebra to follow football 😂
  10. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Rich3478 in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Bird just doesn’t have enough impact on games for me. Passes safely very well. Rarely takes on a risky ball. Doesn’t run into the box from midfield hardly at all, has a great shot, but see it fleetingly.
    Is not great defensively either, very one paced.
    is a nice footballer but need a bit more than that. 
  11. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Rampant in Summer Transfer Suggestion Thread 2023   
    Oh I realise that. Maybe I rate Thompson higher than others but I felt he didn't look out of place in the Championship for the most part and given the opportunity he could be an important part of our season.
    (I'm not his agent btw)
  12. Haha
    Hector was the best reacted to ramboy63 in Conor Washington - signed on a two-year-deal   
    We already have one Donkey in Collins we dont need another
  13. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Anag Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Bird, Hourihane and Smith would be too slow as a three. 
    Last season our midfield looked like three old Labradors trying to chase back. 
    We need a bit more pace. 
  14. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to ramboy63 in Fixtures out June 22nd   
    3 out of the first 4 at home should see us make a decent start and should be able to set a marker
  15. Sad
    Hector was the best reacted to jcidaho in 3 signings, 1 common theme   
    For unique visitor counts... you could probably take a chunk off, as people visit using different devices and would appear as different visitors? I have a laptop, mobile, and desktop with two browser profiles, and I use all of them to check this compelling forum when I'm bored 🙂
  16. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Sparkle in 3 signings, 1 common theme   
    Yep, and that’s why we employed Warne to get us out of this division and do it at low cost because he knows this division and the players who are decent in it.
  17. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Day in 3 signings, 1 common theme   
    Not one of the three were linked to us or even mentioned in the slightest by any media outlet or journalist before they signed.
    I quite like it. 
  18. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Anag Ram in Joe Ward - joined on a 3 year deal   
    Do we honestly think PW and team watched and assessed Ward and thought ‘He’s a bit average but we’ll have him anyway?’
    They will have seen potential and an attitude they liked. He has pace and, I suspect, fits into their plan.
  19. Cheers
    Hector was the best reacted to Gabby'sThighs in Joe Ward - joined on a 3 year deal   
    Ward's played 200-odd games for Peterborough in 6 seasons so he seems injury-free, and he's their longest-serving player so he must be doing something right. They offered him a deal to stay, which is a good sign. The only worry is he's only got 1 season of Championship football, but he looks solid for L1.
    No transfer fee, 27 years old, experienced at this level, in a position we desperately need to fill. I'm happy to have him!

    He doesn't need to be Reece James, ffs, he just needs to be good enough to get us top 2.
  20. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Kernow in Joe Ward - joined on a 3 year deal   
    That’s a pretty bold spin on it. They offered him a 3 year deal because they would’ve tried to sell him at a time where any club could just offer him a contract to sign him for free anyway?
    Whatever the offers were, playing time, money etc, he’s rejected Posh for us. Same as NML and Wildsmith did last season with Wednesday.
    We won’t know the circumstances around it, but Peterborough felt him worth keeping for another 3 years after already being there for 5 years, so he must be regarded fairly highly there by some people at least.
    “The club have offered Joe Ward a new three-year contract and are awaiting a response from the long-serving player.”
  21. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Ted McMinn Football Genius in Joe Ward - joined on a 3 year deal   
    Welcome to PP Joe, hope you have a great career here in Derby COYR 🐏🐏
  22. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to S8TY in Paul Warne Pre-Season Interview   
    Some clearly don’t like Warne …no matter what …I’d hate to be sat anywhere near them though at a game …it’s bordering on a kind of hatred and I find that difficult to comprehend at times …
    would you rather have someone managing our club who’s closed and unfriendly? How many managers would go and watch a player who’s left the club for his boyhood club? He’s a decent man even if he’s not a success he’s a decent bloke 
    I thought Cocu was treated poorly by some fans and was embarrassing to hear at times …Cocu was a gentleman and our first ever foreign coach but some couldn’t wait to kick him like they enjoy it but when he left he left with dignity and didn’t seek big compensation nor did his team of coaches 
    let’s give Warne a chance at least without looking into every angle and seeing a negative ffs 
  23. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Paul Warne Pre-Season Interview   
    You say let’s wait and see, yet you seem unwilling to do so yourself by making statements about Warne’s approach to recruiting, before you’ve even seen the calibre of player. You could of course be prove correct, but there’s no evidence yet either way 🤷🏻‍♂️ 
    McGoldrick left for his own reasons, he has stated that, Warne has stated that, his new club have stated that. It seems very clear from all parties involved that despite Derby and Warne’s efforts to convince him to stay, McGoldrick took his own decision to play for his boyhood club, what is it about that you think Warne could have changed? 
    In your opinion Warne has got it backwards, and in his opinion he wants players willing to be part of a cohesive unit that can also play the style of football he wants. NOWHERE has he said he won’t recruit good footballers, he’s said they need to be both good footballers AND good people.
    There are countless examples of talented footballers through the years, arguably more talented than anyone else they’ve played with, whose attitudes stank their clubs out. We had a very famous example on our books a couple of season back. I would rather have a group of solid, capable players motivated to play for the shirt and the fans week in week out than the likes of Ravel Morrison, or an Adel Taraabt who have all the talent and a stinking attitude towards the team. Ravel looked like perhaps he’d finally found a home here and was going to finally disprove all that had gone before regarding his attitude….then he didn’t, and at the first opportunity he jumped ship. One bad apple and all that….
    Again, I’m looking past who Warne is and focused on what he’s saying. You don’t like the bloke, cause he wears a hat, or makes bad jokes, or came from a small club, or whatever the reason. What he’s currently saying makes some sense, recruit good players who can represent this club in front of a big crowd and work hard for one another in order to bring success. What is it about that you don’t like? 
  24. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to CBRammette in Paul Warne Pre-Season Interview   
    Read the thread yesterday but watched interview this morning. Good interview - hard to disagree with many of his points. We are recruiting at work for people to join our small close team of 6 and his points about personality are spot on. If we mess up we're stuck with them, and our whole team may change. Same for Derby. I like how he looks at all aspects when recruiting rather than just stats. Would love to see the players who holiday together's faces as his texts come in 🙄
  25. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to LeedsCityRam in Paul Warne Pre-Season Interview   
    Suspect that was entirely deliberate given Wigan have been deducted points & Reading are set to suffer the same fate. Only Blackpool of the relegated clubs are stable & given they are a well run, sustainable club, will likely aim for a gradual rebuild following relegation rather than throwing money at an immediate return. Therefore I would agree with Warne that Derby, Barnsley, Bolton & Peterborough would be the main contenders with a couple from Charlton, Portsmouth, Wycombe & Blackpool challenging also.  Get our recruitment right & we should be expecting a top 2 push.
    To the topic of the thread - watched the interview which I think was well timed given there may have been some apprehension with McGoldrick leaving, Roberts signing elsewhere & no new signings announced as yet. Warne looked relaxed & I don't see why not - still extremely early in the summer and as others have mentioned, we'll probably be announcing signings when players return from holidays or their contracts expire 30th June. He's got a lot of support with a well-regarded Head of Recruitment in post, a supportive owner & likely a decent budget for this level - probably the best situation for a Derby manager since Lampard in June 2018.
    Have no problem with his stated size of squad either - around 22 sounds fine assuming the quality of a second XI is comparable with first XI but we will need some signings into the Academy (likely Prem academy departures) to bolster those numbers if unlike last season, we suffer significant injuries or suspensions. Particularly important in attacking areas & given those players won't be known to opposition scouts, no reason why another Ebiowei or Plange couldn't emerge & chip with important goal/assists.
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