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The Ukraine War


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1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

Or to airdrop food parcels, gifts and medical supplies if you are a viewer of Russia-1 and Channel One, or pro-Russian.

It’s all baalocks ain’t it.

How long do we give it before @uttoxram75or @GboroRamdelete my Maggie picture?


You can’t call out where your bait it mate, we’ve seen it.?

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A Greek journalist who gives daily reports on the situation, yes from the Russian perspective, but gives important info and tries to adhere to facts as facts and rumors as rumors.  He does many of his videos while strolling through some neighborhood or other and while this does not bother me in the slightest, we may have some finicky souls within our flock.

A short synopsis of this one - Mariupol has fallen with the exception of the Azovstal industrial area underground system where an estimated 2000 soldiers are holding out, 400 of which may be foreign troops.  Russia has made many gains in the eastern part of Ukraine.


Edited by ramit
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4 hours ago, ramit said:

A Greek journalist who gives daily reports on the situation, yes from the Russian perspective, but gives important info and tries to adhere to facts as facts and rumors as rumors.  He does many of his videos while strolling through some neighborhood or other and while this does not bother me in the slightest, we may have some finicky souls within our flock.

A short synopsis of this one - Mariupol has fallen with the exception of the Azovstal industrial area underground system where an estimated 2000 soldiers are holding out, 400 of which may be foreign troops.  Russia has made many gains in the eastern part of Ukraine.


They must be very proud. 

Civilians dying in Lviv now.

Meanwhile Liz Truss trying to explain why the UK govt is still doing business with 14 companies operating in Russia. 

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It seems that the battle for Donbass has been stepped up now as Russia tries to make significant gains before their May 9th Victory Day celebrations.  Above all else Putin, intends to protect his reputation in Russia so I can't see him being interested in any sort of settlement before he has something concrete that he can parade as a victory on May 9th, regardless of how many people die on both sides.  Putin first, is Russia's policy. 

Ukraine is asking for more weapons from the US and the West, and understandably so.  And given Russia's wanton aggression those weapons are badly needed for Ukraine to be able to defend itself to any degree.  However after May 9th every international effort should be made to reach some sort of truce and to start negotiations to end the war. 

I fear that the mindset in Washington at the moment is quietly satisfied with the trouble Russia finds itself in and the US wouldn't be too displeased if this war were to carry on indefinitely....happy to fight on to the last Ukrainian soldier, weakening Russia and Putin as it draws on.  That might be an unfair assessment... but I am hearing very little about American efforts or preparations to negotiate a settlement compared to their efforts to supply weapons. 



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29 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

The US is always happy to fight by proxy, getting some other nation to take the hits whilst gravely weakening a potential rival is manna from heaven for them ?

I doubt they're unique and other super powers would probably jump at the chance if they could do the same. 

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50 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

Oh I think Boris will want the war to last a bit longer for different reasons.... 

I actually meant that if any nation was foolish enough to take on the US then I'm sure Russia would be happy to see them weakened by a drawn out conflict and may support (secretly or openly) that other country with military hardware. 

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I’ve tried to be relatively informed with everything that is happening but can’t really find anyone talking about this, would Russia taking Mariupol cause a momentum shift as they then have an eastern base for supplies etc? Or is it just symbolically important so they can have a parade on May 9th?

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1 minute ago, TuffLuff said:

I’ve tried to be relatively informed with everything that is happening but can’t really find anyone talking about this, would Russia taking Mariupol cause a momentum shift as they then have an eastern base for supplies etc? Or is it just symbolically important so they can have a parade on May 9th?

Land corridor from crimea to Russia I thought. Although why that's so necessary is not clear as there hasn't been any sign of Ukraine attacking the crimea in the last 8 years. 

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