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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 4 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Cocu’s football second season was horrendous for a couple of reasons.

    We had no striker. Literally none. Chris Martin left, and Kazim was injured. Cocu’s entire philosophy was built around having a number 9 who could hold up the ball.

    He was forced to play Rooney. An unfit overweight midfielder who couldn’t run. He also lost Huddlestone, his controlling midfielder, and Bielik was injured. We had no protection and no pressing energy in midfield.

    Under such circumstances any manager would have taken us down.

    Rooney couldn’t be carried. 

    Its quite simple.. the dutch philosophy of possession based football played under a glacially slow tempo, with minimal purpose and even less tempo doesnt work in england domestically. Its fine doing it in holland with one of the big two who significantly bigger resources and better budgets to make it work but u only need look how s*** united look under ETH as another v obvious example.


  2. Just now, DRBee said:

    Collins not good this half - two big mess ups in the first five minutes and should have have scored a few minutes ago.

    Plus his usual percentage of offside and stupid fouls. So frustrating.

    I just think he's crap tbh 

    i get what he offers and he has a role to play but hes not good enough to be the main man

    imo while we have him we will struggle to get anywhere near the automatics


    it is what it is though 

  3. On 08/10/2023 at 10:20, derbydaz22 said:

    So we just have to accept this football and just pretend everything is ok?

    No not at all… but im still pretty convinced in a an ideal world there is much warne would change with regards to the personnel…

    i hardly think james collins is warnes or anybodys go to centre forward of choice 

  4. 5 minutes ago, derbydaz22 said:

    It’s not hyperbole we should be beating the worst side in the division by some distance and the worst thing for me is when we do try and play a bit of football we create chances so why don’t we get the football on the floor more ?

    You Have to earn the right to play football.

    i would have thought in this league that probably applies even more so

    i remember robbie savage describing the midfield area in the champioship as “a battle ground” 

    hes right u have to do the hard graft and te nasty stuff before u earn the right to play

    Of course there are other ways to play .. keep the ball, if they dont have it they cat harm u etc but thats not warnes philosophy so it is what it is 

  5. 25 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    Sorry, but did you read the match thread for Carlisle away?

    People didn’t care that we won. They were ripping the performance to shreds.

    If people thought we played poorly v Blackpool, no doubt there would have been a willingness to say so.

    People were happy because we created chances and scored three goals and that could have been more.

    Expecting this group of players to deliver that game after game after game is overestimating their ability.

    The attack are going to have days where they miss chances. The defence are going to have days where they switch off and concede sloppy goals.

    This is their level. We have to take the rough with the smooth.

    Agree with you as per mate

    I think the truth is that while not scapegoating james collins.. hes a pretty smack bang average centre forward .. even. At this level especially as we have him at the tail end of his career . Am pretty confident that when better is attainable he’ll be out and we’ll look better for it


  6. 8 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Freebies aren't freebies, they want signing on fees and decent wages. That was his choice rather than pay fees for whoever that option was. How cheap do you think Bradley was 

    non of us know the answer to this so its pretty hypothetical isnt it

    Maybe he choose this pathway but that in itself highlights how limited we have been 

    imagine paying a transfer fee AND said signing on fees and decent wages ?? 

    remember years gone by ? 

  7. 2 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Here we go!!! Our toxic fan base out in force. I normally credit the away fans who follow them everywhere, amazing support and dedication which I just can’t do due to family and justifying the expense to my wife. However if there has been toxicity towards Warne today then the culprits should hang their heads in shame. You’ve been treated to 4 wins in 6 away games!! An amazing performance against Blackpool. 4 points from this week is a good return, the other way around winning today and drawing against Blackpool and everyone would be happy. 

    First half wasn’t good enough, second half we created the chances to win but didn’t take them. Decent performance and no coincidence Bird was at the heart of it, the manager said afterwards he’s managing him carefully, it would be a disaster to lose him to injury again. 

    Home games are the problem not today. We were s**** against Carlisle and won 2-0, we were better today and drew. Cheltenham have been creating chances not taking them. It was inevitable it would be us but we still should’ve won the game. Frustrating yes, but doesnt warrant the gargantuan overreaction from those who to be Frank, are waiting for anything fitting their narrative to pounce.

    im not a Warne defender, just seeking balance. 

    Bang f****** on mate

    i said when we came out of admin that it wouldnt take long for the derby county entitlement brigade to forget where we were 


  8. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    How many did Warne want to pay?

    ??? Bit of silly question mate

    Managers are like politicians , in it for the now .. theyre the ones that get judged for the moment .

    if warne had fees available to him to recruit better he or any other manager would have used them .. fact

    u think he signed free bs just for a good laugh ?? Really?  .. cmon mate ur better than that 

  9. 9 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Oh come one, it's been over a year and two transfer windows and we look worse than when he came in. We have a good budget and the ability to sign players for a fee. All the 'remember what happened' 'we're lucky to have a club' is loooong looong past. I remember the other times we were lucky to have a club, it happens, we got over it.

    So social media and the itks tell us

    how many fees did we actually pay ? 

    were still under a strict 2 year business plan . The details of which only clowes , warn , pearce and the efl know 

  10. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Happy for you. We're a midtable League 1 team.

    And .. we know this roy

    after what the clubs been through .. the tuenover , the upheaval , the stripping to the bones, the restrictions did u think it was going to be a plain sailing path straight back to the champioship

    Yes it can happen and theres some examples but the majority of the time it takes teams seasons to regrow to their former selves 

    18 months ago we were marching to even have a club or have u all forgotten ? 

  11. 2 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I’ll keep saying it until my patience with Warne wears out, I’m not as far down that road as others, we’re not sinking down the table, we’re not quite where we need to be either but there’s a lot of time to go this season. I’m not clamouring for the performances others are, I don’t love Warne’s approach but I don’t hate it either.
    If Warne doesn’t deliver what Clowes expects he’ll get sacked, and someone else gets their chance, I just don’t think calling for a sacking after an away draw is the most balanced approach to have. I’m aware lots disagree but I can have my opinion as much as others can. 

    Stop speaking sense 

  12. On 29/09/2023 at 12:35, CrapSince99 said:

    Can’t see it ever being broken personally. Was an almost impressive concoction of ineptness and misfortune.

    A squad that had over achieved and were by no means ready for Premiership football.

    An ownership group not willing or unable to fund the club adequately to compete and looking to sell. 

    A manager who can no longer get work and has displayed tendencies of someone with severe paranoia. 

    We then hired somebody who not long after being appointed was on the front page of a tabloid for a sex tape he had done years previously. 

    The Derby way. 

    Think half the players we signed got crocked after a couple of games when tey realised how crap we were

    Was it danny mills that lasted less than two games 

  13. Went to meadow lane last night to see the pies against swindon as was offered a free ticket.

    firstly god notts are good, play beautiful football… made me cry a little bit inside i wont lie.

    Didzy… still class,

    lovely touches, great goal wonderful assist 

    He hasnt lost it and with no disrepect but would swap back for collins in a heartbeat…. Not that notts would want collins tbf

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