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Posts posted by roboto

  1. 21 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    I think without getting into the nitty gritty of his incoming and outgoings, seeing a gross profit within the public domain that would equate to the management of accrued debt and the covering of some nice loan fees and free transfer wages for at least 15 players going forward would help everyone relax about us not being in the same scenario in 2 years. 

    I'll get the answer if we get more points deducted to be honest.


    The guys company paid out $8m in prize money to some guys hitting a small ball around a field with a metal bar for a weekend. I'm pretty sure he has some assets to use in some form or another. The fact it isn't widely in the public domain shouldn't be a huge problem. With the nature of the Slync.io business, it's safe to assume he's probably got some crypto trading happening in the background. Can we be the first team to pay players in Dogecoin?

  2. The immediate investment needs to go into the playing squad. Once we're back on track there, then I'm sure the stadium will follow.

    Hopefully DCC might be able to get the stadium from Mel, so that poison is well and truly out of DCFC and its affairs for good.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Don’t really care how rich the new owner is as long as they run is like a proper business.

    Norwich are a shining light on how you don’t have to have rich owners to succeed.

    Mel Morris was wealthy and ran us into the ground.

    Ask Norwich fans how they feel about getting tanked every season in the premier league because their owners cash in their chips rather than invest in the squad each season.

    Im sure they’d much rather have an established premier league team than be a yo-yo club.

    But granted, still a better position than what we find ourselves in…

  4. 6 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    I thought when his finances were analysed, it showed he was about the same financial standing as Mel, don't think he is loaded. Hopefully he has got a few others on board as I would be a bit worried in the long-term.... 

    He has seemingly made his wealth through trading Crypto and done quite well out of it. Whether or not this means he has a sustainable amount of funding or not is unknown, but we can assume that the fact that he's supplying golf tournaments with large figures of money to pay out winnings that he has a decent cash flow and his wealth isn't tied up in property and endless shell companies like Morris.

  5. 9 minutes ago, one_chop said:

    Folk are so desperate for a preferred bidder that if Vladimir Putin put in an offer they'd pull up a seat for him and pour him a large VAT.  

    No one is about to be announced tonight or tomorrow. Have an early night.

    Every time there’s a sniff of positivity you sneak out the shadows and put your negative stink all over it.

    Perhaps you should have the early night.

  6. I don’t think we ever had confirmation that Appleby had made a final bid, did we?

    There was mention of a UK and a US bid and people assumed it was Mike Ashley and Andy Appleby. However today we’ve found out that Mike Ashley hasn’t had contact for 2 months with Q so is unlikely to be the UK bid mentioned recently and Elaine, whoever it is at Ramstrust who can’t keep her mouth shut, mentions Appleby not in the running.

    Could still leave the 2 aforementioned bids on the table and being considered.

    However, you’d think, if a suitable bid had come in that satisfies the criteria by now it would’ve been accepted already.

  7. 7 minutes ago, rsmini said:

    Wigan seem to be doing very well with a new owner in place. Fingers crossed this will be us in 12 months 



    Trying to figure out why he has a Rwandan flag in his handle when it mentions nothing about Rwanda in his profile... ? 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    We will have a 3,548 points deduction that season.

    Spread over the next 100 years so we start on -35 or -36 for each season (depending on if it's a leap year) and still have no chance to hand contracts to any players.

  9. 12 hours ago, Rambam said:

    Note Festy’s drop off of form since these shenanigans, plus Plange’s too. Not exactly coincidental is it? 

    Nothing to do with the fact they are still kids who have been dropped in the deep end during their first season in a threadbare squad and have the expectation levels to carry us to safety after some exciting early performances?

    It's to be expected that their levels would drop a little over time. They can now be scouted and assessed by opposition and what worked in early games for them might be easy to stop for experienced players. Festy needs to find a way to unleash the afterburners again after fullbacks have wised up to his shuffle move.

    Plange hasn't had the service in the last 3rd of the field like he did when the team was in good form.

    You can't blame it all on them moving to other clubs next season and they certainly shouldn't have the fans on their back for looking to progress their careers and do what's right for them.

  10. The Athletic (Matt Slater) is reporting that we still owe Lech Poznan £2.5m for Jozwiak and that we haven't paid the most recent instalment that was due in February... What the actual duck is going on with this club? If we're selling players for less than what we actually owe on them and still not paying off our debts to other clubs then that just takes the biscuit.

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