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Inverurie Ram

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Posts posted by Inverurie Ram

  1. 23 hours ago, 2tups said:

    Hope they found a home. Just back. Have to say the new Spurs stadium is excellent. Drinkable beer at a football ground. What next ?

    Good few Hull KR tops there and the Giants sadly fell at the last hurdle.

    Unfortunately I asked about 1,000 folk, family, friends, work, football forums, rugby league forums, music forums, Aberdeen Warriors Rugby League, Garioch Rugby Union, Facebook, e-mails, etc and nobody wanted them for FREE.

    I suppose you could have taken them along with you, and given them to somebody outside the ground, but you knocked me back also!

    The world's gone mad, it's difficult to give stuff away for FREE these days..............unless folk don't want to go to an all singing and dancing Spurs ground, and be surrounded by Yorkshire, Lancashire and other folk, watching Rugby League in the sunshine whilst drinking drinkable beer!

    I watched it on the telly with my Dad, and yes your right, unfortunately the Yorkshire team fell at the last hurdle.

    Glad you had a good time, I'll go one day, hopefully.

  2. We have always loved Malcolm Christie. And he loves us. He's a wonderful person that gets football and we wish him all the love in the world and hope he becomes a fantastic coach and works with Derby County Football Club many times again.


  3. ................and another Derby County type of weekend goes for a burton.

    I'd hoped with me being a Yorkshireman that Huddersfield would beat Wigan in the Rugby League Challenge Cup Final........No

    I'd hoped Mansfield Town would beat Port Vale in the Play Off Final for Nigel Clough.........No

    I'd hoped Liverpool would beat Real Madrid in the Champions League Cup Final for my kids.........No

    I'd hoped Huddersield Town would beat Notts Forest in the Play Off Final for me...........No

    Surely my hope will improve early on this week.....................


    Oh FFS..........just heard that "No Pens Day" has been moved this year to Tuesday 31st May................

    ............and they definitely misheard the dates at Wembley today!

  4. 14 hours ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    This reads like Morris was a victim of circumstance & acted like a 'reasonable person' thereafter. I would argue that is a very generous interpretation.

    Reality is Morris knew towards the end ot 2017/18 that we'd overspent as a club. He publicly told Rowett we would be reining it in & relying more on Academy graduates and that was part of Rowett's rationale for jumping ship to Stoke. 

    Had Morris kept to this strategy, we'd have been fine. What he then did though was to bet the house on one last attempt at promotion...got blinded by a celebrity appointment (Lampard) & spent money every bit as frivolous as his first 2 years. It was this season that provoked the ire of Gibson & interest of onlookers who couldn't reconcile his earlier statements with the approach thereafter.

    Once we lost to Villa & he decided to sell having lost his gamble, he had a responsibility to manage the club prudently. Instead he doubled down with our biggest ever signing (Bielik) & a massive PR stunt (Rooney). Gibson served notice of intent to sue us May 2019 but Morris did not deal with this until 3 months ago (and even then there are suggestions he's just lumped it onto the price of PP). He said he would fund us until we were sold but cut his losses by dumping us into administration & left us to the mercy of rival clubs & a vengeful EFL. 

    He also had a bid last summer from the Binnies (reported in the Athletic) which seemingly he rejected in favour of administration & a certain relegation. That sound like someone who had no option but to do what he did?

    To your point about fans supporting us at Wembley and then turning on Morris, how would you expect the average fan to know the situation at the club when Morris was so secretive about the real picture & his true intentions?

    Exactly @LeedsCityRam and @Brailsford Ram.

    We support Derby County Football Club and we expect our owner to be loyal, honest and at the very least be reasonable, unfortunately the folk at Radio Derby had to force a pushed apology, out of the guy, after he had just put us into Administration, after fans had backed him for far too long, because we didn't want to accept that he was just a businessman making it up on the hoof and potentially gambling our beloved Derby County away to the dogs.

    Sing up.





    Sing up!

  5. I still have to pinch myself that Wayne Rooney played for Derby County and he's now our boss and could be for many more years.

    And if we all look after one another, support one another and help one another, work for one another, like we have this season, then the freedom of Derby will just be the start of many rewards, acolades, honours that we can all rejoice and celebrate together as supporters of Derby County Football Club, the team we all adore and love.

    Wayne Rooney - Furniture - Brilliant Mind.





  6. Hi

    I wondered if you or anyone you know would like 2 FREE tickets (1 Adult & 1 Under 16) to go to Tottenham Hotspurs new ground to watch the Rugby League Challenge Cup Final on Saturday May 28th 2022.

    AB Sundecks 1895 Cup Final being played beforehand (KO 12pm).
    Wigan v Huddersfield (KO 3pm)

    https://www.rugby-league.com/tickets/ch ... -cup-final

    The tickets are print at home tickets, so if anyone is interested, just PM me with your e-mail address and I will forward them on to you.

    It might be a while until Derby County get to visit Spurs new ground. 

    Inverurie Ram

  7. 1 hour ago, Steve How Hard? said:

    Blimey that's a monumental journey to get to and from the game @Inverurie Ram. Makes me feel guilty for bemoaning my 4hr round trip. Hats off to you sir. 

    I saw your flag from my seat in the Upper North Stand. Here is a picture of it, although it isn't a great picture.


    It's a great picture, I didn't have a photo, with myself and the flag at the game, but I do now. Thanks.

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