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  1. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Talk Sport   
    So you're basically saying that you don't listen to Muckerette at the dinner table.  No wonder she sits 10 yards away from you when you're having a break whilst walking
  2. Clap
    ilkleyram reacted to Reggie Greenwood in Rams vs Coventry (A) Matchday Thread   
    I’ve never forgiven them for giving us Mick Coop 
  3. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from BaaLocks in Anyone fancy a Matchday Meet Up? (Gauging interest)...   
    Careful. @Mucker1884will be grousing about puns starting up and spoiling his thread
  4. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Kathcairns in We always get poo refs.   
    The reason we get poor refs and linesmen is because the standard of refereeing in this country is appalling and getting worse. Every club suffers, probably relatively equally. The unfit, overweight, unknown school teacher amateurs of the 70s were better than the current lot. Thank God we had Mike Dean in the last match of last season.
    If the efl were managing the game properly they would realise that it’s becoming a major issue, far more important to the overall state of the game than most other things.  They won’t do much about it. 
     I would still rather have incompetence in black than var though. 
  5. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Carnero in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Usually, I think, courts tend to calculate fines and such by monthly rather than weekly salaries bearing in mind that’s how many of us are now paid, especially footballers.
    £65k pw would put Tom Lawrence on £3.4m a year - a lot even for a player we paid millions for. Not impossible for Derby in those days but still a lot. £65k per month would be £780k pa plus bonuses that in a good year might tip his salary over the £1m mark.
    I know we all tend to believe that even Championship footballers are paid life changing sums every week but the transcript of the case and what was actually said could be important 
  6. Sad
    ilkleyram got a reaction from kevinhectoring in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    You know what.  I really don't care.  Our new owners can be Russian oligarchs responsible (directly or indirectly) for the murder of former spies on UK streets; or middle eastern countries responsible for the murder of journalists; they can be Czech businessmen robbing pension pots or North Derbyshire snooker hall owners without a pot; they can be a Derbyshire businessman making millions from Government grants or sports kit sellers manufactured in sweat shops overseas, property developers, coroners or football agents (clearly the lowest of the low).  Or even, for someone really well travelled, a mix of all the above.
    There is nobody who will come and be perfect. Whoever it is there will be some who write "I'm out".  So all I want is for our new owner(s) to have enough money (or access to money) to sort out the off the field stuff, enough to give the manager a bit to spend however much the EFL try to stop that from happening and enough leadership qualities to re-establish a good feeling within our club, on and off the pitch. 
  7. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from hydraulic ram in SuffolkRam breaks silence over DET’s headlines   
    Actually yes. There was a time many years ago when the DET was the first source of every bit of DCFC news, good and bad. Sir Brian used to use it to get all kinds of messages to the board, players and fans.
    Those were very different days though from a news and media perspective never mind socially. But they did exist and in some ways better and some not. But they do make the paucity of today’s output even greater and even sadder.
  8. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Kathcairns in SuffolkRam breaks silence over DET’s headlines   
    Actually yes. There was a time many years ago when the DET was the first source of every bit of DCFC news, good and bad. Sir Brian used to use it to get all kinds of messages to the board, players and fans.
    Those were very different days though from a news and media perspective never mind socially. But they did exist and in some ways better and some not. But they do make the paucity of today’s output even greater and even sadder.
  9. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Anag Ram in SuffolkRam breaks silence over DET’s headlines   
    Actually yes. There was a time many years ago when the DET was the first source of every bit of DCFC news, good and bad. Sir Brian used to use it to get all kinds of messages to the board, players and fans.
    Those were very different days though from a news and media perspective never mind socially. But they did exist and in some ways better and some not. But they do make the paucity of today’s output even greater and even sadder.
  10. Sad
    ilkleyram got a reaction from angieram in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    You know what.  I really don't care.  Our new owners can be Russian oligarchs responsible (directly or indirectly) for the murder of former spies on UK streets; or middle eastern countries responsible for the murder of journalists; they can be Czech businessmen robbing pension pots or North Derbyshire snooker hall owners without a pot; they can be a Derbyshire businessman making millions from Government grants or sports kit sellers manufactured in sweat shops overseas, property developers, coroners or football agents (clearly the lowest of the low).  Or even, for someone really well travelled, a mix of all the above.
    There is nobody who will come and be perfect. Whoever it is there will be some who write "I'm out".  So all I want is for our new owner(s) to have enough money (or access to money) to sort out the off the field stuff, enough to give the manager a bit to spend however much the EFL try to stop that from happening and enough leadership qualities to re-establish a good feeling within our club, on and off the pitch. 
  11. Like
    ilkleyram reacted to Ilkestonian in Charlie George   
    Happy birthday Charlie - my wife says I only remember her birthday as it's the same day as his ? it's really the other way round though but what a player, one of my all time favourites ?
  12. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Premier ram in Krystian Bielik   
    Well they didn't have to do it.  And considering that we have voluntarily had more practical help from Arsenal in the past 48 hours than from any other organisation including the EFL, FA and PL, I would call it classy.  Perhaps some of those other organisations could now stand up and help a member in difficulty, instead of making it harder
  13. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from willipa in Krystian Bielik   
    Well they didn't have to do it.  And considering that we have voluntarily had more practical help from Arsenal in the past 48 hours than from any other organisation including the EFL, FA and PL, I would call it classy.  Perhaps some of those other organisations could now stand up and help a member in difficulty, instead of making it harder
  14. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Krystian Bielik   
    Well they didn't have to do it.  And considering that we have voluntarily had more practical help from Arsenal in the past 48 hours than from any other organisation including the EFL, FA and PL, I would call it classy.  Perhaps some of those other organisations could now stand up and help a member in difficulty, instead of making it harder
  15. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Crewton in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    HMRC raise about £793 billion a year in tax (and the Treasury have been spending significantly more over the last year or two)
    Compared to that, £26m, if indeed that is what we owe, is something like 0.0033%.  In other words it’s in the very minor rounding, a mere slip of a treasurer's pen.
    Go on Rishi. You know you want to…………
  16. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from taffyram in Ryan Conway has left the Athletic   
    The first but is the deepest
  17. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Tarantism in Ryan Conway has left the Athletic   
    The first but is the deepest
  18. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from i-Ram in Ryan Conway has left the Athletic   
    The first but is the deepest
  19. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from The Scarlet Pimpernel in Ryan Conway has left the Athletic   
    The first but is the deepest
  20. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Rammeister in Ryan Conway has left the Athletic   
    The first but is the deepest
  21. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Ryan Conway has left the Athletic   
    The first but is the deepest
  22. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in R.I.P Greavsie   
    Unless my memory is playing tricks with me he played in one of my all time favourite matches when we beat Spurs 5-0 at the BBG in Dave MacKay's return to Division 1.  He had a chance to score but Les Green pulled off a good save which Greavsie applauded
    Another proper great of the game gone 
  23. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    I never knew penguins drank wine. You learn something new on these pages every day 
  24. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    I never knew penguins drank wine. You learn something new on these pages every day 
  25. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Angry Ram in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    I never knew penguins drank wine. You learn something new on these pages every day 
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