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24 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

No, I genuinely don't know what could have stopped flu from being transmitted, if people are mixing so closely that Covid is being transmitted?

Covid is easier to spread, so the expected result of being able to slow transmission, and even bring the case numbers down (as the lockdowns have), is that viruses that are harder to transmit would be through their boots this year, as observed. 

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Are we not allowed to be a tad cautious of this vaccine even though we've had all the childhood ones. Does that make us antivaxxers, or just slightly nervous of this one.

Its a bit rushed, I can't find out if its been tested on over 80's who are on medication so not sure if I'm happy for me mum to have it?


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8 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Are we not allowed to be a tad cautious of this vaccine even though we've had all the childhood ones. Does that make us antivaxxers, or just slightly nervous of this one.

Its a bit rushed, I can't find out if its been tested on over 80's who are on medication so not sure if I'm happy for me mum to have it?


Being cautious is normal, but would you rather your mum have coronavirus or a vaccine that's been approved by the experts? I'm naturally cautious on vaccines too, but considering the alternative the vaccine has to be better. Though, I do hope the government don't put any pressure on people to have it and it's left entirely up to personal choice, there should be no pressure on people to have it.

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6 hours ago, Andicis said:

Honestly, I can't wait for the vaccine to be distributed around. As soon as it's offered to me, I will happily take it to get life back to normal. I do hope that conspiracy theorists don't ruin it for everyone. 

I can’t believe it’s even up for debate. I don’t know whether it’s social media allowing unsubstantiated rubbish and conspiracy theories to spread, or whether we’d be seeing the same discussions if this had happened 30 years ago.

I genuinely think there’s a chance the uptake will be too low for it to be a success. Probably depends on whether they introduce ‘vaccine passports’ and things like that.

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1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

I can’t believe it’s even up for debate. I don’t know whether it’s social media allowing unsubstantiated rubbish and conspiracy theories to spread, or whether we’d be seeing the same discussions if this had happened 30 years ago.

I genuinely think there’s a chance the uptake will be too low for it to be a success. Probably depends on whether they introduce ‘vaccine passports’ and things like that.

I believe the uptake will be high , it’s being made very clear that people will not be allowed have a normal life again until we all take it ,no matter what side of the fence your on or even sitting on the fence ,that’s the facts of where we are and what we are faced with??‍♂️
I don’t actually believe this is about conspiracy theorists or theories in the main ,that makes up a tiny number, the real problem is a very large and growing number of people certainly in this country have no trust in our supposed leaders and let’s be honest you really can’t blame them


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20 minutes ago, Archied said:

I believe the uptake will be high , it’s being made very clear that people will not be allowed have a normal life again until we all take it ,no matter what side of the fence your on or even sitting on the fence ,that’s the facts of where we are and what we are faced with??‍♂️
I don’t actually believe this is about conspiracy theorists or theories in the main ,that makes up a tiny number, the real problem is a very large and growing number of people certainly in this country have no trust in our supposed leaders and let’s be honest you really can’t blame them


If it was the government's job to produce and approve the vaccine, I'd agree. But the vaccines have been produced by private companies and approved by expert regulators.

Now I suppose the government might still duck up the transportation arrangements and stuff. If Chris Grayling is still knocking about somewhere, they'll probably give the logistics gig to a firm with no lorries.

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6 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Are we not allowed to be a tad cautious of this vaccine even though we've had all the childhood ones. Does that make us antivaxxers, or just slightly nervous of this one.

Its a bit rushed, I can't find out if its been tested on over 80's who are on medication so not sure if I'm happy for me mum to have it?


The clinical trial involved people up to the age of 85. The trial also included people with diabetes, cancer, HIV, Hepatitis and other conditions. People who have previously tested positive for covid-19 were also involved.


Perhaps talk to your GP if you are concerned about a reaction with a certain medication. 


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29 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

If it was the government's job to produce and approve the vaccine, I'd agree. But the vaccines have been produced by private companies and approved by expert regulators.

Now I suppose the government might still duck up the transportation arrangements and stuff. If Chris Grayling is still knocking about somewhere, they'll probably give the logistics gig to a firm with no lorries.

Fear thee not, Boris is taking care of it personally


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12 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

No, I genuinely don't know what could have stopped flu from being transmitted, if people are mixing so closely that Covid is being transmitted?

Flu is still being transmitted, but not to the extent that it usually is at this time because people are, by and large, socially distancing.

If the current precautions have possibly reduced the incidence of influenza by 90% compared to a 'normal' year, then it is not beyond the realms of possibility that they have likewise reduced the cases of Covid-19 by a similar percentage compared to what they would have been if no precautions had been taken (i.e. a 'normal' situation with respect to disease control such as crowded buses, packed sports stadia, no mask-wearing, no social distancing).


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10 hours ago, Andicis said:

Being cautious is normal, but would you rather your mum have coronavirus or a vaccine that's been approved by the experts? I'm naturally cautious on vaccines too, but considering the alternative the vaccine has to be better. Though, I do hope the government don't put any pressure on people to have it and it's left entirely up to personal choice, there should be no pressure on people to have it.

Exactly this - personal choice. And I repeat that no one as far as I can see is suggesting it be mandatory

Speaking of which - I enjoyed this Twitter post from the previously discussed Icke-Lite simply saying "what happened to my body my choice?". A fair point, and one I agree with fully - albeit a dig at anti-abortionists I guess

But check out the state of the replies...

I'm seeing

  • it's a conspiracy to end the human race
  • it's a conspiracy to neuter females
  • it's a hoax that they vow to fight to the death
  • it's distracting us from "the real agenda"
  • we are being groomed
  • not wearing a mask or washing your hands is the healthiest option

So a tweet that simply challenges a falsehood (that people want the vaccine to be mandatory) in the first place - is met by replies from clearly mentally unwell people. And the Ickonic video channel makes £400k per year revenue on the back of it. 






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