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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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7 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Where are you getting 150k+ people from? The BBC article said 80-100k unvaccinated in the NHS, so with medical exemptions and the edict only applying to frontline staff I imagine the number of people who felt sufficiently strongly about not taking the vaccine that they'd quit their job would actually be fairly small

I read it was 100k NHS staff plus 60K care workers.  According to this Sky article from a little earlier it is actually over 200k however - more if you include volunteers.

'Latest data shows that over 103,000 staff in the health service in England remained unvaccinated, as well as 105,000 domiciliary care workers.'


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11 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Where are you getting 150k+ people from? The BBC article said 80-100k unvaccinated in the NHS, so with medical exemptions and the edict only applying to frontline staff I imagine the number of people who felt sufficiently strongly about not taking the vaccine that they'd quit their job would actually be fairly small

I may be wrong because I was only half listening but, I thought I heard on the radio today that when similar measures were introduced in France there was a big take up in the vaccines from such staff. If true, and I wasn’t dreaming, that would seem to support your assumption.

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7 minutes ago, maxjam said:

I read it was 100k NHS staff plus 60K care workers.  According to this Sky article from a little earlier it is actually over 200k however - more if you include volunteers.

'Latest data shows that over 103,000 staff in the health service in England remained unvaccinated, as well as 105,000 domiciliary care workers.'


It still feels like the whole thing is being massively overstated for the sake of a news story




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16 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

and that it's actually quite rare for people working in health care to not actually care about health 


Purely anecdotal....but I have been on training days with health care workers and school nurses etc and it's struck me how many are heavily overweight and can't wait to get out for a fag break. Definitely felt proportionally higher than teachers, social workers. 

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13 minutes ago, maxjam said:


Interesting stuff! Fingers crossed

Funnily enough I have a friend who works in the NHS on the frontline and when they were testing for antibodies early in the first lockdown, he showed up as having them, despite the fact he had never had any covid symptoms at any point

His wife got covid earlier in the year and so did his  kids - he was essentially living in a house of covid and having to look after all of them - still didn't catch it.

Now his elderly Dad has it and he's having to look after him too, yet still seems unable to catch it - we've been joking that he has some sort of super-immunity. Maybe he really does!



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24 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Interesting stuff! Fingers crossed

Funnily enough I have a friend who works in the NHS on the frontline and when they were testing for antibodies early in the first lockdown, he showed up as having them, despite the fact he had never had any covid symptoms at any point

His wife got covid earlier in the year and so did his  kids - he was essentially living in a house of covid and having to look after all of them - still didn't catch it.

Now his elderly Dad has it and he's having to look after him too, yet still seems unable to catch it - we've been joking that he has some sort of super-immunity. Maybe he really does!

More likely he's been infecting everyone around him, don't invite him round your house ?


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1 hour ago, 1of4 said:

This would be great news, if it means that all coronaviruses could be eradicated.

I just wonder what BS reason people would come up with, as to why they wouldn't get vaccinated.

Don’t think many would if it worked in stopping you catching and spreading it ,of course some would be happier to allow themselves to catch colds as a trade off to putting what they would see as an unnecessary vaccine into themselves for a virus that their immune system easily deals with, I don’t take painkillers unless it’s really necessary and will put up with a little bit of a headache which most of the time doing something simple like drinking enough water fixes ??‍♂️
would you be ok for people to choose not to have it as long as you having it stopped you catching it?

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4 hours ago, Archied said:

Don’t think many would if it worked in stopping you catching and spreading it ,of course some would be happier to allow themselves to catch colds as a trade off to putting what they would see as an unnecessary vaccine into themselves for a virus that their immune system easily deals with, I don’t take painkillers unless it’s really necessary and will put up with a little bit of a headache which most of the time doing something simple like drinking enough water fixes ??‍♂️
would you be ok for people to choose not to have it as long as you having it stopped you catching it?

Would I be ok for people choosing not to be vaccinated. Short answer, no.

Would you be ok with allowing a virus to remain at large in the world, that as the potential to be fatal. If there's a method of eliminating said virus for ever? 

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8 hours ago, 1of4 said:

Would I be ok for people choosing not to be vaccinated. Short answer, no.

Would you be ok with allowing a virus to remain at large in the world, that as the potential to be fatal. If there's a method of eliminating said virus for ever? 

As I said IF it worked 

there may come a time when there is a virus that is so deadly that I could agree with mandated vaccines/ medication but at this point with corona that kills minuscule percentage and an almost mandated vaccine thar doesn’t stop the catching and spreading of it alongside the capability to just about wipe out malaria and other killers in IN poor countries but no will to do so ( money talks ) ,,, yes I’m ok for people to choose 

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4 hours ago, Archied said:

As I said IF it worked 

there may come a time when there is a virus that is so deadly that I could agree with mandated vaccines/ medication but at this point with corona that kills minuscule percentage and an almost mandated vaccine thar doesn’t stop the catching and spreading of it alongside the capability to just about wipe out malaria and other killers in IN poor countries but no will to do so ( money talks ) ,,, yes I’m ok for people to choose 

How miniscule is this percentage? All the figures I've read make it at somewhere around the 2% mark, which I think is far bigger than "miniscule". It causes lasting damage to a far bigger figure too.

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