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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. The problem is that the BoE only really have one tool to reduce inflation (interest rates) and it's meant to cure demand side inflation, which is the "normal" kind. Bugger all use against supply side inflation.

    Also it's not even as effective as it used to be, what with most people now on fixed rate mortgages.

    They're just hoping that by making everyone poorer, it'll mean that they can't buy stuff and companies have no choice but to reduce prices - ignoring the fact that they've been increased in the first place due to supply shortages and energy costs - not because of too much demand.

  2. On 15/07/2023 at 09:02, PistoldPete said:

    Do you think its possible he may have been exaggerating? 10 years of adult life, that's 1000 women per year, 3 per day. Even if they were all one night stands, that's going some.  

    page shrug GIF

  3. Loved that final. Always expected Novak to come back - even at match point against him. 
    Such amazing tennis played and thoroughly worthy winner. 

    I would add that if Murray thinks he can get back to the top, he needs to watch that final again. And then stop thinking that. 

  4. Malignant (Prime)

    “Madison is paralyzed by shocking visions of grisly murders, and her torment worsens as she discovers that these waking dreams are in fact terrifying realities”

    The first half is standard horror film tropes but with some lovely direction from James Wan. The second half it just decides to go off the rails into crazy bonkers gory madness. All in a good way. 

    Enjoyed it a lot. 7.5/10

  5. 31 minutes ago, Magicman said:

    Deli Ali is another over paid talent who wasted it over the last few years because he could. Ibe i have no doubt has excuses too ....


    28 minutes ago, David said:

    I have no words.

    I can lend you a few....

  6. 3 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

    Not sure in the case of a lorry but you have to climb up to get on a bus, train and plane, hence onto.



    3 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

    We get into our cars like we get into our house. We get onto a train because we are just riding as temporary passengers. 


    45 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    What if your a passenger IN a car.

    The only theory that seemed to ring true is that if you don't move around once you're aboard the transport, then you say "in" (car/van/lorry). If you can move around while travelling, it becomes "on".

    So, you get into a boat but on a yacht/ferry/ship

    One of many language rules we all follow but don't really know why.


  7. We've binned The Watcher and last night started with 3 episodes of Schitt's Creek (Netflix).

    Late to the party on this one, I know, but we're loving it so far. A strong cast but in particular: Catherine O'Hara was my favourite character in one of my favourite films (Beetlejuice), and she's an absolute joy to watch in this.

    Best line so far:

    Twyla: Yeah, no, he went to prison, which is terrible, but... But he is learning Spanish, "No mas, le duele!" I think it means, "Stop, it hurts." 🤣

  8. 10 minutes ago, Arsene Titman said:

    I don’t get why there is so much negativity around the potential signing of Conor Washington. If Wiki stats are accurate, he has played 172 games in League 1, scoring 55 goals - that’s very close to 1 goal every 3 games. His championship  stats show only 20 goals in 151 games so a striking rate of less than 1 in 7. This suggests he’ll be okay for our division but probably not the championship.

    Well not in the championship in a Rotherham team anyway

  9. 43 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Oh we watched the first one and then sacked it off because I saw that it was based on a true story, so I looked up the true story and realised that it was going to be a waste of time (no spoilers)


    26 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    I sat myself through the season hoping for something and was extremely disappointed at the end, won't be watching the second season.


    5 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Worst ending since Lost.  Just less painful without the 6 year build up.

    That's exactly what I'm dreading. It feels like there will be endless twists without a conclusion - escpecially now I've just found out there will be a second season.

    Thnaks all, I'll bin it now & save the frustration.

  10. Anyone seen The Watcher (Netflix)?

    It looks good & with a strong cast including Naomi Watts & Stiffler's mom but I'm 3 episodes in and the warning bells are starting to ring that after a strong start, it might end up being a bit pants by the end - style over substance?

  11. Bizarre, what's happening at the moment.

    Prigozhin in Belarus and then not. His homes & office in St Petersburg being raided. Lukoshenko going off script and saying there are no heroes (surely he should have said Putin was, as portrayed) and claiming he can launch nukes (he can't). Wagner soldiers supposedly massing in Belarus and then not.

    It looks like none of the conditions of the post mutiny deal have happened & I do wonder if anyone is actually in control of events right now.

  12. Surpised not to see a thread already but I'm enjoying it this year. I think because we don't have any high expectations of our players.

    Having said that I've enjoyed watching Norrie and even Dan Evans. Norrie playing again today. I haven't seen much of the women's yet.

    Andy Murray looks like he needs another new hip, the way he stiffly walks around between points. He looks totally knackered the whole time.

  13. On 02/07/2023 at 20:13, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

    Some will not see the sense of making another Indiana Jones film but I loved it.

    A macguffin, lots of action and an over the top ending. Standard Indiana Jones fare but really enjoyable.

    It's not one for me (I didn't like number 3 and hated 4) but glad you liked it.

    I've seen a few dodgy reviews of it and one in particular made me chuckle for insisting on calling it Indiana Jones and the Diarrhea of Disney

  14. The Ninth Gate (Netflix)

    1999 film by Roman Polanski with Johnny Depp as a rare book dealer, tasked with finding the last copies of a book supposedly written by the devil himself.

    Enjoyed this. No jump scares (thankfully) & not a scary horror but a good thriller with an unsettling air about it. Slightly unsatisfying ending but well worth a watch.


  15. Knees.

    Although I have a sedentary desk job, I'm fairly active: Average 12k steps per day. Go to the gym 3 times a week and 10 mile bike rides in between, if the weather is fine.

    I've always had one dodgy knee that lets me walk/cycle/crosstrain with no problem, but frequently and painfully gives way on me if I'm just shifting weight from one leg to the other (while cooking/washing up etc).

    On a bike ride yesterday and my other knee started being painful when I was trying to put some power into that leg. It's not what I imagine an arthritis ache pain to be. More like my knee telling me "do that once more and I'm going to fall to bits". Painfully unstable is the best way I can describe it. I got home OK but had to make sure to use my other leg more for power.

    Using it normally at home and it was fine again.


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