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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. Going back to last night if I may (so not truly in keeping with the thread title, as there's now another game on!)...

    Between seasons 1972-73 and 1990-91 inclusive... that's 19 consecutive seasons... Liverpool failed to finish in the top two... ONCE!

    That's an incredible record, that perhaps the younger ones amongst us can't even begin to fathom!

    For those of us who were brought up on football through that particular era, it still seems equally incredible... or rather it did, before last night... to hear the words "Liverpool have never won the Premier League"!  I could never get my head around that statement if truth be told, so if for no other reason, I'm glad I won't hear it again!

  2. 6 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

    You know when you look in the fridge, and everything is out of date the next day?

    This is what results!


    Bacon, sausage, potato filled perogi, fried egg and a late addition of scrambled egg as the first yolk into the pan split.

    You've dried it up in the oven, whilst faffing around with the eggs.  Don't deny it... there's no need, as it ain't ruined! 

    A bit of Brown sauce, and I'd happily wolf it all down!  ?

  3. "For fans who have waited since March to see a glimpse of their team in action, the afternoon began in frustrating fashion for many, after a technical issue hit the streaming of Championship games on the iFollow system.

    The English Football League has enabled clubs to stream all the remaining matches - in light of no supporters being allowed to attend games - but some fans missed the start of the first matches involved.

    Many expressed frustration on social media after initially being unable to log in to some clubs' online iFollow access.

    The EFL said the service was restored within 15 minutes and apologised to fans "for the inconvenience caused"."





    Yet another reason to give the thumbs up for RamsTV.  Cheers Mel.  ?

  4. I think I'm right in saying... apologies if this is wrong...

    If in doubt, try rewinding/fast forwarding.  The live stream only has the option to pause. Nothing else.  When you press play again, it jumps to live.  There is no rewind etc.  I assume this will continue, through the game itself?

  5. 23 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

    Techie help required for gifs. I know how to add them from gif icon but is there a way to add from a link. I pressed the link icon added a url but when i pressed preview icon all i could see was the url. 

    Ignore the icon.

    Right click the image/gif and choose "copy the image address". 
    Return to the reply box on here, and just right click and paste. 
    Within a second or two, the written link will morph into the actual image/gif, already embedded and ready to submit post (or add text, of course).

    Same approach, to embed pics, gifs, and videos etc.  

  6. 5 hours ago, Dappled Ram said:

    Me and my 2 sons were outside Morrison's talking about people who are *********. Son says without thinking 'I'm  getting good at sniffing out ********* a mile away' Me and other son start laughing. Son says what you laughing at? I say just think about what you said.                                                          Whenever someone annoys me I think of that and anger melts away!


    5 hours ago, Dappled Ram said:

    Above only funny if you get the right word in the *. 


    4 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:



  7. 1 hour ago, Turk Thrust said:

    It's no longer PC to direct a joke at any racial or ethnic minority, so:-

    an Englishman, a Scotsman, an Irishman, a Welshman, a Gurkha, a Latvian, a Turk, an Aussie, a Kiwi, an American, a S African, a Cypriot, an Egyptian, a Japanese, a Mexican, a Spaniard, a Russian, a Pole, a Lithuanian, a Swede, a Finn, an Israeli, a Dane, a Romanian, a Bulgarian, a Serb, a Swiss, a Greek, a Singaporean, an Italian, A Norwegian, a Libyan, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist and an Ethiopian went to a night club.  The bouncer said " sorry I can't let you in without a Thai"


    But the reason the Thai bloke wasn't there was that the message said "Meet at twenty to ten", but the Thai only recognises digital times.  If it had said "Meet at 21:40", he'd have been there, and they'd have all got in!
    Now, whether this is down to language barrier, or sheer stupidity on the Thai's part, or a deliberate and cruel hatchet job by the message sender, is not for me to say, but either way, it was an unfortunate occurrence, and yet here you are, making light of the situation, and treating this whole avoidable mis-hap as a bloody joke!  Heck, they missed out on drinking time because of this.  It ain't funny, and you blaming the poor innocent Thai geezer does not improve matters!

    Shame on you!









    Maybe I'm over-thinking it?  ? 

  8. 17 hours ago, Ramslad1992 said:

    Hi everyone... I'm not to sure how to write this so I'll just go along with it and sorry for any waffling! 

    My absolutely amazing daughter was born last week on the 10th June in lincoln. Within minutes of her being born they realised something wasnt quite right and within 19 hours of being born she had been transferred to queens medical centre (which I've called home for the last week) and had life saving surgery. 

    She has a condition called Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula... her food pipe and windpipe were joined and without the amazing work of our great NHS she wouldn't be here. 

    Shes got a long way to go but I'm forever proud of how much shes been through in just a week and I'll forever be grateful to everyone that's helped her and our NHS in general.

    As you can see by the photo shes already in training as the rams newest supporter! 


    When she's being an absolute pain in the ar5e in 13 years time (and beyond!), just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and remember exactly how you feel right now.  I promise you, she will wonder what the hell you are smiling at!  



  9. It seems the only person who knew for sure, kept his eyes and gob shut, and took a deep breath, as he was literally holding the ball behind the bloody post, trying to avoid getting entangled on the inside of the side netting!  

    He could play for us, he was so bloody sheepish!   ?

  10. 8 hours ago, Mafiabob said:

    Villa had a man down - Leeds quite rightly played on when Villa had (wrongly stopped). They scored - Villa got angry at Leeds and Bielsa ordered his players to stand aside so Villa could equalize. Looking back I think I'm wrong to compare and we should all accept, some you get, some you don't. Blame pundits et al for the way football has become win at all costs and no mistakes can be made.

    Leeds didn't play on the same sense as Derby played on at The City Ground.  We made our intentions very clear that we were playing on.  Nigel screamed from the touchline for us to play on.  Nobody was under any illusions that we may kick the ball out for a respite.

    Leeds v Villa, on the other hand, painted a slightly different picture of their intentions, once the ball came out towards the side line... but wait...


  11. 2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I guess you mean the goal celebration? But they've all tested negative.

    Fair comment.  ?

    Do every single one of them get tested, or just samples from each club?
    When was their last test?  Minutes before the game?  This morning?  Yesterday?

    Not being arsey... genuine questions, seeing as you brought up a good(?) point I'd forgotten to consider.

    Either way, in this day and age of prem players allegedly being role models to the youngsters... 

  12. 2 minutes ago, LazloW said:

    Have seen a few tweets alluding to the Leeds match, but I genuinely can’t recall what happened (have Swiss cheese for a brain when it comes to non-dcfc related footy). Could somebody enlighten me (and pardon my ignorance!)

    Villa player down injured.  Leeds player makes out to kick the ball out to enable treatment.  Everyone stops.  Leeds play on... and score.  All Hell breaks out.  Bielsa orders Whites to stand aside, allowing Villa to score a "free goal" equaliser.
    Bielsa hailed a sporting God, (And Leeds are later awarded a Fair Play award!) despite it being his team that cheated in the first place!

    Same old Dirties... Always cheating!  

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