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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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24 minutes ago, Archied said:

Nope you showed your disdain to those considered below you and were pulled up on it

No, you interpreted it that way, because it affords you an opportunity to pretend that you are more egalitarian than others. Nobody buys it though, because you track record speaks for itself. For the record. 'Dave' probably goes to the pub too.

The point I made and stand by, though you'll again doubtless choose to argue the toss, is that medical experts are better qualified to advise on this than average Joe's. Do you dispute this or not?


Edited by 86 Hair Islands
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16 minutes ago, Archied said:

Nope you showed your disdain to those considered below you and were pulled up on it , Dave the tyre fitter may well be quite a bright ,sensible , engaged and fairly read and informed fella ,,, oops my mistake he’s obviously a vote leave type ????
interesting you didn’t see Dave as a teacher or an accountant,, hmmmm systemic classism ?..

Actually, there is some good evidence that covid-skeptisism is class related, if that's a term we still use these days.  Research shows it tends to be most prevalent in inner-city areas associated with low-incomes, high unemployment and low educational achievement. 

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11 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

No, you interpreted it that way, because it affords you an opportunity to pretend that you are more egalitarian than others. Nobody buys it though, because you track record speaks for itself. For the record. 'Dave' probably goes to the pub too.

The point I made and stand by, though you'll again doubtless choose to argue the toss, is that medical experts are better qualified to advise on this than average Joe's. Do you dispute this or not?


No need to argue , what happens is every now and then the mask slips with some on here and true colours are shown ??‍♂️

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5 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

Actually, there is some good evidence that covid-skeptisism is class related, if that's a term we still use these days.  Research shows it tends to be most prevalent in inner-city areas associated with low-incomes, high unemployment and low educational achievement. 

Not the point I was making I should state, irrespective of the facts. We have Gove to blame for this and he's a working class tyre-fitter isn't he rather than a champagne slurping (sic) Henryetta?

Oh wait...

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1 minute ago, Archied said:

No need to argue , what happens is every now and then the mask slips with some on here and true colours are shown ??‍♂️

Indeed, yours fell off completely around 2 years back. Would you like me to illustrate that point with a few of your classier posts? 

Rather than your standard childish bickering, how about addressing the point made; do you believe you are better qualified to assess the value of facemask usage to counter an airborne virus than medical professionals or not? 

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8 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

Actually, there is some good evidence that covid-skeptisism is class related, if that's a term we still use these days.  Research shows it tends to be most prevalent in inner-city areas associated with low-incomes, high unemployment and low educational achievement. 

Thought it might be the case  ????, interesting you still need to label covid skeptisism what is in fact disagreement regards policies introduced and followed around covid ,, this is again a tired and easily recognised tactic now ,used not just on covid but other issues , 

difine covid skeptic for me ,,  where’s the line? Are you covid skeptic if you believe there is a covid virus that is dangerous/ fatal to a small percentage of the population but do not agree the reaction to it ?

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13 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Indeed, yours fell off completely around 2 years back. Would you like me to illustrate that point with a few of your classier posts? 

Rather than your standard childish bickering, how about addressing the point made; do you believe you are better qualified to assess the value of facemask usage to counter an airborne virus than medical professionals or not? 

I believe I’m just as qualified as you to read and interpret what’s going on around me ,

yes happy for you to show my double standard hypocrisy posts so crack on and illustrate,

your post was stereotypical offensive garbage , the smart move is to man up and put your hands up but history tells me that won’t happen  more like a sweary offensive tirade will soon follow??‍♂️

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14 minutes ago, Archied said:

Do you actually miss the point that it was a mirror retort 

No but I did surmise that yet again, your own mask has slipped and that you can't or won't answer the question put to you. Hmm. Can't think why ?


16 minutes ago, Archied said:

history tells me that won’t happen

History has taught you nothing I'm afraid. Anyway, have a great day old chap. I'll leave you to you 14 hour stint of bickering with strangers. 

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17 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

No but I did surmise that yet again, your own mask has slipped and that you can't or won't answer the question put to you. Hmm. Can't think why ?


History has taught you nothing I'm afraid. Anyway, have a great day old chap. I'll leave you to you 14 hour stint of bickering with strangers. 

The question was answered , Dave the tyre fitter is just as able to interpret what he reads ( where he reads ) ,sees and experiences around him as Henry and Henrietta are ,,, difference was I didn’t need to point out David was known as Dave and was a lowly tyre fitter , in fact it never even entered my head till you told us ??‍♂️
shall I take it the posts of me being double standard hypocrisy laden won’t be turning up now

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Here is a few things 'THE' PROFESSIONALS have said:-

Keeping deaths below 20,000 would be a good outcome - Sir Patrick Valance

100,000 Covid cases and 1,000 hospitalizations per day is inevitable and could be double that - Professor Neil Ferguson

Masks should be used as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress transmission and save lives; the use of a mask alone is not sufficient to provide an adequate level of protection against COVID-19 - The World Health Organization 

I'm afraid for many 'trust the professionals' does not hold much weight right now. Not because they don't trust them or think they know better, just because throughout this pandemic they have got many things wrong and that is not a criticism, it is just a fact borne out of real world data and what we can see with our own eyes.

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Here is a few things 'THE' PROFESSIONALS have said:-

Keeping deaths below 20,000 would be a good outcome - Sir Patrick Valance

100,000 Covid cases and 1,000 hospitalizations per day is inevitable and could be double that - Professor Neil Ferguson

Masks should be used as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress transmission and save lives; the use of a mask alone is not sufficient to provide an adequate level of protection against COVID-19 - The World Health Organization 

I'm afraid for many 'trust the professionals' does not hold much weight right now. Not because they don't trust them or think they know better, just because throughout this pandemic they have got many things wrong and that is not a criticism, it is just a fact borne out of real world data and what we can see with our own eyes.


How were either of Vallance or Ferguson's statements wrong?


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40 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Well Valances statement wasn't wrong but showed how badly they underestimated what was going to happen.

Why do you think Fergusons statement was not wrong?

Because we were up to about 4k hospitalisations per day throughout January 21 and we've had far more cases per day than 200,000.

So even doctor doom's estimates of how bad it could have been were surpassed.

Thankfully, due to the vaccine, Covid is not something to worry about for most of us now.


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11 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

Because we were up to about 4k hospitalisations per day throughout January 21 and we've had far more cases per day than 200,000.

So even doctor doom's estimates of how bad it could have been were surpassed.

Thankfully, due to the vaccine, Covid is not something to worry about for most of us now.


Ferguson made this prediction about 3 weeks ago.

We have never even been close to 100,000 cases per day nevermind 200,000, we peaked at about 60,000.

The fact that nobody has really managed to get to grips with what would or did happen, just underlines that referring to them as experts on it doesn't make that much sense to some of us.

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7 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Ferguson made this prediction about 3 weeks ago.

We have never even been close to 100,000 cases per day nevermind 200,000, we peaked at about 60,000.

The fact that nobody has really managed to get to grips with what would or did happen, just underlines that referring to them as experts on it doesn't make that much sense to some of us.

I thought you were referencing the similar prediction he made sometime last year. Maybe I imagined that one (I could have).

I disagree on the bit in bold. And CBA for a you post your source, I post my source back and forth. If you want to argue the semantics of cases vs. infected, then likewise I CBA.

On the last point If Sir Patrick John Thompson Vallance FRS FMedSci FRCP and others who are even more qualified are not considered expert then our old Straw man mate "Dave the tyre fitter" certainly ain't gonna be. 

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1 hour ago, JoetheRam said:

I thought you were referencing the similar prediction he made sometime last year. Maybe I imagined that one (I could have).

I disagree on the bit in bold. And CBA for a you post your source, I post my source back and forth. If you want to argue the semantics of cases vs. infected, then likewise I CBA.

On the last point If Sir Patrick John Thompson Vallance FRS FMedSci FRCP and others who are even more qualified are not considered expert then our old Straw man mate "Dave the tyre fitter" certainly ain't gonna be. 

I think his original prediction was up to 250,000 deaths.

His latest prediction came in July 2021:-


Maybe, just maybe, some things happen, like a once in a century pandemic, where even the most qualified people in their fields are not experts and hence why a wide range of views need to be considered. 

I mean there were times during the pandemic when Henry and Henrietta the wine tasters were considered more expert than Professor Sunetra Guptra but of course that was ok but she had an alternative opinion to 'the' experts...

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I've always thought it makes perfect sense to disregard all science and medical advice on the basis that they sometimes get things wrong. I broke 6 bones during my rugby playing days and on one occasion a doctor initially diagnosed a broken wrist as a sprain.

I'm told I need a triple-bypass operation now or I'll die, but if it really needs doing, I'll do it myself as you really can't trust the experts these days. 

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9 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

I think his original prediction was up to 250,000 deaths.

His latest prediction came in July 2021:-


Maybe, just maybe, some things happen, like a once in a century pandemic, where even the most qualified people in their fields are not experts and hence why a wide range of views need to be considered. 

I mean there were times during the pandemic when Henry and Henrietta the wine tasters were considered more expert than Professor Sunetra Guptra but of course that was ok but she had an alternative opinion to 'the' experts...

And the woman was getting death threats for having a different opinion ??‍♂️

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