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The Administration Thread


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Now I know you shouldn't believe everything (i.e. 99%) on Twitter, but one tweeter has said a thing that's got me thinking and worried.

Q will make more money via liquidation than if MA gets the club. (TFR football - and no cant link, twitters on a different device) 

Leading to the logic that if any other bidders cant get the funds / investors back then it could be over.

Probably nonsense because a) who knows what MA is going to offer and b) that might change in negotiations but I need some of the brighter minds here to remind me I'm an over reacting numpty that'll believe anything!


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1 minute ago, RipleyRich said:

I'm not sure I believe that.

Yes a deal might be in place, but nobody in their right mi d would complete without the sale of the club being completed. Without the sake of the club it's a £22m car park!

And surely until the club is sold it still has a loan secured against it?

Dont even joke about that

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1 minute ago, RipleyRich said:

I'm not sure I believe that.

Yes a deal might be in place, but nobody in their right mind would complete without the sale of the club being completed. Without the sale of the club it's a £22m car park!

And surely until the club is sold it still has a loan secured against it?

Agree, it'll be a "nothing is agreed until everything is agreed" sort of thing.

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On 19/05/2022 at 13:40, RAM1966 said:

Wouldn't surprise me....  That said I think Kirchner may have totally misjudged this thinking Mel would buckle which hw won't.

Had Kirchner have thought this through properly he would have paid 25p in £ the non football creditors and used the other 10p in the £ to help fund the purchase of the stadium.

It all still seems in doubt to me...

You do realise that come 5pm absolutely nothing will happen. No money comes through. No statement from anyone. No new bidder. The fans will be left in the dark tearing their hair out. Rumours will continue to appear and we will be none the wiser

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4 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

Do you actually belive every randon tweet you read on tw@ter? Ed Dawes says Ashley has £28 m in cash waiting to buy the Rams. Fine but that is nowhere near enough which is why ashley is a poor third at best, behind CK (for now), appleby and maybe others too.  

Why is he behind Appleby? Appleby has been unable to get the funds together from what we've heard. I'd rather have Appleby as owner, but you cant criticise a guy for not offering enough and then put him behind someone who also cant get enough money together

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I’m not buying this line from Dorsett that the Appleby or Morgan bids have no money or backers.  Morgan’s worth about £800M and on top of that he’s set up his own foundation and put £300M into that.  Dorsett just scaremongering but the trouble is people are falling for it.

And as for him saying the Admins are talking to him.  How do we know he’s even made contact with them.  If I’m selling my house I don’t ring up people and ask them if they fancy buying it!!

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10 minutes ago, simmoram1995 said:

So Dorsett reckons large number of investors have pulled out of their perspective deals in the Appleby and Morgan groups.

Ashley refusing to pay Admin fees 


Kirchner giving all the excuses under the sun like a child with a poor homework habit and today it’s been revealed Slyc owe money to sponsors and some long term employees haven’t been paid!


I seriously see it coming down to these


A) local consortium Gadsby etc buy the club 

B) liquidation 

C) what I hope in all of this take the hit on points, get Ashley and cashley basically says I am not paying your fees due to incompetence and if you’re not happy see you in court! Ashley won against Newcastle 


Rob Dorsett reckons whatever Mike Ashley tells him to reckon.

C is your preferred option? Really?

What you'd ideally like to see happen is for us to get 15 points deducted next season, almost certainly sending us down to League Two in 2023-24? All so you can someone take control of the club - get this - by not paying paying people what they're contractually due because you think it's too much, despite it being the going rate?

Yeah, brilliant, great start to his ownership and what a wonderful example to set!

The only person who should be getting sued in that scenario is Mike Ashley.

Edited by Coconut's Beard
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2 minutes ago, Shipley Ram said:

I'm just catching up after doing a maths exam this afternoon, I'm so depressed I want to go back to the world of differential equations and vector dot products.

I went into a shop yesterday I purchased a loaf of bread for my mum and dad £1.25 and I asked for a bag 20p ( I was picking up some stuff elsewhere) I was asked for the correct amount £1.45 so I handed over a £2 coin and the server said here is your £1.75 change.

I think that just about sums up what’s happening with Derby County 

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28 minutes ago, Ian Buxton's Bat said:

if 5 pm rolls round with no CK money, will they actually name a preferred bidder or is it just a mad scramble with first to show enough money closing the deal?

I suspect it will just be open to whoever puts in the best bid. CK will always be there until the deal collapses. If the money clears, he will get the club. The problem is, even if the money does arrive, his credibility is rapidly diminishing and he's likely lost the trust of a selection of fans. He would have looked far better if he at least said something even if it's not what we wanted to hear. The whole situation is just a complete mess.

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Spotted one fans tweet which includes what is allegedly an email reply from one of the admins saying they are engaging with ALL interested parties contrary to media reports. So either she’s made it up (unlikely), Quantuma are lying, or Rob Dorsett’s sources are lying and he just wants to stir the pot ….why is it so difficult for the people involved to be straightforward and transparent in the process?! All the talk of NDAs and the like, to protect what?! Our dirty laundry has been aired publicly for the last couple of years, what advantage or disadvantage does any party gain from being honest about the process?


Edited by Caerphilly Ram
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CK does know that if he has the money he hasn’t actually got to wait until 5pm to send it to Quantarma doesn’t he?

Also Q hasn’t got to wait until 5pm to say it’s arrived.

All in all, CK will default, it’s a certainty, why are we all sat here waiting?


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