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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. 5 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    “Blue and green should not be seen” [together]. 

    Oh, I'm fully aware of that old adage, but you, my friend, clearly don't know me too well.  I'm a non-conformist.  A rebel, one might say!  Despite my ovine tendencies, a sheep I most certainly am not!

    I lead, but do not follow.
    I will/do wear blue and green together.
    I will/do wear pvc underwear without the use of talcum powder.
    I will/do walk under ladders.
    I will/do openly support the underdog (obvs!)
    I do look good in budgie smugglers, despite what others clearly think (I've seen those disdainful European glares, across the campsite pool!)
    I have even been known to have both chips AND rice on the same plate, and am not embarrassed to admit it!

    In fact... I laugh in the face of old adages!  I smash mirrors for a hobby!  Join me, brother, and feel the freedom!
    (Sorry, I can't extend that invitation to everybody, otherwise we'd all become sheep, by default!).


  2. 47 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    Little limerick for you:

    There was a young man from Leicester

    Who stayed in Leicester

    He’s still in Leicester

    More news on this story as we have it.

    There was a young family from Leicester,

    Who were told to stay home 'til they fester.

    It didn't take long,

    'til they started to pong,

    So they all got transferred to Manchester.


  3. 8 hours ago, Shipley Ram said:

    It's fair to say they are unhappy.

    "The worst ducking team in the history of football, how much more of this poo do we have to put up with
    This ducking board should be ashamed of themselves for letting these last 3 seasons go down the pan
    They shove their season ticket up there arse next season"

    I don't suppose that's official, by any chance, is it?  

  4. 1 minute ago, BondJovi said:

    Same here. Most matches they seem second best, yet they continue to be clinical. Not much entertainment going.

    My Forest fan wife, whilst enjoying it,  fears playing that way if they get promoted.

    She worries too much, that wife of yours!   ?

  5. 17 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Anyone else have a slight delay in the audio today? Nothing major, but I did know Lawrence had scored before it went in.

    A few mentioned it early doors in the match thread.  Mine seemed ok though, to be fair.

  6. 14 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    I paused as someone dropped off shopping As shielded -  when pressed play it went back to live play rather than where I was. So I have missed both goals. Cant it restart from where you are? 

    I noticed that last week.  Pretty certain you could rewind/pause on a previous viewing of an u23 game, but no such option with these first team games.  Auto goes to live.  

  7. 4 minutes ago, archram said:

    I can’t get rid of the little white arrow in the middle of the screen on my laptop.

    The "PLAY" arrow?

    Move your cursor off the actual viewing screen.

    It'll return, along with the control panel along the bottom, if and when you return your cursor to the screen.  ?

  8. Bit fuzzy for 10 mins, when I logged on c. 11:50, but absolutely perfect since noon, as it was all last week.  Even just then, watching Mr Cocu on a streamed video interview, on a live streamed broadcast, picture and sound was perfectly in sync.
    That's watching on the website, direct on a lap top.  No TV connections etc.

    So far (inc last week's excellent coverage), so bloody fantastic!

    My initial thoughts and expectations about watching crap football, on crap streams, with crap (zero) stadium attendances was so far from the reality, I may even have to look back on all this when it's over, and consider typing the words "I was wrong"!  


  9. 1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Had to do quite a difficult thing tonight.

    I told my dad that I no longer want him in my life. I have very good reasons for doing so (I don't particularly want to divulge them on here), but quite tough nonetheless. 

    Not looking for sympathy or cheering up - just getting it out there. I'm going to watch some Only Fools and Horses to ease my mind a little.

    Difficult for me to offer sympathy, empathy, or even advice, as I haven’t had a parent since I was 18... so 39 years now… but what I was going to say was, make sure you are certain. The less regrets we take to our death beds, the better a life we can look back on!

    I'm a great believer in “you don’t appreciate what you’ve got until it’s gone”, so you need to be certain.

    I say “was going to say…” as I’m sure you have indeed given considerable thought to such a decision, and ARE certain you are making the right one, so you don’t really need that little titbit from me, I guess. As others have alluded to, you do seem to have a sensible head on your shoulders when the need arises.

    All the very best, buddy. You know where we are, if you need to bend an ear or two. 



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