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The Scarlet Pimpernel

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Posts posted by The Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. 10 minutes ago, Red_Dawn said:

    We'll be lower half of the table, potentially in for a relegation fight. 

    But lets be honest, you're in the 5hyte far more than we are. 

    That bluster is all well and good but lets see where you are after 10 games. I still can'y get relegation odds on you from any betting company. 

    Building yourself up for a fall when we meet? Must be a nailed on 6 points for you surely. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    Ok fair enough I don’t think any of us know Mels health state at the moment but the pressure on him has been immense IMO .

    Now let’s just look at this regarding his financial situation because I’ve asked these questions.

    Im not sure the finances are the problem but  it’s the EFL and their intransigence towards DCFC .

    Even if Mel paid the HMRC which incidentally Covid indirectly caused and I would imagine other clubs have similar situations then our problems are still not resolved as we have to resubmit our accounts using a straight line amortization and the EFL could still pounce  

    No I just see the EFL wanting to destroy Derby ,

    The EFL should be the angst of Derby fans not Mel .


    The EFL are not fit for purpose and don't get me wrong I like Mel immensely but it still boils down to whatever happens for whatever reason its his business so becomes his responsibility. 

  3. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    We don't know what is stopping the HMRC default being sorted. Afterall the 'transfer payments' default embargo point has gone. I think the remaining 4 points must all be linked, clear one clear them all?

    Possibly Roy. This is getting very serious now if it wasn't already. If Mel has assets he could use them to sort out HMRC quite quickly I would have thought.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    But is he a well man ! 

    He hasn't been but I don't know the current answer to that Curtains. With the wealth he has however he can call on his lawyers and advisors to do all the donkey work he would just need to "sign" presumably. 

    As I say, should paying off HMRC and any other outstanding monies be beyond him if he is willing?

    On a hugely different scale I know but whatever debts my own company has become my responsibility. Same for Mel.

  5. 2 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Worth includes all sorts of things that aren't "cash" - Mel probably still has hundreds of millions of assets, but that's not all just sitting in a bank account waiting to be spent on Derby.

    Hypothetically, suppose he is still worth £200m but most of that is Castle Morris which is worth £199m. He has a million quid he can use right away, but that's what he's living with. Castle Morris could be sold but that will take time to do, might not be able to do in part and have other issues itself.

    I've no idea what Mel's actually worth or what state his finances are but I gather rich people problems can get complicated and being "worth" x£ isn't the same as having x£ in the current account.

    See my answer to Tom Radio

  6. 3 minutes ago, tombomb said:

    Having a net worth of 250m doesnt mean you have 30million of cash just lying about to throw at things to fix problems. I hope this gets resolved quickly though as we are currently the laughing stock of English football. 

    I understand that Tom but surely he could contemplate liquidising some assets to sort this mess out? If not is it because he cant or he doesn't want to?

  7. I wonder what Mels current financial situation is in reality. When he first bought the club it was stated he was worth £500m. We now have talk of his £200m investment in DCFC. If the club isn't worth much at the moment surely his wealth, although still huge has almost halved yet we still here figures of £500m banded about. 

    Assuming he has dwindled to a measly £250m surely he could still settle all outstanding bills quite quickly, sort the club out then sell a much healthy and more valuable club? 

    Just got me wondering how wealthy he may actually be. Are these figures thrown about, even the original £500m remotely accurate?

  8. 4 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Start some positive topics then…

    No point. They all end up squashed by the self proclaimed realists. Any road, don't want to argue. I'll no doubt pop in tomorrow to cheer myself up. 

  9. 46 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Are you sure? 

    I have a cash ISA with Paragon Bank advertising 0.5% and interest is paid monthly. Just checked the last interest received and it does work out exactly to the penny at 0.5%.

    ISA's are tax free aren't they?


    (Ignore me. Just read more content)

  10. 25 minutes ago, w8sey said:

    The speech was embarrassing, would be interesting to hear a half time team talk when we are 1 down. I bet you it starts with eeeeerm 

    I'm being a bit thick again.........What speech are we talking about? Got a link?

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