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My wife is a Senior NHS Nursing manager and she made a good point.

While the likes of Sainsbury's are trying to help NHS staff by giving them a specified shopping slot, what they are actually doing is risking passing on the virus to scores of nurses at once by having them queue up together, thus wiping them out in one foul swoop. 

They they should be prioritising delivery slots for them instead so they don't have to 'mass gather'.

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33 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

You, Mrs Angry and Little Angry?

Nah, little Angry has got his own place now, so he's on his own. Mrs Angry, Medium Angry (who's got a whole bloody office set up) and me. I'm lounge, Mrs Angry is kitchen, Medium has had a right result. Went in there earlier and he was playing Football Manager, with golf tuition on YouTube, cup of coffee and blueberry muffins. FFS. 


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9 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Loads of images like this of packed tube trains in London this morning. This was taken on the central line. I appreciate people still need to get places but if this sort of scene is playing out across the city then this virus doesn't look like it will have too much trouble spreading like absolute wildfire over the next couple of weeks.

I'm not sure what the solution is, you can't just close the tube because key workers still rely on it to get where they need to be, but surely we must attempt to do something to reduce the chances of this happening?


Surely they aren't all key workers? What the hell is going on? 

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From the Times....

The truth is that [Boris Johnson’s] performance so far has been chequered. Since the start he has appeared behind the curve. Considerable time that could have been spent preparing for the crisis appears to have been squandered. The World Health Organisation first warned of the risk of a deadly global pandemic in mid-January, by which point the coronavirus was spreading rapidly in China and parts of Asia. Yet the government spent much of February apparently distracted with fights with some of Britain’s institutions, including the civil service, the judiciary and the BBC. Even at the time many questioned why the prime minister disappeared from view for a week in the middle of the month to his grace-and-favour home in Kent. He did not preside over his first Cobra meeting to discuss the crisis until March 3. Even as the scale became apparent, Mr Johnson’s response to it has been uneven. For the most of the first half of March, the official advice was simply to wash one’s hands. On March 12, as countries across Europe and the world closed schools, restaurants, bars and shops and introduced lockdowns and travel bans, the government merely advised that those ill with coronavirus symptoms should self-isolate for seven days ...

Mr Johnson’s liberal instincts and reluctance to restrict civil liberties would normally be admirable. But dithering over whether to shut schools, bars and restaurants, combined with anonymous briefings warning of imminent lockdowns that are then ruled out by ministers, may have only made the crisis worse. Panicked shoppers have stripped supermarkets of supplies while many Londoners will have escaped to the country, almost certainly further spreading the virus. City traders say that doubts about Mr Johnson’s response contributed to the run on sterling. Britain’s death toll is now at the same level as Italy’s two weeks ago, yet already one hospital says that it has been overwhelmed and the NHS is warning of shortages of ventilators and protective clothing ...

And if the government is forced to introduce even more stringent restrictions to halt an escalating epidemic, they may ask why they weren’t introduced sooner, as they have been in much of the rest of the world. The country needs to know that Mr Johnson has a coherent strategy. Otherwise the prime minister who dreamt of being Churchill may find himself cast as Neville Chamberlain.

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26 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

Nah, little Angry has got his own place now, so he's on his own. Mrs Angry, Medium Angry (who's got a whole bloody office set up) and me. I'm lounge, Mrs Angry is kitchen, Medium has had a right result. Went in there earlier and he was playing Football Manager, with golf tuition on YouTube, cup of coffee and blueberry muffins. FFS. 


Ha! I've got uni work to be doing but I also recently succumbed to Football Manager for the first time in months. Saying 'just one more game' is the equivalent of 'just one more hit'.

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35 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Loads of images like this of packed tube trains in London this morning. This was taken on the central line. I appreciate people still need to get places but if this sort of scene is playing out across the city then this virus doesn't look like it will have too much trouble spreading like absolute wildfire over the next couple of weeks.

I'm not sure what the solution is, you can't just close the tube because key workers still rely on it to get where they need to be, but surely we must attempt to do something to reduce the chances of this happening?


Yeah tfl have cut the services, trouble is that each tube is getting busy because it seems there are many people who can't (or won't) work from home.

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1 hour ago, Paul71 said:

Only seems a couple of pics online, hard to tell really but while she might not be a size 6 supermodel she hardly looks obese too me.

Unfortunately the reason why we have an obesity crisis is because fat is becoming the new normal. So when people think of obesity, they picture someone who is morbidly obese instead. 

Almost a third of people are recognised in the UK as being obese. 

Like i said, I'm not being a dick. People are at increased risk just from being obese. It's no laughing matter and needs to be taken more seriously. Everyone i have had discussions with in the "fitness industry", have expressed the same concerns. 





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16 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Yeah tfl have cut the services, trouble is that each tube is getting busy because it seems there are many people who can't (or won't) work from home.

Interesting that the service has been scaled down with some stations shut but key workers still having to use it so reduced service just packs people in more? Perhaps poor thinking through? 

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4 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

Is that the best you can come up with?

No of course not but, when I hear it straight from the horses mouth, for example via a live press conference with a variety of medical and scientific experts, then I take note. Are you now suggesting such events are stage managed and manipulated by “controlled media”?


You're 100% correct.

Very little of the news we're getting at the moment is of the investigative variety.

In fact, very little I'm seeing is even op-eds other than the occasional highly-justified attack on Trump's abysmal handling of the situation.

It's just the reporting of facts, frequently not even via a third party.

You have to be a special kind of conspiracy theorist to not get that.

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1 hour ago, admira said:

My wife is a Senior NHS Nursing manager and she made a good point.

While the likes of Sainsbury's are trying to help NHS staff by giving them a specified shopping slot, what they are actually doing is risking passing on the virus to scores of nurses at once by having them queue up together, thus wiping them out in one foul swoop. 

They they should be prioritising delivery slots for them instead so they don't have to 'mass gather'.

Excellent point.

It's similar to them asking retired nurses and doctors to come back.

For the most part they retired because they are old or were sick.

And the most at risk are who you say?

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Been working from home since Friday 13th. Only been out the house twice, both times to get shopping. Both times, very quiet supermarkets but managed to get what I could. 

First day of symptoms today with a temperature of 38.7 and a slight shortness of breath. Here we go. 

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21 minutes ago, ThePrisoner said:

Been working from home since Friday 13th. Only been out the house twice, both times to get shopping. Both times, very quiet supermarkets but managed to get what I could. 

First day of symptoms today with a temperature of 38.7 and a slight shortness of breath. Here we go. 

Pretty sure I'm right there with you. Headache, lost my sense of smell & taste (which I had to look up but is indeed a fairly common 'new' symptom) and slight shortness of breath. Also suspect my shivering is due to a fever and not a cold house.

I was going into work until Friday.

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Is it just me, or anybody else think that it seems every country is making the same mistakes? 

Do nothing and watch it start to rise.

Offer vague suggestions about not snogging the Postman are watch it rise.

Suggest people may want to work from home if it's not too much trouble, but that's not an excuse to invite the Postman in and for a quick snog and watch it rise.

Start to sound serious and insist that if you do really want to cop off with Postie you both better get hosed down first and watch it rise.

Drift seamless into full on rudderless panic mode after Pat drops dead.


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29 minutes ago, Archied said:

Interesting that the service has been scaled down with some stations shut but key workers still having to use it so reduced service just packs people in more? Perhaps poor thinking through? 

Maybe an underestimate of how many people would still work I don't know. Sunday services on my line I know can be very busy. 

Big push from Khan for people to consider whether their journey is really necessary...

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21 minutes ago, ThePrisoner said:

Been working from home since Friday 13th. Only been out the house twice, both times to get shopping. Both times, very quiet supermarkets but managed to get what I could. 

First day of symptoms today with a temperature of 38.7 and a slight shortness of breath. Here we go. 

I've got a cough, no sense of taste or smell and a headache. No temperature yet though! Hope you are ok.

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4 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Maybe an underestimate of how many people would still work I don't know. Sunday services on my line I know can be very busy. 

Big push from Khan for people to consider whether their journey is really necessary...

Was just an afterthought that perhaps keeping a full service running and getting as few people using it as poss was perhaps the best way to allow distancing ,

this is such a massively new kind of crisis that there’s going to be all kinds of mis steps along the way as one thing impacts on another and dominoes fall that the blame game that is out there with some media and people really needs to be put aside 

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58 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

For those of you freaking out about potentially having it. This is what physicians are using over here to triage.  


The first part of the question "travelled to China, S Korea, Japan, Italy or Iran in the last 14 days" will surely rule out the vast majority of us.

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

Is it just me, or anybody else think that it seems every country is making the same mistakes? 

Every country except for China and South Korea.  They set the example of how to respond to this....the rest of the world should have just done what they did I guess.

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