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Inverurie Ram

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Posts posted by Inverurie Ram

  1. ..............so did Morris sack Keogh for lack of juicy gossip and poor quality mobile videos of players being sick on a night out or for Keogh forgetting to bring the drone along to the bowling night out?

    ...........and would Bradley Johnston still be with us, if he had called us Derby Corporate Football Club instead?

    ...........and had the office girls from admin booked the required taxi's required for everyone to get too and from the night out, would we not be in administration, but in some other department like Finance instead.

    ............and why do so many folk still believe that Morris is, ever was a Derby County Football Club fan/supporter?

    Football is played and won on grass, but the geeks and the business men are dictating that the kids are only available for selection to play football by the latest app, spond etc, my 8 year old can't play in a football tournament this weekend because his dad doesn't own the correct phone with the correct app to respond to humans that have been brainwashed by billionaires, the greedy lizards as David Icke put it..............and the human race is falling for and accepting this tripe!

    Mel Morris and all the rest of the business world controlling  bull critters with your made up how to behave in the office rules, with your buzz words, your back stabbing, and businesses pies............don't dictate to me...........B Side......Money Talks.


  2. I have my ticket.

    But I don't think a Sombrero could handle the over night megabus trip, I might have to wrap the Aberdeenshire Rams Flag around me as a blanket and hold on tight for another trip to Derby that involves many pre match drinks to over ride that feeling of whatever happens in the game, theirs that horrible feeling to look forward too that Win, Draw or Loss, that the post match drinks will be surrounded by that feeling of a season finished, and that feeling of why does this feeling of getting so close to something special, (avoiding relegation) always seem to get taken away for us all.

    I do apologise, this thread is supposedly for a celebration for what happened 50 years ago, then I remember the feeling I had last Saturday with my eldest lad, leaving Vicarage Road, Watford FC, when I overheard a Watford fan saying "why is it always us?, why doesn't something nice happen to us? " and at that moment I said to myself, you should try supporting Derby County, us fans all deserve a medal!

    After Monday's relegation I quickly found myself rationalizing all of our predicament thinking starting all over again might be like being born again with all of our history and experiences to be bigger, stronger and more powerful.

    I might even buy a Sombrero in Derby, I might even wear it, I might have a great time in Derby, especially if our football club has been saved and the wonderful Wayne Rooney and his fellow staff are looking forward to next season as I am, as my eldest lad is ready for a few trips away with the Aberdeenshire Rams, and here's hoping the youngest lad, is ready ASAP to come along and cheer on the mighty rams.

    Fiesta perhaps.........


  3. 4 hours ago, Brentfordjack said:

    All the very best for the coming season and beyond.I hope Rooney sticks by you with a decent owner on board he has a good a chance as anybody to get you back up.Your fans have been superb through this crap period.Things can change very quick in football and sometimes for the better, look at us in the so called best league in the world the Premier league for another season.Although my opinion of  the PL ( I’ve missed 2 games this season )is it’s the fatal attraction of clubs who risk everything to get to the tv cash when for us fans it’s a bland predictable bore fest unless you are a top 4 club the rest just make up the numbers.I won’t shed a tear when we eventually get back to the championship a far better and more competitive league to play in.Hope to be playing you at Pride Park again soon.

    My eldest lad and I were at Watford v Brentford on Saturday. I spoke to a couple of Bees at Wilsden Junction, on route, with one fan predicting a 3-2 win, I went for 2-2 and considering the Watford miss just before the Bees got the winner, I wasn't far away, but my lad predicted 2-1 Brentford. I should listen to him more and maybe back him up in the bookies!

    We both enjoyed the game as neutrals and loved watching a game of football that isn't over hyped like the top 4 etc and I was glad we didn't get off the train at Wembley to try and get into the FA Cup Semi Final instead, as I offered my lad the choice, as he supports Liverpool, but appears to prefer what he is currently calling 'real' football. He actually said during the game as we sat in the Graham Taylor Stand, high up in the lower section right on the half way line, that he would of liked to be in the away end for the atmosphere.

    He wore his Rams training shirt on Monday night, playing with his mates in the park, unaware we had been relegated until he got home and he wants the current blue away shirt, so maybe he's working it all out and will enjoy a few away trips in Division 1 with his Dad and beyond.

  4. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Heard Merson say this. He got the message.


    Yep.......I watched it, and thought well said Paul Merson, say it how it is, and not what they tell you to say.

    It was like music to my ears............plus we were the best team on and off the pitch today, again, by a country mile.

    I'm proud to be a Derby County fan, al ways have been, always will be, and nobody will ever take that away from me.

    Well done Derby County Football Club.

    The Wayne Rooney Rams Redemption.

    D.C.F.C. Love, Life & Unity.

    Aberdeenshire Rams.

  5. 14 hours ago, angieram said:

    Has anyone watched Sky Sports EFL Hits highlights? 

    Showed every single one of Fulham's attacks, none of ours.

    Didn't even bother showing our equaliser. At all. Edited it out. Just showed the winner. Made it look completely like one way traffic the other way.

    What a shower of poo they are.

    I've been saying it for years on here, the BBC, ITV, Sky Sports, the gutter press, all the same, if your not one of the 'big clubs' or one of them fashionable London clubs they want in their own elite Premier League, with their cheating corrupt football clubs, yeah the shower of poo that wanted to join the super league etc, then they will show it and speak about it, how they like it, in their own arrogant deluded, blinkered, bias way, with their 'loads of money' 'duck everyone else' because they have a global branded worldwide super football club to support.

    Same teams playing against each other. League Cup Liverpool v Chelsea, FA Cup Liverpool v Chelsea...........and the stupid, ignorant, greedy fans of these global clubs think everyone in football wants to see these same teams in the finals!........The murderers of football!............boring.boring, repeat repeat and wash!

    Sky Sports also told us all on Friday night that CK supports ducking Chelsea!.........ducking Chelsea!

    The best thing about this weekend was when my eldest lad (a Liverpool fan) replied to my question on the train to Watford, we were holidaying in London for a few days, unfortunately Scotland go back to school on Easter Monday so we couldn't go to Q.P.R on Monday so we opted for Watford v Brentford on Saturday (Adults £30 Kids £5) and I offered to him, that we got off the train at Wembley instead, on route to try and get in the FA Cup Semi Final Liverpool v Man City if he wanted too.

    He replied that the Watford game would be more interesting, and he now also preferred watching Derby County instead of Liverpool, because winning every week was boring, and you never knew or could predict what would happen, when watching Derby, and that was more exciting and the atmosphere was greater!. We also had a wonderful afternoon at Watford being neutral and enjoying a game of football and my lad made me a proud dad, as he gets football, like I get football.

    Unfortunately I spent this afternoon with my eldest brother a Chelsea fan, watching the second half of the FA Cup Semi Final on the TV back in Aberdeen, as he spouted a !oad of biased nonesence, whilst my youngest brother a Wolves fan pointed out, that whatever his team achieved in the Premier League, they do well to get a few minutes highlights at the back end of Match of The Day, unless of course, they are lucky enough to be playing the 'big teams' etc etc..............

    My lad likes the Derby County blue away strip........from a Red to a Blue!

    Up The Rams........proper football club!

    PS Quest like us, because the producer is a Derby County fan, and Colin likes us, because....................money talks!

  6. 7 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    I just knew this thread would descend into people giving lists.

    I started a record shop purely because I loved music so much and I listen to at least 4 hours of Spotify per day with very little being nostalgic stuff (that I do still love btw), so no way am I going to say one track.

    According to Spotify this track is the one I listened to more than any last year, but I'd be stunned if anybody in this thread has ever heard of Eris Drew.

    I'm a sucker for this kind of spoken word sample on trippy tracks.



  7. On 31/03/2022 at 21:19, Rev said:

    It's a terrible question, in that if you asked me every day for a year, I'd give you 300+ answers!

    So much of the enjoyment of music is down to mood, environment, company, etc, that I find it hard to believe people who can name the one song and stand by it.

    .......and he didn't stand by me..........either!..........or catch the train in vain!


  8. Gazza - New two part documentary on BBC2 Wed 13th April 2022.

    "A footballing whirlwind in the eye of a tabloid storm. From legendary talent and national hero to addiction, violence and scandals. This is the raw, honest Paul Gascoigne story." ........................

    Wayne Rooney has always reminded myself and many others of Paul, and the hope that England could go all the way and win a competition in our lifes with these players in the team. I always believed in Peter Beardsley and Paul Scholes also.

    And was delighted to have my photo with Peter Beardsley, when he came to watch the FC Utrecht v Derby County friendly.

    Here's hoping that WR can rebuild Derby County and make us great again.

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