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The Scarlet Pimpernel

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Posts posted by The Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. 44 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    I watched Chelsea Vs Villa earlier on, Chelsea play the exact same, They were caught out once trying to hold onto the ball and Villa caught Saul in possesion, Any road, What Chelsea can do that we can't is, Once the back 4 have the ball they're looking to their midfield to exploit space in the middle of the park, Which they do very well, It can be a 10 yard pass or a 20 yard pass, It in most cases finds their man, We unfortunately keep playing the ball across the back 4 which leaves the opposition 2 things, Our back 4 get closed down, And midfield are picked up, Now in no way am I putting us in the same mould as Chelsea, Just as Brum are no Villa, Villa had as many if not more chances than Chelsea, But Chelsea have Lukaku, A target man with pace and strength, Villa had 2 leightweight forwards in Ings and Wakins...Goals wins you games, And it's goals that will be our down fall imo.

    If WR wants to keep a passing game then he has to work out or instill movement, Control and pass around the opposition, And not taking too many passes backwards and side ways, We hear about togetherness in the camp, They had better bring this togetherness onto the pitch, With what we have it's going to be a tough ask.

    And that is exactly what Rooney means by the team needing to be braver on the ball. 

  2. Basically we need to know why we have an impass. This needs resolving immediately but not at the cost of a undeserved points penalty. All we are asking for is confirmation of what the hell is going on. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    You're not to far out there fella, Arsenal would i'd have thought be seen as a very big club, Spent circa £150million and sit propping up the Prem.

    What constitues a big club?, Crowd size, Income, Stadia, Manager, Players, Sky TV profile, Constant Euro qualification, Are Leicester over achieving? not in my opinion, They are there on merit(except for their scullduggery a few years back)Wolves, Burnley Southampton also, The Sunderlands, Ipswiches and Boltons of this world are where they should be, Badly run, Employing poor players and managers, Which equates to a loss of revenue and support.

    At the end of a season teams deserve to be where they finish, And deserve to be where they start a new season, We're a football club just the same as other football clubs...it's all in the mind of how BIG supporters think their clubs are.

    As stated earlier in the thread. If size is based on league standing we are 16th in England based on the all time record. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    We are going to miss him in those games vs the aerial bombardment that’s going to be coming from Birmingham and WBA in particular, yep Buchanan is a fine prospect and decent in the air but these two opposing sides are thugs 

    Which is exactly why Wayne is desperately trying to get out team to be braver on the ball in the second halves. For some reason we seem to allow the opposition the ball and sit back off their defence and let them control the game. If we can carry out the style of play we see in the first half for both halves we are on to a winner. If we have the ball for the majority of the game, second half as well as first, the players will be far less anxious and consequently hurt far less.

  5. 11 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    The fact of the matter is that the EFL brought charges against us, which ended with a £100,000 fine.

    Until they actually bring any other charges against us we are not guilty of anything and should be treated as such. 

    The facts regarding the embargo are clearly laid out on the EFL website.



    Exactly this. What is the delay? Are the EFL waiting for us to submit or are we waiting for the EFL to decide if we are subject to charges? Surely either way both the silence and the delay are baffling.

  6. 11 hours ago, Ruud Aralliss said:

    Trying to stay positive, when all I read is negativity. We aren’t the car crash ( poor analogy ) team we thought we would be. Rooney doubters need to give him a break IMO.  We are playing better football at times and that was what we needed . Admittedly we aren’t doing it for 90 mins but it’s a start.  To be able to do this under our squad/embargo problems gives me hope that when we can free ourselves from the EFL obsession to hurt us we can move forward and challenge this division .


    Agree. Wayne has said himself that at the moment we are not managing to play in the second half as we do in the first. He says more bravery needed. Our first half's have been very good. If they can get us playing just a little better in the second half we will be a pretty decent match for most teams which in my opinion is pretty good going from the management team. 

  7. 36 minutes ago, jono said:

    That surprises me. Your posts and arguments are always well constructed. It’s not as if your a ranting troll. In those circumstances you would have thought a “journalist” would want views and information from every angle. 

    I’d very much like to hear from a dictionary or professor of journalism. When does a gossip monger become a journalist ? 

    Tyler... Oh Tyler... Where are youuuu

  8. I do wonder if we have reached a bit of a watershed in our support as I imagine over the recent years we have hung on to a lot of elderly supporters who have been followers since the  glory days. Maybe a large proportion of the 70 year old and upwards have now hung up their scarves so to speak. We now need a successful side to reel in more youngsters.

  9. 29 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    I agree with the above but the issue does go a little deeper than just not flagging our different amortisation policy clearly enough. We were not instructed by the Disciplinary Pannel to just provide clearer notes for our different amortisation policy we were instructed to "redo" the accounts and resubmitt them. In redoing the accounts there is, as we know, a possiblity that the accounts might show that we have breached FFP. 

    That is correct but I thought we were discussing the original ruling from the DP. Wasn't it the LLP who wanted more?

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