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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 8 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:


    This is the rubbish that is still being touted. Not play football but kick the opposition harder!!! Street-fighting, they played better football. 😄 All we could do was keep lobbing the ball into their box. What a tactical genius Warne is!

    Agree completely, its absoluute bull s***

    we invite chances and opportunities to the opposition because of the lack of footballing ability. 

    wilson runningn the ball out play, then 4 mins later trying to pass to foz over cooking it straight out of play, barkhauzen last week was offside about 5 times in as many minutes, CH stupid foul for the free kick for their goal this week.

    their just stand out highlights of ineptness but the team constantly miss place /overcook passes, lose their men, get caught wrongside, mis control a pass, lay a ball off straight to the opposition. 

    Thats nothing to do with grit, its sheer lack of ability. Tbf to warne these are fundamental basics that u would expect from professional footballers. So while his tactics are hugely to blame u also have to ask .. like we have done so so so many times at this club are the players really as good as weve built them up to be.

    remember a good wack were signed last season with 2 weeks to go in the window meaning basically they were the s*** no one else wanted, the last batch. Were still under a business plan, maybe were still hamstrung a little.. the likes of kane, elder and nelson were all shown the door by pretty average clubs 

  2. 1 hour ago, Goldstar said:

    What a flat situation we find ourselves in. There's been a few times in Warne's early interviews when he's used quite negative language about what he hoped he could achieve, and i remember thinking it didn't seem right but hoped i was being too cynical. 

    Unfortunately now there's a disconnect between the management and the players with the fans. When a player is motioning towards the fans after scoring, you know it's not good. No they shouldn't expect abuse, however, they get paid a handsome amount to ignore immature chants, sticking it to other hard working fans who didn't partake in said chanting is abysmal to me, and this needs fixing quick. 

    This connection? Not sure about that

    its purely results driven though isnt it

    i mean we win the next 4 games and were all singing about Nathaniels wang again and feeling good about ourselves and the club 

    not buying that ..


  3. 18 minutes ago, Marriot Ram99 said:

    Took some people long enough to realise but Warne is not the right man for this club, who is who knows? But not many managers could do worse, I'd wager if we had Jewell in charge we would be no worse. Won't take much to upgrade him. Could get one of the kitmen in..

    Theres ur answer

    we have to have a manager 

    weve been through loads in the last 10 years all not deemed good enough by sections of our fanbase 

    so when does it stop ? 

  4. 1 minute ago, KBB said:

    Big second half needed here. Warne is on very very thin ice with fans now, me included.

    I advocate giving time to managers and don't like change for changes sake, but it is harder and harder to defend the direction he is taking the team.

    We are miles off it. Even the most ardent must see this. Its not arrogant, as someone previously said, for us to expect a good performance and a possible result from at least 50 to 70% of fixtures at this level.

    We need better.


    1 minute ago, KBB said:

    Big second half needed here. Warne is on very very thin ice with fans now, me included.

    I advocate giving time to managers and don't like change for changes sake, but it is harder and harder to defend the direction he is taking the team.

    We are miles off it. Even the most ardent must see this. Its not arrogant, as someone previously said, for us to expect a good performance and a possible result from at least 50 to 70% of fixtures at this level.

    We need better.

    100% this

    i want stability and prepared to give it

    iv defended warne, but this is absolute toss 

  5. 6 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    But that's the bit I don't get

    If the figurative loaf of bread costs me 1BTC today - after halving and the price spikes, that loaf of bread is going to cost me more than 1BTC because BTC will be more expensive

    Or am I missing something?


    Yes lol 

    Bitcoin is an asset , its a store of value, its the worlds biggest open source ledger that anyone in the world can access anywhere they want by a touch of a button.

    it is not fiat currency

    that loaf bread u bought .. u would pay for it in fiat 

    so dollars , pounds 

    Bitcoin has gone up 50% from this time last year against the dollar

    so last year if one bitcoin was 1 dollar that loaf would have cost u 1 btc

    this year the same loaf will have cost u 0.5 btc 


  6. 18 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Crypto is just an unregulated playground for scammers and ‘influencers’ to rob you of your money.

    Coffeezilla has a great Youtube channel which exposes frauds like Logan Paul and how he is robbing his fans.

    Crypto is ..

    crypto is centrally controlled crap,  bitcoin isnt 

    why do u think every hedgfund worth its salt are applying for etf approval right now


    what more adoption do u want that its real and here to stay than institutional investment .. the people that hold ur pension pots ? 

    no one controls it so no one can rob u 

    fiat money (pounds, dollars, rupee,euro) 

    are all controlled by politicians and banks who dont care about if ur weekly shop has gone from 100 to 140 quid in a year

    inflation is a tax … your being robbed right now 

  7. On 18/10/2023 at 21:38, Stive Pesley said:


    Bitcoin halving is when the reward for Bitcoin mining is cut in half. Halving takes place every four years. The halving policy was written into Bitcoin's mining algorithm to counteract inflation by maintaining scarcity.


    Isn't that much the same thing?

    To clarify

    when a currency is debased … its losing value 

    Its value /buying power is being debased, devalued .. ie u need more of it to buy the same asset 

    And extream and simple example

    last year a loaf of bread cost £1

    this year that same

    loaf of bread costs u £1.25 

    the value / buying power of that pound against that loaf of bread has been debased to the tune of 25% 

    the bitcoin halving is as u described the amount (not value) of bitcoin that can be mined per day is halved. 

    the halving is all about the amount of bitcoin that is produced. 
    this creates scarcity .. theres less of it .. it costs the same amount to mine less.

    this scarcity has lead to a price spike in all the cycles previously … assuming demand stays the same , the same will happen 

    and if the bitcoin etf happens and institutional money comes in… well.. then hold onto ur seatbelts 

  8. On 18/10/2023 at 21:38, Stive Pesley said:


    Bitcoin halving is when the reward for Bitcoin mining is cut in half. Halving takes place every four years. The halving policy was written into Bitcoin's mining algorithm to counteract inflation by maintaining scarcity.


    Isn't that much the same thing?



    its quite literally the opposite 

  9. Its quite simple

    without hating on the guy .. nd iv said this before .. we wont go anywhere with jameS collins leading the line

    he doesn't play and all of sudden we look like a football side, 

    he comes on first thing he did try to to lay it off , straight to their man

    hes a liability outside the penalty box… inside .. yer fine, hes not bad but hes so so bad outside it he hinders our attacking play 

  10. On 23/10/2023 at 06:35, IlsonDerby said:

    We are limited in our knowledge over who is available and who we could tempt. 

    I’d be surprised if CVS didn’t arrive in their absolute tens if the job became available but as fans it isn’t really our job to know every manager who’s available and could improve us. That’s our owner and his boards job. 

    Id wager we wont be sacking cos of cost and if we did recruiting an already in work manager 

    so that leaves the others that are u employed for a reason 

  11. 8 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

    If we want promotion, Steve McClaren is the best bet.

    IMO, McClaren is a brilliant short term manager. He comes in and makes the players believe. He takes away the fear and pushes morale through the roof. He also helps a lot with skill based coaching, which does improve certain players quickly.

    I think we'd go up in the top two with McClaren back.

    The problem is that McClaren is poor in the medium term. He's tactically one dimensional - other coaches quickly work out how to counter his system. His recruitment decisions are generally below standard and he has no interest in the academy. He is also pretty lax on discipline so dressing room problems eventually take root.

    Once the feelgood factor has worn off, there's not much left. To me, McClaren only works in very specific circumstances...it's just that we're exactly at the place now, where we need a bit of brolly magic.

    Cant wait to see mac working with collins as his focal point 😂😂🤣

    control james … u must learn control. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    Well I’d imagine if we were to sack a manager with quite a lot of contract left, then it isn’t going to be cheap. 

    When you’re in our financial position, that makes the next move difficult and you’re more likely looking at out of work managers, than being able to pay compo for those in a job. 


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