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DCFC Fans Members Injury Thread

Message added by Day,

No gore please. This includes photos of open wounds, stitches & blood.

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5 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

my girlfriend was moaning her knives weren't sharp enough, me, being the hero I am, got out my Kitchen Devil knife sharpening tool and proceeded to sharpen her set of knives.

Three days later, washing the pots, with the cutlery in the bottom of the bowl, I happened to feather one of the aforementioned knives with my finger tip and now have the tiniest looking, but most inconveniently positioned, japs-eye looking, painful little mo-fo of a cut on the end of my middle finger and I keep catching it on things and squealing. It hurts like a GibsonBamford!

I would post a picture, but the mockery would be unbearable.

You living life on the edge, taking a sharp knife anywhere near your girlfriend. Did you not read the warnings on the back of the box?ย 

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  • 1 month later...

Iโ€™m back!

Just getting ready for work, got out the shower, went to admire myself in the mirror saw I do and whaaaaat is that!ย 

Not been punched, clobbered, walloped by a fist, door, knee, dog, nothing at all.

Weird thing is I can now feel it, like itโ€™s raised and itchy, itโ€™s not raised so probably ย in my head, but whatโ€™s going on here then?



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13 minutes ago, David said:

Iโ€™m back!

Just getting ready for work, got out the shower, went to admire myself in the mirror saw I do and whaaaaat is that!ย 

Not been punched, clobbered, walloped by a fist, door, knee, dog, nothing at all.

Weird thing is I can now feel it, like itโ€™s raised and itchy, itโ€™s not raised so probably ย in my head, but whatโ€™s going on here then?




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3 hours ago, David said:

Iโ€™m back!

Just getting ready for work, got out the shower, went to admire myself in the mirror saw I do and whaaaaat is that!ย 

Not been punched, clobbered, walloped by a fist, door, knee, dog, nothing at all.

Weird thing is I can now feel it, like itโ€™s raised and itchy, itโ€™s not raised so probably ย in my head, but whatโ€™s going on here then?



Ophthalmomyiasis, I fear.ย 

Somehow, a fly has entered via the eye socket, laid its eggs, and now the hatching maggots are feasting on the fleshy environment they've been born to.

Probably best to wear sunglasses, for a few weeks.

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15 minutes ago, Rev said:

Ophthalmomyiasis, I fear.ย 

Somehow, a fly has entered via the eye socket, laid its eggs, and now the hatching maggots are feasting on the fleshy environment they've been born to.

Probably best to wear sunglasses, for a few weeks.

... and spray some of this in yer eyes, thrice a day for two weeks...



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39 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

... and spray some of this in yer eyes, thrice a day for two weeks...



Devil's potion that.

You hear the buzz, it fooks off behind the crap that populates every kitchen window, not letting you or the tea towel get in a striking position.

A fleeting glimpse at your new mortal enemy, distorted between the pasta containers, washing up caddy, radio that hasnโ€™t seen a signal since DAB, and the long expired medicine you keep just in case that maggot bores a way through your cheekbone again.

You're sure it's a big fly, or a rampant wasp just waiting to stick you with his unbreakable stinger.ย 

All of a sudden, a hush descends, a brief pause in the battle between man and beast.ย 

He's biding his time, safe behind the fettuccine and spaghetti threads.ย 

You twirl the can of Raid around in the hand, like a gunfighter at the OK Corral. You glimpse the operating instructions, imploring you to spray the centre of the room, and let it do its job.

No chance, you decide, I've seen what it does when targeted effectively, no chance I'm risking overspray onto tomorrow's Sandwich prep area.

This Barsteward is getting it, targeted, I'll deal with the window residue afterwards.

He makes his move, upto the top window, which, in a triumph of hope vs experience, you've opened to allow a dignified retreat, how hard is it to fly through an open window ffs.

He hits the bloody handle, as always, and drops down into the target zone, you're now locked and loaded, and fire away, direct hit, bogey down.

The death buzz starts almost immediately, but is drowned out by the congratulations of mission control, who has positioned themselves as far away in the kitchen/diner as possible.ย 

The buzzing gets more insistent, and now I realise that the distress must be ended ASAP.ย 

ย I'm not a monster revelling in victory, just a reluctant participant in a fight I didn't pick.

I pick up the half full bottle of hand sanitiser, a legacy of a different recent battle, and gingerly move the obstacles aside to deliver the fatal, merciful blow.

It's not a fly, and it's not a wasp.

It's a honeybee, possibly a queen, and I've gone from family saviour to planet killer in one press of the evil Raid can of death.

Use Raid responsibly, folks.ย 


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11 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

Not an actual physical injury, but I felt great pain, when I went to get a glass for my beer and found this.ย 



No idea how it got broken, now sadly on its way to the bin.

Blimey.ย  That was close!ย  Could have taken it's eye out!ย ย ๐Ÿ˜ฒ



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Although I have a sedentary desk job, I'm fairly active: Average 12k steps per day. Go to the gym 3 times a week and 10 mile bike rides in between, if the weather is fine.

I've always had one dodgy knee that lets me walk/cycle/crosstrain with no problem, but frequently and painfully gives way on me if I'm just shifting weight from one leg to the other (while cooking/washing up etc).

On a bike ride yesterday and my other knee started being painful when I was trying to put some power into that leg. It's not what I imagine an arthritis ache pain to be. More like my knee telling me "do that once more and I'm going to fall to bits". Painfully unstable is the best way I can describe it. I got home OK but had to make sure to use my other leg more for power.

Using it normally at home and it was fine again.


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26 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


Although I have a sedentary desk job, I'm fairly active: Average 12k steps per day. Go to the gym 3 times a week and 10 mile bike rides in between, if the weather is fine.

I've always had one dodgy knee that lets me walk/cycle/crosstrain with no problem, but frequently and painfully gives way on me if I'm just shifting weight from one leg to the other (while cooking/washing up etc).

On a bike ride yesterday and my other knee started being painful when I was trying to put some power into that leg. It's not what I imagine an arthritis ache pain to be. More like my knee telling me "do that once more and I'm going to fall to bits". Painfully unstable is the best way I can describe it. I got home OK but had to make sure to use my other leg more for power.

Using it normally at home and it was fine again.


Don't do the cooking/washing up.

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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:


Although I have a sedentary desk job, I'm fairly active: Average 12k steps per day. Go to the gym 3 times a week and 10 mile bike rides in between, if the weather is fine.

I've always had one dodgy knee that lets me walk/cycle/crosstrain with no problem, but frequently and painfully gives way on me if I'm just shifting weight from one leg to the other (while cooking/washing up etc).

On a bike ride yesterday and my other knee started being painful when I was trying to put some power into that leg. It's not what I imagine an arthritis ache pain to be. More like my knee telling me "do that once more and I'm going to fall to bits". Painfully unstable is the best way I can describe it. I got home OK but had to make sure to use my other leg more for power.

Using it normally at home and it was fine again.


Not sure it's wise to ask for medical advice on a football forum?ย  Bit risky, if you ask... meeeh!ย  Sod it...




Whack some o' these down yer neck, yoof!


60 now, and still get out cycling (albeit we've just recently gone over to Pedal-Assist E Bikes), and think nothing of 30miles+ (And managed comfortably on a recent 54 miler).
Our recent holiday in Normandy saw us cover 325 miles in the 10 days we went cycling.ย  NOT A TWINGE!

Oh... and we still sleep on SIMs on the floor in the tent... getting up and down is next-to-no-bother!

We also partake in hiking when we get the chance... 6 to 10 miles usually... Nothing heroic, but we have managed Tal y Fan (A very small mountain in Snowdonia, but a mountain nonetheless).ย  And the Derbyshire peaks are more than comfortable, of course.

I'm not claiming they are some sort of miracle cure, or perfect in anyway.ย  I still get a bit of knee jip now and again, but not as harsh, and not as often as before.ย  A vast improvement over how much jip I was getting 5 or so years ago, before taking these.ย  So much so, I was seriously thinking of putting a stop to such activities!
Now I'm looking at 60-70mile e-bike routes, and 8 to 12 mile hiking routes, on my fancy new app!ย ย ๐Ÿ˜

#works for me.


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5 hours ago, Wolfie said:


Although I have a sedentary desk job, I'm fairly active: Average 12k steps per day. Go to the gym 3 times a week and 10 mile bike rides in between, if the weather is fine.

I've always had one dodgy knee that lets me walk/cycle/crosstrain with no problem, but frequently and painfully gives way on me if I'm just shifting weight from one leg to the other (while cooking/washing up etc).

On a bike ride yesterday and my other knee started being painful when I was trying to put some power into that leg. It's not what I imagine an arthritis ache pain to be. More like my knee telling me "do that once more and I'm going to fall to bits". Painfully unstable is the best way I can describe it. I got home OK but had to make sure to use my other leg more for power.

Using it normally at home and it was fine again.


Hard to say for sure but it's possible that you have some cartilage issues. Your knee has two cartilage cups in it (sort of like washers) which act as a buffer between the bones of your upper and lower leg. I had a stumble on some uneven stairs in a castle a few years back and on top of hurting like hell, I then found that the knee felt really unstable, like it might fold back the wrong way when fully straightened. It was your comment about it being 'unstable' that got my attention.

To cut a long story short it happening again a couple of weeks later and I ended up going for x-ray and an MRI and apparently I had a tear in one of these cups (called a meniscus). This meant that the joint could sort of wander a bit and that's not great because it take it out of the range of expected movement and can damage other things. Sometimes it is a small tear that isn't a big issue most of the time except perhaps when you are performing an action that affects the area of the tear. I still get grief form it if I put my full weight on the knee at a particular angle of bend.

Apparently you can over time just wear these things down, not just from some big impact.


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1 hour ago, Alty_Ram said:

Hard to say for sure but it's possible that you have some cartilage issues. Your knee has two cartilage cups in it (sort of like washers) which act as a buffer between the bones of your upper and lower leg. I had a stumble on some uneven stairs in a castle a few years back and on top of hurting like hell, I then found that the knee felt really unstable, like it might fold back the wrong way when fully straightened. It was your comment about it being 'unstable' that got my attention.

To cut a long story short it happening again a couple of weeks later and I ended up going for x-ray and an MRI and apparently I had a tear in one of these cups (called a meniscus). This meant that the joint could sort of wander a bit and that's not great because it take it out of the range of expected movement and can damage other things. Sometimes it is a small tear that isn't a big issue most of the time except perhaps when you are performing an action that affects the area of the tear. I still get grief form it if I put my full weight on the knee at a particular angle of bend.

Apparently you can over time just wear these things down, not just from some big impact.


Had mine cleaned up a couple of years ago. I was in pain 24 hours a day. Now I just get occasional pain, usually brought on by walking on uneven ground (the beach, countryside etc).

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