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Kayden Jackson - signed on a 2 year deal

Jimbo Ram

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Remember, those of you who are worried, this is a free and we have released players ourselves. As long as wages are proportionate with the rest of the team there is no worry financially. We just have to see if he’s any good. How many games did he play in the Champ last season as part of a wining team ? 

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1 minute ago, Jimbo Ram said:

I saw it with my own 👀 

In which case, I wonder what management see in him.  They must have a very strong view for this, as if they get it wrong he is going to be tough to get off the books.  

Everyone we sign gets the benefit of the doubt from me.  

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10 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

Yates has nearly 50 more goal involvements in the past four years than Jackson. They’re Incomparable. 

I'm really surprised about this one, the signing is one thing but the length of the deal is another. He’s quick, can stretch defences but I just don’t see what possible metrics we used to fall upon giving him a three year deal. Hats off to the agent! 

We have to be missing something here - got to be one of those where he's better than he looks on paper. Or here's just your classic grafter. I don't know. Trying to give Warne the benefit of the doubt but it seems like a long contract (and possibly a lot of wages) on some not all that impressive.

I guess it's another Championship quality player signed with no [transfer] fee, though?

Edited by Nuwtfly
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Someone asked Ipswich fans on twitter what he is like:-

"Works his b******s off. Don't play him up top on his own. Id say the most successful he's been for us is playing RW, he is rapid and will track back"

"He's rapid and will put in 100% and will stretch defences"

"If Warne can work to his strengths, he will be a very good player for you. He can play on the touchline and despite having been a striker for most of his career he can put a good ball in as well. Also works as part of a 2 up top"

"You'll love him. Work rate of a husky"

"Use his attributes and he's great. As said, rapid, should make defenders very wary. Will work really hard and can pull players away with him to create space"

If its 3 years. In 3 years time he will the same age as Collins is now. So not that bad. I think it will more than likely ne a 2 year with he option of a third.

As with anyone, I will judge them when I see them in a Derby shirt.

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2 minutes ago, Gerry Daly said:

We are still shopping in the bargain bucket then

Maybe.  But a three year deal doesn't feel bargain bucket.  Cheap up front, I grant you.

Again, the key thing is what does management see in him that they are willing to make such a concession to get him (should the news be confirmed).

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