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Inverurie Ram

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Posts posted by Inverurie Ram

  1. 9 minutes ago, loweman2 said:

    no intrusion, its a great idea, could maybe get a plank smuggled in a set up a diving board off the upper tier of the south stand !!

    So I've got my flying saucer and big goggles outfit on, my Sombrero on, might put a pair of speedos on top of my flying saucer suit, might stick on my flippers...............should I give Tom Daley a ring, (ohh err!) see if he fancies it?

  2. Time for the fans to own the stadium?

    C'mon someone start a crowd funder? once Jack thingymabob, George Clooney, One Direction, Robert Lindsay, Bloke off Tiswas, and all the other super rich supporters put in some cash, we can then all add in what we can afford, and we'll soon have the 20 Million quid or enough for a new strip for next season, so we all have something to wear for our summer holidays.

    And the so called life long fan (biggest joke of this whole shirade) can invest his 20 Million quid or our 20 Million quid into something else that he makes out he is a life long fan of, (corruption?) and we all live happily ever after.

  3. Maybe the EFL (English Football League) or the FA (Football Association) could buy it and rent it out or better still make a bit of money on it and put the money back into grass roots football or the Derbyshire Community to promote the beautiful game of football whilst protecting, saving, one of its founder members..............

    Sorry, I'm really sorry, I do apologise, I've not had a bang on the head, or been drinking all weekend, or been dreaming again...........but does anyone remember the good old days when people cared about other people?........no I thought not!

    These folk don't even know where Derby, Derbyshire, East Midlands are, somewhere in Iraq probably!

    Carry on Regardless everyone, and remember kids these governing bodies are Good as Gold, Stupid as Mud.


  4. Just watching Quest to see how we got on. Aberdeenshire Rams just back from Dens Park, Dundee, thought I'd pop along to see Adam Legzdins like you do. Got a good kick and punch on him has Adam.

    Quite a few Aberdeen fans would have liked to kick and the punch the referee John Beaton also, during and after the game, as he gave Charlie Adam all the free kicks in the world, after Charlie Adam fouled Aberdeen player after player, before asking for and getting every free kick he desired, from his best mate, the ref, after coming on for the last 30 mins or so, winning the man of the match, and taking the two free kicks that led to the two equalizing goals for Dundee.

    The Aberdeen fans clapped their team off the pitch, and booed the officials, and Charlie Adam off it, whilst Charlie Adam smiled back, clapping back in return, knowing perfectly well how he'd conned the match officials.

    Dodgy officials all over the game of football, unfortunately.

    And I didn't receive the chicken burger and chips I ordered in the pub after the game, as I had to leave the pub to catch the train home, so I hope the young dandy dons fans, that were getting stuck into the drink on the table beside us enjoyed it, if it has turned up yet!

    Ps....Up The Rams!

  5. 15 hours ago, 2tups said:

    Enhanced by a gig in Islington with @Inverurie Ram, taxi to Victoria from a Millwall fan and the ‘pleasure’ of the overnight Megabus to Aberdeen. With quality facilities and happy students returning to Central Lancs.

    Some time on the A90 north of Forfar, twelve hours or so later, the elation was taken to new levels by blinding rain and, yes, the wipers on the bus stopped working. Dear diary, sod off

    Always an experience and an education in the joys of travelling with the Aberdeenshire Rams.

    It's all part of being a Derby County supporter, the hope, the disappointment, taking half a life time to get home, to get so close, through all the hurt, the lack of sleep, the worry, the discomfort, to be then informed that the replacement megabus will be with us as soon as possible.............so this administration and preferred bidder malarky becomes a walk in the park, in the cold, in the dark, who put that ducking bin there!

  6. 8 hours ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:



    Ignore these quotes. I've tried deleting them and I can't. But more importantly this thread needs a song to cheer us all up and the sun is shining and it's only a matter of time before derby county are saved...............hopefully.

  7. On 25/03/2022 at 00:18, uttoxram75 said:

    People have been banned for less. Go to bed.

    I went to bed.

    I awoke on Friday and Goldilocks and the 3 bears felt sorry for me, so they didn't eat any of the porridge and told me FA will happen. I awoke on Saturday and Goldilocks and the 3 bears made me a huge full cooked breakfast and told me to go out for the day and not to worry about any wolfs because they were too busy hiding away from Pride Park, doing a spot of administration in the woods, they also told me that @uttoxram75eats far too much porridge and should go to bed earlier than anyone in Great Britain or should move his bed to Stoke!

  8. 3 minutes ago, Foreveram said:


    Is he the 4th bidder? at least he will have a pen and pencil to sign something, if the Admin have something to sign, a Rooney shirt perhaps or a dcfc football perhaps..............

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