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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. I've got my sky sports through NOW TV.
    Was watching on the main tellybox, and all was perfect, but have just swapped to Laptop, on the "NOW TV Player".  The sound (commentary) is somewhat warbling/echoing.  Is this common?



    Not all the time.  On and off.  Seems worse on the commentators mic than his sidekick?  

  2. 20 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    I made the mistake of starting to watch on the Sky “Main Event” channel - they’ve added crowd noise in the background which is just too strange.....


    12 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Odd. I thought the opposite and am now watching with 'crowd' noise. ?

    Only tuned in 10 mins ago, from around the 15 min mark.  Automatically went to Main Event, and must admit, my thoughts on hearing the crowd noises were "wierd" and "unnatural".
    I presumed all channels would be the same until reading the above, so have now switched channels.  No crowd noise now, but whilst now more realistic, I am no nearer to deciding which is my actual preference.  I think I may be flicking channels over the few days, until I make my mind up!

    Ooh... a water break... "Quarter time"!  Oh!

  3. 18 hours ago, Quangy said:

    Unofficial litesome 1974-1975 Derby County shirt. When replicas were only just starting to come about, this company made unbadged shirts to match the kits of many clubs so that fans could wear the colours of their favourite team before the official club replicas came out #dcfc #dcfcfans #derbycounty




    That's either a very long body, or very short "long sleeves"!   

  4. 38 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

    New in, a table top standing desk for £150.

    The present Mrs Devil has been signed off with sciatica for two weeks after 3 months of nothing but Zoom meetings from 7.30 till 5pm!

    Seems odd to be signed off when you're stuck at home regardless!

    There's a lot of it about.  Muckerette's also suffering from it.  She's spending most days sat at her sewing machine now, as opposed to previoulsy walking to work then being on her feet all day (Shop assistant).


    Anyway... enough about my household... what can you tell us about the future Mrs Devil?  ?

  5. 2 hours ago, Steve Buckley’s Dog said:

    Your effects pedals need better organisation. At least show willing by putting them parallel to each other! I am finding it a bit distressing!


    2 hours ago, maxjam said:

    Pedals?!? Its the cable management thats killing me ?


    And yet, I'm finding that flamingo pink lamp rather calming.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Yesterday, I took delivery of the following; some Japanese chef knives, some bamboo chopping boards, a foot roller massager, a led floor lamp, a singlet wrestling unitard (bright pink) and a bread maker! 

    i need help. 

    I can't help but wonder...

    How do knives used by Japanese chefs differ from those used by other nationalities?
    How often do you have the need to chop Bamboo?
    How much does an LED floor cost?
    Will you be sleeping with the bread maker, or does he have his own room?


    The pink unitard however, comes as absolutely no surprise whatsoever, it has to be said!



  7. 8 hours ago, Pastinaak said:

    I've got loads of these.

    ...5. People who are unwilling to give big kisses on the lips to random dogs...


    Back in the day, when pub "lock-ins" were a thing, I have been known to feed two dogs mouth to mouth, with those mini-cheddar nibble things they hang up behind the bar next to the pork scratchings.
    The fact that it was my first time in this pub (I was a mate of one of the regulars) didn't matter.  The fact I was a stranger to the dogs and the landlord didn't matter.  The fact that the landlord had deliberately "allowed" the dogs to roam the public areas, specifically in the hope of clearing the pub/discouraging a lock in didn't matter.  The fact that both dogs were Dobermans didn't matter.  The landlord went to bed defeated.  We had our lock in... and I fell asleep on the bench seat, being spooned by one of the Dobermans!

    It was one of my more successful evenings, when it comes to romance, it has to be said!


    As an aside, I have seen your doggy pics, and have always said "If I ever have a dog, it would be a Boxer", so I fully comprehend why you love your pooch, as I'm sure I would myself, if we were ever to meet up.

    I guess my post (to which you were responding) should have been better written, to clarify that it was irresponsible dog owners that were the "Gary Barlow" of my rant!





  8. 3 hours ago, Broderick said:

    People who eat pizza with a fork.

    I much prefer to eat mine with a knife and fork when in a restaurant/pizzeria, when it is usually very thin and floppy (and in my case, usually top-heavy, laden with various meats).

    And yet, when it arrives at my door in a box (usually much thicker by design), I wouldn't dream of heading to the cutlery draw.

    As I do not give a to55 what others think in my presence, I'm certain it's not merely "for appearances sake", so I can therefore offer no logical explanation for such a foible!  ? 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Quangy said:

    Derby County 1980-1981 Le Coq Sportif replica football shirt sponsored by Fly British Midland.

    Looking for the Orange version of this shirt if anyone still has it? 

    The orange and black was my first ever Rams shirt, and arguably my all time favourite.  Alas, I haven't seen hide nor hair of it since about '82, at a guess!  

    Mine didn't have the sponsor on the front.  I'm pretty certain I've mentioned that on here before, and I think it proved to be from the previous 79/80 season?

    I also recall my coq was lacking somewhat, in appearance, as age took over.  They didn't like the thrust of a hot iron back then, even with the protection of a damp tea towel.   ?

  10. 33 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    Why don’t the throw a rope of the roof dorma and stand it end up against the back of the house?

    Personally, I'd have positioned it on the road, parallel to the kerb.... and a good 30 yards or so down the road.
    Thus leaving pavements unobstructed, and retaining clear access to my yard/drive.  Everybody's happy!   

  11. 1 hour ago, RamNut said:

    Similar. Our neighbour took to parking on the pavement and driving along the pavement. When she crashed into my car I tried to get the Police to do something. They were useless.

    turned out that the neighbour was a policewoman. 
    she also refused to pay for the damage.

    Hammer.  Dark night.  Very very fast.


    Don't quote me on it.

  12. Dog owners, who for some inexplicable reason, assume everyone would like to fuss over their dogs!

    Just met up with big sis in her local park.  sat in our camping chairs.  Thermos cuppa each.  3 of us in total (2 of us from one household).
    First time we've seen her since early March.  Was wonderful. (She's mid 60's and lives alone). 
    All grass.  Very quiet, so very spacious, under the circumstances.  Nobody came within 20m of us (and we didn't cause anyone to divert in any way.  We saw 7 other people in 90 mins.  Dad and young son over the other side.  Bit of a kick about etc.  The other 5 were just strolling through.  3 of them were walking dogs.  Of those 3, 2 of them allowed their dogs (2 owners... 3 dogs) to approach us, and begin to sniff around etc.  Chairs/ankles/bags/shoes/thermos cups.  You name it, the dogs wanted to explore.

    Neither owner made any attempt whatsoever, to curtail their dog's approach by calling them back, and literally had to be told to do so, before they reacted in any way!  (By Muckerette... I'm too much of a coward, and just tried shooing the dogs away directly... unsuccessfully, I hasten to add)

    My sister isn't at all keen on dogs.  Muckerette is generally scared of them, or at the very least, doesn't trust them.  I can take 'em or leave 'em, and am more than comfortable around dogs... in the right setting!  But I certainly don't want 'em licking my friggin mug of coffee!

    Whether dogs could be virus carriers or whether that is unproven/old wives tale, I care not one jot. 
    Whether each particular dog is vicious or "just wants to play", I care even less!

    Keep the Bamfords away.  If they cannot be trusted, then leash the duckers!  At the very least, for the better trained and more well behaved dogs... as all three of these seemed to be, if truth be told... try calling them back yourself, before they reach us, and before we feel the need to tell you to control your dogs!


    I fully appreciate that most dogs like a fuss.  Who doesn't!
    I fully appreciate that some people approach others' dogs, against the owners wishes.  I know this works both ways.
    So... we won't approach your dog unless invited to do so (No thanks!), and you don't allow yours to approach us, unless we invite you to (Fat chance!).





  13. 5 hours ago, Ramslad1992 said:

    Then recording it on an app and sharing it on social media like anybody cares they went on a 4 mile bike ride.

    I'm sure there are some that are interested, even if it's only friends/family of the "sharer"?

    I'd imagine there are millions of folk out there (Hey... It's their loss!) who are not interested in what a bunch of DCFC fans had for tea, or whether we'd accept free streaming of games in lieu of attending them, due to CV19, or how much we think CM19 earns each week, and yet here we all are, sharing our thoughts, opinions, and recipes on social media!  ?


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