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The Scarlet Pimpernel

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Posts posted by The Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. Sibley is seen all week every week by the manager. Do any of us on here have more information as to when, if and why he should play? Also do any of us know Sibleys personality well enough to know how he best responds? If not on what basis are the assumptions made? 

  2. 3 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Sibley scored a hat trick v Millwall 9 month ago. It was declared that he was the player money couldn’t buy. Mel had searched Europe for a manager that would be great for the young players. Rosenior was the telly pundit that was the expert that had the knowledge of the championship. I’m sorry to say the management team has not been good for our young players especially Sibley.

    Or maybe our young players aren't talented enough? 

  3. The ironic thing is that VAR was introduced as Refs were constantly getting slated by managers & pundits for making wrong decisions. We now have managers and pundits constantly slating VAR. Cant we just go back to accepting the refs decision? I would personally make refs untouchable (physically or verbally) just like in rugby union. VAR? No thanks!!

  4. 1 hour ago, NottsRammy said:

    Might just be cynical old me , but where suppose to know who we want and have put in bids , yet there are no proper rumours coming out and that is never usually the case , unless rooney has become the scarlett pimpernell . I have this awful feeling that as rams fans we are being strung along and no one of any note is coming at all . Mark my words . 

    Oi... Leave me out of it! 

  5. 1 hour ago, BIllyD said:

    Its not 1 million profit though is it. We have spent so much money on our academy and spent a lot of time and effort on this kid alone, let alone the cash side. What's the point of an academy if your attitude is, well he might not make it anyway let's sell him at the first opportunity.



    I thought he didn't want to sign an offered contract? If that's true we have done well to sell for £1m. Cash flow dictates we need to sell rather than sit and invest. Facts of life with Covid, no fans and lots of bills. We are not a PL club and we have no parachute payments.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Chris_Martin said:

    I know that not everyone is wanting return of the Mac, but you can't deny he would give the players confidence and belief and get the team playing again. It could be this that gives the players a short term boost to get out the relegation zone. With Rooney as assistant maybe this could work, who knows?

    Respectfully, do you think you might be hankering afrer the past Chris Martin? 

  7. 53 minutes ago, Will Hughes Hair said:

    With my infinite (ahem) football knowledge I feel duty bound to compensate for some of the schoolboy errors made on this thread by suggesting the following formation.


    Knight   Knight   Knight   Knight

    Knight   Knight   Knight

    Knight   Knight Knight

    Admittedly harsh on Whittaker but you're welcome.

    Good night 

  8. We have almost (with a bit of creative licence) got two teams


    Byrne            Evans                 Clarke          Buchanan

                         Knight                     Bielik

    Jozwiak                  Lawrence                      Ibe




    Wisdom            Davies               Bird             Forsyth

                             Rooney            Shinnie

    Holmes                        Sibley                         Whittaker


  9.                                                 Marshall

    Byrne                 Wisdom                          Clarke             (Problem - Shinnie out of desperation)

                                      Rooney                Bielik

    Ibe                                         Lawrence                                      Jozwiak

                                               Marriott/New Guy

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