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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 3 minutes ago, Leicester Ram said:

    Are you suggesting it’s Martin’s fault we spent the majority of games passing the ball between Bird and Rooney on the halfway line?

    There were lots of issues with the team’s toothlessness and they didn’t all directly correspond to Martin. It’s fair to say Martin offered us no pace up top but we didn’t have pace on the wings either.

    Don’t think calling Jourdan silly is fair when you’ve got in a huff for suggesting our top goalscorer last season was an important  player ?

    No, I'm not suggesting anything of the sort.

    There were indeed many issues regarding out toothlessness, although that might be an indication of how 'important' a player Martin would be. Hands up who is ready to blame us not scoring in games next season on the absence of Martin, rather than any of the other issues.

    I didn't call him silly and I'm not in a huff. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    That’s all fine, but where is the forward planning from the club?

    It’s OK to let Martin go and I think most people would easily come to terms with it if there was some semblance of preparedness from the club.

    As it is, people will question the wisdom of that decision when we have left ourselves in a position where there is no sign of his replacement, we look toothless up front,  and the league campaign is days away from beginning.

    It's all getting a bit silly now. We looked pretty toothless with Martin in the team.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    If we could afford to move heaven and earth to give Rooney an 18 month deal, it seems disappointing to me we couldn’t secure a new contract for a genuinely important player in Martin.

    What worries me more is that we obviously allowed ourselves to walk away from negotiations without having a replacement for Martin lined up.

    How foolish does that look now?

    With Lawrence and Waghorn out and question marks remaining over Marriott, our attacking options look desperately thin.

    Considering some fans actually expect us to kick on and aim for the top six, it is frustrating to see us effectively strengthen a direct rival.

    Important in whose mind? The manager? Yours?

  4. 1 minute ago, Jayram said:

    The fan club may get over him but there is no way we will replace him - we haven’t got a pot to piss in to buy someone younger of comparable quality and no one on the books anywhere near as good. 

    Replace him in your hearts? 

  5. 3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Not that it matters but I could suggest that offering to sign someone on a contract that isn't near 'market rate' is tantamount to 'constructive dismissal'.

    But yeah we offered him a year and he didn't take it. How very dare he. 

    I think you misunderstand. I don't blame Martin for not taking the contract offered. I am just pointing out that saying the club 'let him go' is a statement so inaccurate it should be on the side of a bus.

    The fan club will eventually get over a 1 in 3 striker whose best season was 7 years ago but if 'let him go' and 'tantamount to constructive dismissal' help, go ahead.

  6. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Yeah we offered him a season (according to the guy from the Athletic), how dare he think that (until the last couple of games) the Championship striker with the best stats was worth more than a year! ?

    No matter what you think of the (alleged) circumstances, the one thing we can state with absolute certainty is that the club offered him a contract, which he declined. DCFC didn't let him go.

  7. 9 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

    I can understand the reasons for letting Martin go now having seen the contract length situation. I was initially very disappointed we’d let him go from a footballing sense - but from a business sense, handing out a potential three year contract to a 31 year old is a dangerous move. Exactly the same as with Forest and Lyle Taylor, in a year or two’s time the player might be well past his best and of no use to you. You’re then stuck with probably 15k a week wages going to waste, with no way to shift them. You just can’t take that sort of gamble in our situation, especially given Martin’s health history. 

    I think we’ve made the correct call here, much as I rate Martin as a player.

    We didn't let him go

  8. 4 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    Not test cricket but can anyone tell me how Tom Curran gets picked repeatedly by England? 

    Good 'death bowler' seems to mean bowls three overs for thirty-odd  then pulls it back by only going for eight in the fourth. 


    Many years ago, Australia picked spinner Peter Taylor and it is widely thought that the selectors had intended to pick opener Mark Taylor.

    What we have here is the wrong Curran.

  9. 12 hours ago, ramit said:

    Finally got around to watching Lost In Translation.  Someone on the net wrote that introverts love it and extroverts hate it, i think that's a fair assessment, as i am an extroverted introvert and hate to say i loved it, but i did. 9/10.

    Speaking as an introvert, I hated it. Don't want to watch others struggling with personal space and modern life. I'm not that empathetic.?

  10. 25 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    I think Root has made a statement about his bowling attack by his declaration. Basically saying that they’re good enough to enforce a follow on and take 20wkts. A real endurance test coming up. 

    It might have been more along the lines that, given the weather forecast for the rest of the test, there won't be time for 4 innings, so a follow on is the only way to get a win.

    Also, putting on nigh-on 600 runs, you make it all but impossible for the other side to win.

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