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Might we lose...

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... two of our PL records from THAT season?

Currently Sheff U have beaten our 11 point tally so we keep that one. They have also scored 22 which is more than our 20 goals in that season.

Goals against. With 11 games to go, they have conceded 72. Just 17 short of our 89. That record could well be in "danger". Based on goals conceded per game, they are on track for 99.9 (100 on the cards?)

Goal difference. 11 to play and they are at -50. Our "record" is -69. Extrapolated over a 38 game season they are currently on target for -70.

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No one is ever beating 11 points, and I've long since made peace with that.

The rest of it is just whatever, but Sheffield United are truly horrific. That's 16 goals conceded in their last 3 home games (a record). 3 teams have scored more goals at Bramall Lane this year than they have.

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9 minutes ago, Srg said:

No one is ever beating 11 points, and I've long since made peace with that.

The rest of it is just whatever, but Sheffield United are truly horrific. That's 16 goals conceded in their last 3 home games (a record). 3 teams have scored more goals at Bramall Lane this year than they have.

Sheffield United are truly horrific, and their fans are a complete disgrace.

During THAT season I believe our fans were voted Player of the Season. Every game was a sell out, and bizarrely, the longer the season went on, and the more we fell behind the rest of the league, the better the support was at Pride Park. We took the piss out of ourselves, and every set of away fans that turned up. It seems some of our best times as fans have been when we face adversity. Strange bunch us Rams fans.

Last night Brammel Lane was half empty by half time. Tin pot club, with tin pot fans.

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17 minutes ago, Addingham Ram said:


Sheffield United are truly horrific, and their fans are a complete disgrace.

During THAT season I believe our fans were voted Player of the Season. Every game was a sell out, and bizarrely, the longer the season went on, and the more we fell behind the rest of the league, the better the support was at Pride Park. We took the piss out of ourselves, and every set of away fans that turned up. It seems some of our best times as fans have been when we face adversity. Strange bunch us Rams fans.

Last night Brammel Lane was half empty by half time. Tin pot club, with tin pot fans.

They were leaving after 15 mins.

We only booed after the final whistle on the last game of the season. Once it was all over. Before that, the team had our full support. They were just awful players at that level, not really their own fault. Just put in a situation where they were massively out of their depth. And that's why we supported them.

It really was, weirdly, one of the most fun seasons I remember.

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Chanting 'Lets pretend we scored a goal' against Villa at home was chuffing brilliant to be fair, then celebrating wildly when nothing had happened on the pitch.


I'm weirdly proud of that season, attending every home game apart from one and a few away, guess which was the only home game I missed? as me and my mate, Tim, decided to watch it on TVย  instead.

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Our record for lowest ever points tally will never be broken.ย  However I take comfort in the fact that the tree dwellers up the road are technically the worst ever premier league team for finishing dead last 3 times.

As for United, they appear to be completely devoid of humour.ย  You'd think they're well past the point of taking the rest of the season seriously, but they have this opinion that they should be doing better than they are.ย  I think that idea expired for us around September of that season...

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8 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

Our record for lowest ever points tally will never be broken.

I used to think that, but if the extrapolated predictions that @MadAmsterย makes come true - they are unlikely to pick up any more points this season. Especially as they seem to have lost the fans and the changing room is also gone. So they'd finish on 13 - which I think was the previous low points record that Sunderland had?ย 

On that basis - it's still highly unlikely our record will be broken, but I wouldn't say impossible. I think we may see a few more teams crumble under the financial pressure of expectation as the Prem gets sillier and sillier in terms of money


Edited by Stive Pesley
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7 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I used to think that, but if the extrapolated predictions that @MadAmsterย makes come true - they are unlikely to pick up any more points this season. Especially as they seem to have lost the fans and the changing room is also gone. So they'd finish on 13 - which I think was the previous low points record that Sunderland had?ย 

On that basis - it's still highly unlikely our record will be broken, but I wouldn't say impossible. I think we may see a few more teams crumble under the financial pressure of expectation as the Prem gets sillier and sillier in terms of money


I can't see it ever happening.ย  Even if they tried to do it on purpose, there's no way a manager could assemble such a ill-suited and downright crap squad for a Premier League campaign as King Bill-eh did.ย  Look at Luton, even they've been able to chuck a decent chunk of money at it.ย  For an experienced old head who's been around the division they turned to Ross Barkley, we signed Andy Todd...

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1 hour ago, Foreveram said:

The only home game I missed that season was the 0-4 home defeat to Spurs, I was swimming with Whale sharks in the Caribbean Sea in Mexico at the time which kinda took the edge off it.๐Ÿ˜€

Of home games I managed to only miss.... Newcastle... *sigh* you couldn't make it up. When we went into the next season, I remember it dawning on me that despite being an ST holder that I hadn't seen us win in well over a year. Jesus wept, what a time that was to endure being a Derby fan ! I climbed out of the East Stand at the final whistle on the final day and watched some lads unfurl a banner with 'Thank f*** that's over' written on it. Quality ! Summed it up perfectly!

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2 hours ago, MadAmster said:

... two of our PL records from THAT season?

Currently Sheff U have beaten our 11 point tally so we keep that one. They have also scored 22 which is more than our 20 goals in that season.

Goals against. With 11 games to go, they have conceded 72. Just 17 short of our 89. That record could well be in "danger". Based on goals conceded per game, they are on track for 99.9 (100 on the cards?)

Goal difference. 11 to play and they are at -50. Our "record" is -69. Extrapolated over a 38 game season they are currently on target for -70.

Think Sheff Utd share the 20 goal one and Swindon conceded 100 but over 4 more games.ย  They can have it regardless.ย  We'd possibly have conceded 11 in another 4 but we'll never know.

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3 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

I used to think that, but if the extrapolated predictions that @MadAmsterย makes come true - they are unlikely to pick up any more points this season. Especially as they seem to have lost the fans and the changing room is also gone. So they'd finish on 13 - which I think was the previous low points record that Sunderland had?ย 

On that basis - it's still highly unlikely our record will be broken, but I wouldn't say impossible. I think we may see a few more teams crumble under the financial pressure of expectation as the Prem gets sillier and sillier in terms of money


In my opening post I mentioned that they already had more points than us so we would retain that particular record. I went on to explain that another record from that season, lowest goals for tally, 20, had also already been surpassed by them so we'd keep that one as well.


That leaves two other unwanted records from that season, highest goals against and worst goal difference. SUFC are on course to take both of those.

In short, we set 4 records that season, I've posted they've surpassed two of them already. The other two might be in danger of passing from us to them. You seem to have missed that that was my point from the opening post, we might lose 2 of the 4 unwanted records.

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2 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Think Sheff Utd share the 20 goal one and Swindon conceded 100 but over 4 more games.ย  They can have it regardless.ย  We'd possibly have conceded 11 in another 4 but we'll never know.

Thanks for the correction Gee. Swindon did indeed concede exactly 100. They did manage to score 47, however, more than twice what we managed.

SU scored 20 in the 20-21 season so we "only" have a share of that.

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4 hours ago, oodledoodle said:

They were leaving after 15 mins.

We only booed after the final whistle on the last game of the season. Once it was all over. Before that, the team had our full support. They were just awful players at that level, not really their own fault. Just put in a situation where they were massively out of their depth. And that's why we supported them.

It really was, weirdly, one of the most fun seasons I remember.

I really hate that Reading game. What you say about the rest of the season is absolutely correct. We'd adjusted our expectations for the season so many times, from can we stay up? > can we compete? > can we get 16 points? > can we at least see something to be positive about for next season? That's where we were going into the Reading fixture. If we'd somehow got a win or at least shown some fight in that game, I guarantee the players would've been applauded despite an abject season. We got nothing and were obliterated by a poor Reading side who would be joining us in the Championship. It was the moment we all had to accept that not only had we been s*** in the Premier League, but we were going to be s*** in the Championship.

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3 hours ago, Alty_Ram said:

Of home games I managed to only miss.... Newcastle... *sigh* you couldn't make it up. When we went into the next season, I remember it dawning on me that despite being an ST holder that I hadn't seen us win in well over a year. Jesus wept, what a time that was to endure being a Derby fan ! I climbed out of the East Stand at the final whistle on the final day and watched some lads unfurl a banner with 'Thank f*** that's over' written on it. Quality ! Summed it up perfectly!

Ditto only game missed at home!!!!!

Do remember the gallows humour of the fans and donโ€™t remember many leaving we just sucked it up in the sure and certain knowledge that we would return the following year๐Ÿ™„.

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