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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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7 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

Aren't you funny, Bob? As well as totally deluded.

You've surely seen what's been enacted by a Labour government in Wales? Even now, Chester had to call their FA Cup game off because some of the ground is across the border and Labour doesn't allow such things.

And Starmer's clamour to be part of the EU Medicine's Agency makes his attitudes pretty clear. https://fullfact.org/health/keir-starmer-european-medicines-agency/

Labour constantly criticized Kate Bingham who headed up the UK vaccine procurement. Not a chance they would have done anything similar. 


Johnson WOULD have locked down again, but he didn't have the support of enough of his backbenchers to get it through.



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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

An apology at last, quickly ruined by a pitiful attempt at an excuse.

Indeed. It did come across as "I'm sorry you think I broke the rules" rather than "I'm sorry I broke the rules".

I especially didn't like the bit where he said it could "technically" be within the guidance at the time. My money is on that turning out to be the inquiry conclusion.

He did look battered, though, at PMQ's. And not in a good way.

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So Johnson as admitted attending a gathering in the garden of No.10. His excuse, he thought it was a work event. 

His idea of work must be a lot different to what many of us have, of what constitutes work.

But if his idea of work, is sitting around in the sun and drinking wine. It's makes perfect sense, as to why our country is in the state it's in. 

During PMQs he tried deflecting the spotlight away from the party at No10, by quoting how hard the government had worked in getting the nation vaccinated. Yes the vaccination programme as been relatively successful but I think this is more down to the organisation within the NHS, than what he and his government have done.

But the biggest mystery must be why was this BYOB party organised in the first place, it certainly wasn't, as claimed, for working hard. The hardest work this government has had to do, is to pour millions of pounds into the pockets of tory donors and lie to the nation

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3 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

Aren't you funny, Bob? As well as totally deluded.

You've surely seen what's been enacted by a Labour government in Wales? Even now, Chester had to call their FA Cup game off because some of the ground is across the border and Labour doesn't allow such things.

And Starmer's clamour to be part of the EU Medicine's Agency makes his attitudes pretty clear. https://fullfact.org/health/keir-starmer-european-medicines-agency/

Labour constantly criticized Kate Bingham who headed up the UK vaccine procurement. Not a chance they would have done anything similar. 


I probably am totally deluded, but I'm not so totally delusional that I don't now the difference between an opinion and a fact.

Carl would have known the difference.

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3 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

I probably am totally deluded, but I'm not so totally delusional that I don't now the difference between an opinion and a fact.

Carl would have known the difference.

Playing the "B...b...but Labour" card is nothing other than tacit approval of the Tories.

/my opinion, not necessarily a fact.

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7 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

Anyone got any idea what testing requirements are needed to get into the U.S and back into England? 

I've totally ignored all the news regarding international travel in the last two years because I decided it wasn't worth the hassle, but need to go over soon. Started reading the government website and the amount of if's and buts and different options just confused me.

From a Forbes article 6 days ago

Requirements to Enter the U.S. from the UK

All travelers (aged 2 and over) flying to the U.S. from the UK will be required to show proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken within one day of their departure.

Unlike the previous requirements, which allowed for a longer timetable for vaccinated travelers, this new requirement will treat all passengers the same, regardless of vaccination status. As is currently the case, either a PCR or antigen test will still be accepted as proof of being negative for Covid-19.

It is important to note that the test requirements include taking it within one calendar day and is not limited to within 24 hours of your departure. This means that passengers will be able to take their test at any time during the day before their flight, no matter what time their flight departs.

There are no new quarantine restrictions at this time.


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3 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Or people genuinely wanting some viable alternative to what they are being subjected to right now

In the absence of a Labour government, the only alternative is (pick one):

  • Sunak
  • Truss
  • Gove
  • Hunt
  • Javid
  • Patel

Would you describe any of that bunch as viable in any way, shape or form?

Personally, I hope against hope for tactical voting resulting in a 'hung' parliament next - and every subsequent - time. I am utterly sick to death with vested interests dictating policies - seeking the 'middle' ground based upon co-operation and discussion is surely better than the polarised bullcrap we have been subjected to for the 69 (dude) years I've been on this planet.

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19 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

So the EU vaccine rollout must have been the same as the UK one then if we were operating under the same rules I assume?


I had my 1st jab before we left the EU at the end of the transition period. Individual member states were free to make their own contracts with vaccine manufacturers or have joint contracts with other EU states. UK rightly went on their own but it had nowt to do with Brexit.

See Institute for Government Dec 2020
the chief executive of the MHRA pointed out, Mr Hancock was wrong to say that the UK could approve the vaccine early because it was no longer subject to EU rules. The MHRA’s decision was taken in accordance with the relevant EU legislation, which allows member states to grant temporary authorisation for a medicinal product in response to the spread of infectious diseases (among others). [1] This legislation still applies to the UK until the end of the transition period. Any EU member state could have used the same provision of the legislation to approve the vaccine. They decided not to for political and technical reasons, not legal ones.

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5 hours ago, sunnyhill60 said:


I had my 1st jab before we left the EU at the end of the transition period. Individual member states were free to make their own contracts with vaccine manufacturers or have joint contracts with other EU states. UK rightly went on their own but it had nowt to do with Brexit.

See Institute for Government Dec 2020
the chief executive of the MHRA pointed out, Mr Hancock was wrong to say that the UK could approve the vaccine early because it was no longer subject to EU rules. The MHRA’s decision was taken in accordance with the relevant EU legislation, which allows member states to grant temporary authorisation for a medicinal product in response to the spread of infectious diseases (among others). [1] This legislation still applies to the UK until the end of the transition period. Any EU member state could have used the same provision of the legislation to approve the vaccine. They decided not to for political and technical reasons, not legal ones.

SO other EU member states decided not to approve the vaccines for political reasons? Why is politics getting in the way of public safety?  

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1 hour ago, PistoldPete said:

SO other EU member states decided not to approve the vaccines for political reasons? Why is politics getting in the way of public safety?  

EU member states are not allowed to have negotiations with any pharmaceutical companies about covid vaccines if the EU have already started negotiations. 



Elephants don’t gallop

Edited by cstand
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2 hours ago, ramit said:

If you suffer from mass psychosis, you will need to watch this video, but you won't.

If you don't suffer from mass psychosis, you don't need to watch this video, but you will.



Steven Reicher, Professor of Social Psychology at the University of St Andrews:

“It arises out of mass society theories and crowd psychology theories which developed in the 19th century, and which reflected a fear of the masses,”

“The claim was that people in the mass lose their sense of identity and their ability to reason, they regress to an inferior mental state where they are manipulable by unscrupulous leaders."

“It has been totally discredited by contemporary work on groups and crowds.”

“What is true, of course, is that people do have to make sense of a confusing and complicated world with different accounts coming from different sources,”

“We are not vaccinologists so when people tell us contradictory things about vaccines, who do we listen to. That is a matter of trust and of our social relationship to the source of information. So, the politicisation of the pandemic, the creation of a sense of an establishment enemy who wants to control us is certainly important. It makes the establishment of trust an absolutely critical aspect of the pandemic and hence such things as transparency, respect, clarity etc. become critical.”

“But telling people who disagree with you that they are deluded and in a state of psychosis is essentially a device to silence them and a form of disrespect. It alienates and hence undermines an attempt at dialogue. It isn’t an explanation of the problem; it is part of the problem.”


Jay Van Bavel, Associate Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at New York University:

"The term “doesn’t exist as a real academic concept. I’ve been studying group identity and collective behaviour for nearly two decades and just published a book on the topic (www.powerofus.online/) and not once have I come across this term."

“It seems to have been made up recently. There are similar-sounding concepts, like ‘mass psychogenic illness, but the scope of these is relatively narrow compared to what is being proposed here.”

I'll stick to the science, thanks, and leave the mumbo-jumbo to those who disagree.

Edited by Eddie
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8 hours ago, ramit said:

If you suffer from mass psychosis, you will need to watch this video, but you won't.

If you don't suffer from mass psychosis, you don't need to watch this video, but you will.


And if I watch it and get bored after 1 minute? Can I just have a synopsis please?

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