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The Scarlet Pimpernel

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Posts posted by The Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. 15 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I had always believed that the MSD loans were taken out in the company that owned the ground.

    Having just looked on Companies House I can see that this is not the case.

    Also looks like the ground has not been paid for, surely this will be the first port of call for the administrators.

    So, in layman's terms, hasv Mel gone down this route to distance himself from the EFL and at the same time force a sale? Looks like eventually we will have plenty of cash as long ad Mel isn't broke personally. 

  2. I am probably being very dense BUT.........Wasn't the buying of the stadium by Mel for £80m at the time a purely paper transaction to relieve FFP problems? If that's correct now Mel has called in administrators aren't they going to look at the books and say we want £80m quid off you as you have bought the stadium? Also, I understood Mel had not been putting money in as loans so as such the club dont owe him anything? The club probably owe MSD for the two loans but surely if Mel pays his debt as I think he has to then we should be rolling in cash?

    Have I just embarrassed myself?

  3. 13 minutes ago, jono said:

    It’s interesting isn’t it. Not done and dusted yet. I can remember a couple of instances when a major supplier was owed eye watering amounts by a customer and ended up buying that customer for twopence. To a) keep the “customer” alive and b) effectively seize assets at negligible cost avoiding a payout of a few pence in the pound.
    Not sure how this fits when Dell have charges on the primary assets already, but given that “goodwill” = us fans, is the only remaining one, they already own us in all but name. The remaining conundrum is that it is a loss making enterprise so taking it on means spending yet more money. 

    I think the statement from DCFC said going forward the business model works? 

  4. 1 hour ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Some are saying that Dell were involved in the EFl negotiations. The club statement indicates that Dell have lent more as things have got tight (did they take out Gabay)? 

    We know from his clumsy attempts to sell the club (Samuelson, Alonso) that Mel has no corporate finance acumen. He has no restructuring experience either. Dell is packed full of aggressive clever MBAs who have been hardened in the tough world of US M&A and restructuring. It’s no contest. 

    we don’t know how much Dell is owed, but they are probably the economic owners of the club. If they have been involved with the EFl then either they are really worried about losses, or they are focused on making a killing by owning or selling the club. 

    The reason this matters is that Dell’s interests - like those of the club - are certainly best served by avoiding administration. They are probably in the driving seat. We should not regard administration as an inevitability just yet 

    Yes, I wondered exactly this. Are Dell poised to take over the club? They certainly would be in the best position. 

  5. Just now, Bris Vegas said:

    We won’t survive 12. Sorry to burst any bubbles, but we just wont.

    Our team isn’t good enough to get 60 points this season.

    We’ll pick up unexpected points along the way, morale-boosting wins.

    But we won’t score enough goals while we will have natural ruts in form too.

    4 points from Stoke and WBA is excellent. But 2 points from Forest, Boro and Brum before that is poor.

    We’ll have similar runs throughout the season.

    Can’t fault the effort. But the quality isn’t there.

    Not listening tonight. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Spanish said:

    Do you think the court option will bring a speedy result?  Consider also that the result will be appealed, another year with 2 sets of fixtures.

    I hear what you are saying Spanish but it seems we need to take some control to me. 

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