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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. Wildsmith 8 mom for us.. great few saves, solid handling, great punch

    24.Nyambe. 7. played well first half generally solid and good on the ball, could have responded a little Better when they had their little spell second half ..

    35.Nelson 7 competed well, like nyambe could have responded better when they had their spell 

    6.Cashin 7 same as nelson

    3.Forsyth 7 same as nelson and cash

    5. Bradley 6 nothing of note

    12.Smith 5, ok in patches poor in more, kept leaving a huge gap for bayliss to walk into, showed for the ball 

    14.Washington 6, nothing of note

    22.Fornah 4, off it today, on the periphery of everything . Dont think he touched the ball for 15 mins.. seemed higher and a bit wider than previous

    4.1Hourihane 6,  underwelming 

    17.Sibley 4,  typical sibley starting performance.  first half one cross, little bit of link up play but clutching at straws really for someone whos deemed creative… ultimately offered very little

    8.Bird 7 … tried to make things happen but when ur trying to link play with collins and barks u may as well not bother

    7.Barkhuizen 2 .. absolute crap.. lost the ball everytime he got it.. did well with a controlled volley that could have gone in. But was needlessly offside god knows how many time and kept turning over possession making it impossible to build any pressure 

    11.Méndez-Laing looked fast .. thats about it 6 

    9.Collins huffed and puffed but quite simply isnt good enough to be the main man … will never make top two or even top 6 while hes our talisman 

    10. Waghorn didnt know he came on.. well i did but nothing of note 6 



  2. 2 hours ago, oodledoodle said:

    Oh absolutely, Mac's squad was unbelievable. I still think we'd get more out of this squad by encouraging them to play football a bit. Imagine having someone like Hourihane and still not trying to set up as a passing side. I'm not in any way trying to say the team are anywhere near Mac's, just that we need to exploit what we're good at. Rather than trying to force a style of play we clearly aren't ever going to succeed with.

    Fair 👏🏻

  3. 2 hours ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Collins looks piss poor because he’s being asked to just run around chasing lost causes and trying to get on the end of crap service. He’s not the best striker in the division but with the supporting acts we’ve got he should be a solid contributor. 

    Let’s say Mac came in. He’d have the team actually passing to each other and moving in a way that creates openings. He’d probably start Waghorn because Waghorn is better at bringing others into play than Collins but Mac managed to get Sammon on the score sheet for some important goals and found a role for him late on in games… 

    Hed be asking collins to show for the ball , control it and find a white shirt more than half a dozen times again

    do u not remember when martin was out  and we tried with someone else  … i forget who but the constant narrative from the crowd and on here was it didnt work and that we needed two up top.. mac refused to change it and we fell away from the play offs 

    if u dont have a striker who can hold/ control the ball ur facing an uphill battle 

  4. 1 hour ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Surely there is a tipping point where keeping him costs more than sacking him?

    Possibly … but its not just sacking warne is it

    backroom staff .. then a new manager and new backroom staff assuming ur not going for someone whos out of a job ( usually for the same reason we would be getting rid of warne for) 

    i hear what ur saying .. but i think we just have to suck it up tbh

    His last few signings give hope 

    laddy at right back is a great pick up, forsah, off it totally today but has generally been v good.  Thought embleton looked lively and prmosing til he was taken away from us, nelson has done well

    if u notice the players that we need more from

    barks, sibs, collins, nml, CH, were all signed by previous when we were under a tight embargo 

    i still say give him time .. as painful and s*** as it is 

    tbh i want ti see more of wash, i know hes not great but at least gives us the option to run in behind unlike hms collins 

    he did ok in little monents but its all too infrequent and feels like a flip of a coin … u cant build any sort of sustained pressure with that as ur main focal point option 

  5. 26 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Warne has had two transfer windows so you can't totally absolve him of any blame for the state of the squad. You also can't absolve him of the blame for our performances because one position is weak. Warne's job is to take the players he has got and extract the best performances out of them. If that means changing tactics to cover any deficiencies then that's what he should be doing.

    Is he doing that, or is he trying to force ways of playing on the squad that have now repeatedly been shown to not suit them?

    Summer was his first not under an embargo 

    we are still under a business plan model .. the details of which non of us know 

    hes been poor .. im not defending him 

    his side looks sunday league at times

    but .. he aint getting sacked, we cant afford it and weve done the sacking merry go round 

    so were all going to have to put our big boy pants on, pick our toys up and deal with it and just support our club 

    we got ourselves into this mess and now were taking our medicine 

  6. 22 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    I don't think you can chalk all of our issues up to one position and absolve the manager of all blame. If Warne knows that is a weakness then he needs to adapt the way we play to mitigate it. Is he doing that?

    It's not like we are playing well in all other departments and we are only missing one piece of the jigsaw.

    I never said warne doesnt carry the can for this .. obviously its on his head 

    i would just love to see someone else prove me wrong and get more out of a player past his prime like collins .. whos prime was really only ever league one in the main.. for a reason

    thought the back line played well considering how lacking and hit and miss we were with the ball higher up

    thought the front 3 of sibley, barks in particular and collins were absolute crap and look every bit a mid table league 1 front 3 


  7. Just now, oodledoodle said:

    I disagree. Steve Mac came in, assessed the squad, and built a system around the players we had. Once we started playing to our strengths, we rocketed up the table.

    I do agree we had no plan b at times, but I still think that fitting the system around the players you have is the way to succeed in football. Very, very few managers will have the luxury of having a squad of hand picked players, bought for their own system.

    There's no shame in failing as a manager at a club. It doesn't mean you're a bad person, or bad manager. Clough failed at Leeds. Sometimes it just doesn't work.

    He walked into a hugely talented young  squad…. Made some lovely tweaks and hats off but u cant compare what mclaren took on and what warne took on .. literally night and day squad ability wise

    chris martin vs james collins for starters 

    martin was the perfect centre forward for mclaren .. collins at this moment in his career is the perfect forward for mid table or below 


  8. 16 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Rubbish. Plenty of managers would get more out of the whole squad including the strikers. 


    go on then .. lets say as some want .. steve mclaren 

    a guy whos success was built upon having a cf who could get hold of the ball and bing others into play.. martin.. viduka etc etc

    if u rolled the ball to collins from 5 yards hed mis control it 8/10 times .

    While he leads our line we dont have a chance


  9. 9 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    And the other players? What have they done? 

    You'd be hard pushed to say that any of the midfield or attack warrant a start in the next game based on what they've produced today, or at times in other games.

    When everyone looks crap, it's not the fault of the individual players 

    Nothing … but we were talking about sibley and the apparent clamour lfr his signature

    well actually it is.. no reason a player of his supposed ability cant stand out at this level

    bird manages it 🤷

  10. 2 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    I would argue at least half of our best opportunities this game have come through Sibley. Bird being involved in the rest.

    not sure about that.. one good cross first half 

    granted compared to barkhausen hes looked like ronaldo

    either way hes barely staked a claim to start next game never mind have teams clambering  to snap him up 

  11. 1 minute ago, Sparkle said:

    Which is the big issue whilst the likes of Cashin Bird and Sibley are likely to join knight in walking away in January or the summer because it doesn’t look promising here anymore 

    Why whos coming in for sibley? 

    another start another abject performance 

    news flash .. he aint will hughes folks 

  12. 1 minute ago, TheTinMan said:

    I've said this before but I do fear motivation is a factor in how we are consistently rubbish against 'lesser' sides, Burton excepted which is a local Derby. Its their cup final and a reminder of how far we've sunk for us. Carlisle was bloody hard work for the 2-0. We look okay against the Pompey's and Bolton's etc of this league. One of the issues with signing older league droppers, its just another pay cheque on a short contract and we only seem to get solid shows from Bird, Cash and Fozzy where there's no questioning the commitment to DCFC. 

    Its ability .. plain and simple .. motivation has nothing to do with being able to pass a ball 10 yards 

  13. Defence been fine, midfield ok ish kinda .. attack tripe

    Barks… has been crap, loads of the ball absolutely naff all production

    collins feeding off scraps , done ok in some partd been poor in others , will never be a top 2 side with him leading the line, argubly top 6

    sibley non existent bar one / nice touches 

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