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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 7 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Europa Report.

    No spoilers, except....

    Arthur C Clarke warned them.... All of there worlds are yours except Europa. Use them together - use them in peace.

    Pillocks didn't listen.

    Seriously, I really enjoyed this quite gripping film.

    Gerry Daly/10.


    Ah, thanks I've never heard of that film.

    By pure coincidence I watched 2010 last night, for the first time in many years. I'll have a look for this one.

  2. 9 hours ago, alram said:

    I never said it did have any value


    people use shots on target and possession I don’t know why people get so defensive when xg is brought up


    al that matters is the final score but xg is a good tool that helps you gauge how you are doing in games

    Because (for me at least) if you're watching the game, you could have a pretty good estimate of the numbers for posession and especially shots. xg?. No chance & for that reason, it doesn't feel real.

  3. On 03/09/2023 at 13:03, NottsRam77 said:

    This popped up on my twitter feed that is in topic with this 

    Ill call it the bigger picture 👍


    note what i have discussed about 4 yearly cycles and price action 


    It's the volatility that scares people though - me probably more than most, admittedly.

    I've just picked one year - 2021 - which looks good overall on your post but when you see that during that year, the price doubled and then halved again, TWICE, I'm not sure I'd have got any sleep if I'd got a big investment in it.


  4. 38 minutes ago, swanny said:

    no, sorry,  actually you are spot on. I just listened back and all he said was that we had a budget which was  "sizeable compared to the rest of the league"  which does hint that its big compared to others but doesn't actually say that. 


    I'm a bit of a stickler for accuracy & fairness - I suppose especially at the moment when emotions all round are running a bit high. I (in my mind) have to question these things, otherwise opinions based on false assumptions get used as a stick to beat the club with.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Of course I agree that nobody has actually said we've got the biggest budget, because they haven't. Not even the poster you were quoting stated it as a fact. Do you agree that people can at least make an educated guess on where it lies?

    Yes. All I did was point out that nobody had said it. Which you're agreeing with. Guessing that we've got the biggest budget isn't very educated IMO, given our EFL situation and what has actually been said.

    You just seem to have decided that ALL criticism is simply knee-jerk reactions and guff and refuse to hear a word of it.

    Wow, and based on no evidence what so ever apart from me correcting the record on this one thing here. Well done.

    I don't mind criticism if it's justified - which it isn't if it's based on a false premise. Someone says we've got the biggest budget and some people will believe it and repeat it etc etc etc.

    Please can you tell me what you consider to be an 'inflated expectation' for this season?

    Bloody quote splitting thing not working.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Can you show me where these fans are please? Because I'm yet to see anyone on here have that attitude.

    I'm assuming Twitter/X or Facebook pages, but I really don't like using opinions from places where there's such a depravity of wit as the basis for an argument on a standalone forum.

    Probably similar to the ones who think we have the biggest budget in the league - which inevitably feeds some of the inflated expectations and kneejerk guff we see on here.

    13 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    No, but they have said they think it's good enough for a team to be promoted with, from which you can make an educated guess as to its size when you factor in our income levels vs other teams in the league, our choice of manager and the likely size of the contracts we've given out to bring in the signings we have done.

    Not the best budget in the league, but very unlikely to be anything below the top 6 overall.

    Right, so you agree with me then, when I point out that it's never been claimed to be the case.

  7. 1 hour ago, swanny said:

    Clowes will always have my love for saving the club. but yes he can be criticised: he's not jesus. 

    He talked about stability and has a long term view rather than a MM style 'bust the budget and go for it gamble'....the infrastructure stuff he has done at the club sound great. experienced manager, experienced head of recruitment etc... 

    The facts are we now have this all in place. we apparently had the highest budget in the league,


    pop tv no GIF by Schitt's Creek


    Nobody has ever said that.

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