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9 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

The only detail that I hadn't picked up from my quick perusal of regulation 85 is that there is no time-limit for the process which seems a disgrace..... If that's the structure of the rule then you should be innocent and allowed to continue until the process is concluded. 

It's absurd that the EFL have the right to impose sanctions whilst they allow themselves unfettered time to undertake their reviews. 

Every step that the club has to go through is time - boxed. 


That's a really good point and seems to reinforce the opinion some of us hold that the EFL are being malicious in the way they are treating us. 

My guess is that they are telling the club that if we want to get it concluded sooner, we should take the points deduction that's on offer.

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Given we appear to have submitted the information for them to now be considering, what is it we’re now guilty of that is causing us to be under this ridiculously strict embargo that is harming the careers of our young players? Is it just the HMRC payments that may or may not be openly available deferrals? 

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2 minutes ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

Not sure if this has been covered already so apologies if I’ve missed it but is t it the case that even by accepting a points deduction for breach of FFP it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the embargo in respect of making signings / squad size? Aren’t their other issues regarding that?

Word has been that they want a points deduction and an agreed business plan. If that business plan won't let us sign players above a certain value, makes us pay low wages or any other number of things imposed by the EFL, they will still be controlling what we do - even if we get a new owner. 

It's like looking down a long dark tunnel business-wise at the moment.  

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2 minutes ago, nottingram said:

Given we appear to have submitted the information for them to now be considering, what is it we’re now guilty of that is causing us to be under this ridiculously strict embargo that is harming the careers of our young players? Is it just the HMRC payments that may or may not be openly available deferrals? 

The additional information hasn’t been described as financial information has it - I suspect it’s drone footage of members of the EFL on a night out captured by the leeds scout that Mel hired and lent his drone to - we all know now that Rooney had to buy a new one this season.

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I have no problem with this process taking as long as it needs, but if there is no deadlines then we should have had a slightly more extensive embargo where we could have signed a couple more free agents on similar deals and maybe a couple of loans.

Not anything substantial, just the change of bit more depth and a fighting chance throughout the season. 


Edited by TuffLuff
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Reported by the times, officially, it's going to be a 9 point deduction as the headline.

Horribly lazy reporting as late in the article it says not yet confirmed. 

Inside man or terrible writing?

Probably already been mentioned just want to bring it up. Isnt this kind of thing sueable at this point?


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11 hours ago, atherstoneram said:

AIUI the ceiling cap of £4.5K per week will remain unless MM has had a change of heart or until a takeover is complete,the cap was not part of the embargo. The cap was put in place because MM stated he was only prepared to put enough funds into the club to keep it "ticking over" until new owners come in.

this is the first I have heard the 4.5k cap was imposed by Mel? Pretty sure it was part of the EFL embargo ruling

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2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

So lets get the ball rolling, submit the accounts and take it from there. Surely we'll not agree a made up points deduction and possibly a business plan?! May as well get the appeal under way and get the time ticking off now!

Yep. Should sort the umbongo into Reading type version at least as well.

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4 minutes ago, DerbyRam! said:

Reported by the times, officially, it's going to be a 9 point deduction as the headline.

Horribly lazy reporting as late in the article it says not yet confirmed. 

Inside man or terrible writing?

Probably already been mentioned just want to bring it up. Isnt this kind of thing sueable at this point?


The efl have just released a statement which basically says thats baalocks

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13 minutes ago, angieram said:

That's a really good point and seems to reinforce the opinion some of us hold that the EFL are being malicious in the way they are treating us. 

My guess is that they are telling the club that if we want to get it concluded sooner, we should take the points deduction that's on offer.

I think this is spot on. It's blackmail by any other name. No conclusion until you accept our way, until you accept our way the embargo continues because we haven't reached a conclusion, reaching a conclusion has no timescale...........Surely there comes a point where other fair minded Club Chairmen speak out.

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11 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

The efl have just released a statement which basically says thats baalocks

My reading of the EFL statement is “Nothing has been decided yet” however, if we have breached FFP then a point deduction is coming our way. They say that every confidant has their own confidant  so it’s easy to see how information would leak out.

Edited by Elwood P Dowd
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21 minutes ago, angieram said:

That's a really good point and seems to reinforce the opinion some of us hold that the EFL are being malicious in the way they are treating us. 

My guess is that they are telling the club that if we want to get it concluded sooner, we should take the points deduction that's on offer.

I think they issued this to suppress the tabloid assertion f the points penalty

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6 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

I think this is spot on. It's blackmail by any other name. No conclusion until you accept our way, until you accept our way the embargo continues because we haven't reached a conclusion, reaching a conclusion has no timescale...........Surely there comes a point where other fair minded Club Chairmen speak out.

why?  They must be reading this with glee

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