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19 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

He did before and since then I've never been able to see his tweets.

This is all I have been able to see for ages. Makes no sense at all.


That's his old one.  He set up a new one in April. 

Nothing new on there since his Nadal comment 3 days ago though. 

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1 minute ago, Strider said:

The BBC don't generally report on something unless they've heard it from 2 different independent sources. I'd believe them over Nixon.

A few years ago, BBC Derby reported a story about a fan from Norway who'd spent a load of money to travel for a match that was then moved for TV, meaning he couldn't go. 

On this forum I questioned how accurate the reported amount of money was. A BBC Radio employee stated categorically on here and on Twitter, naming me in his Tweet that it was the case. 

It turned out that the amount was exaggerated by the fan and reported verbatim by Radio Derby, who went on to adjust their figure as the day went on.

It's absolute nonsense that the BBC, or any other news organisation, is careful about the truth of what they report.

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I hope for RD’s they’re right because this will damage a huge relationship with the club. No more favours for Mr Dawes. They’ll be just as useful as the local paper for any information going forward.

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12 hours ago, LazloW said:

What is quite interesting is the complete lack of credible ‘noise’ about what is happening. I’d have thought that with so many people involved there would be leaks galore to the press, but it seems that nobody really knows anything.  However,  my gut instinct is that if the deal was going bad somebody would know and somebody would let it slip… so no news is good news at this point?? (Straw clutching!)

Well, spoke too soon there, but was also right; deal (might) be going bad and somebody has let it slip.  

Hopefully, I’ve also been right about Ed Dawes’ journalistic abilities and he is completely wrong about this! 

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If this is true there's obviously a colossal barrier we're not being told about.

Surely we haven't had this many "chancers" spending millions to work out a deal, only to pull out at the last second because they don't have the dosh after all. There must be a serious reason Bin Zayed, Alonso, Kirchner have been unable to finish the deal. They can't all be chancers

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I doubt this is reason for concern.

If ck lacked funds bring the prefered bidder, is likely to mean people approach ck willing to partner with him financially as ma did but there could be others.

For a business the size and reputation of Derby finding silent partners to invest is probably a lot easier than buying the club outright.

For silent partners it's less hassle, you don't require the hassle of the day to day running the business.

I'm not saying that's a route that ck wants to go down having rejected ma.

In any case daily mail like to run stories thar attract readers, so stir things by saying something is rumoured to be potentially possible.

I wonder why mm didn't bother to either seek a sale of the club or seek a business partner to raise funds, rather than raising funds in the way that he did by using the stadium revaluation.

That in itself made me think that mm didn't have a great business mind.

Edited by Oldben
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2 minutes ago, BucksRam said:

Can you paraphrase and post a link?  Won't be allowed to post the full article. 

This is the key bit alongside what was posted above:

"The businessman sent over a massive sum last week, including the first chunk of money to the club’s creditors, and this was delayed by checks in the financial police world.

Two different methods were used and the cash was due to be in an escrow account late last night.

However as of this morning Kirchner is waiting on the cash being cleared but still insists he is on course to be the owner."

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31 minutes ago, Sheff Ram said:

Man. Broken my record for blocking trolling Forest fans on Twitter and it's only half past 8 in the morning. 

If this does fall through there are some serious questions to ask of Q and the EFL. It means their proof of funds checks ain't worth waste matter remaining after food has been digested, discharged from the bowels.

Me too - I'd like to say it's amazing the level of spite coming our way, but Twitter is a cesspit and the pond life is having a feeding frenzy...

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