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Lawrence and Bennett Convicted of drink driving

Message added by Day

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5 minutes ago, JfR said:

Where did I say any of that? Never said he had bolt cutters. Never said he came onto the premises. He did have secateurs in his possession to get a closer view of the training pitch from the outside which is something that Leeds themselves confirmed. 

Apologies mate, didn't know that.

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5 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Is there anything saying that photo is after 8pm? No issue with those there beforehand 

I’m basing it that the majority of those shown are either 1. Already condemned by the club. 2. In the video with Bennett spewing 3. In the video with Malone passed out and not a member of staff in sight 

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I am absolutely appalled but worse, ashamed right now. 

For what it’s worth, I would get shut of both the criminals and Keogh too. They’ve shat on Derby County. 

I’m not best pleased with Huddlestone and his actions either and as someone who has said for years now on here that he’s useless and I can’t stand him as a player, you’d think I’d want him gone also. But I’m not sure he warrants that. He can’t have known what was to transpire. 

The other three are morons of the highest degree and cutting ties is my way forward. 

I love my club. I have had to defend it to the hilt today and yesterday amongst my friends of which many are Wednesday and Forest fans. I live in Sheffield for those not up to speed. It was hard to listen to the stick and not feel embarrassed and appalled myself. But it’s the shame. It’s not what we are about.

And finally - I was against the marketing signing of Rooney. I’m not disputing his history on the grass, he’s been some player. But he’s spent and if he ever plays for us, we will see that he’s spent at this kind of level. It was a marketing ploy.

Well, upon his signing there were hundreds on here lauding it, singing his praises etc, it was embarrassing. Yet I have noticed many of these people quite rightly hammering the drunken trio. But Rooney is a criminal the same and been done for similar acts. 

We are a ******** shambles and I feel for my likeminded supporters and for Cocu too. What must he be thinking?

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As the media have started reporting it now, if it is the case that, after causing an accident as a result of their disgusting decision to drink drive, Keogh actually was abandoned at the scene then I would be more than ashamed if the club does not terminate the contracts of Bennett and Lawrence.

That goes beyond anything that has been discussed so far and actually leaves me rather lost for words.

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7 hours ago, cannable said:

I’m not sure how that’s your take from that part of the story. 

People are sick in toilets all the time and it will still have to be cleared. They’ve given a tip as a form of apology…

Really, that's why they were laughing about it and you can clearly hear Lawrence saying ' same again'.  In the next breath ' that ones coming back on the floor' as Bennett slumps on a couch .  So apologetic.

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8 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

Jeez. I do hope we win tomorrow to dampen down the moral outrage and indignation on this thread.

I love this post. So so true 

we will all, to a man, woman and gender none specific have views that will reflect the performance on the pitch and our moral stance will flex accordingly depending on the result. 

i think it’s called being human but being a fan at the same time .. a quandary at the best of times ??

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7 hours ago, AdamRam said:

Using your logic, are you also accusing the club of double standards ? They were quite happy for the team that night to go and get slaughtered and then sanction another team building session at the same venue (I think).

They then try to justify their actions by saying they laid on cars and gave them a curfew, would they have launched an enquiry had the accidents not happened. The players obviously weren’t that worried with the consequences when they decided not to get into the laid on cars for them.

I thought the days of a drinking culture throughout football clubs had gone, I never expected clubs to encourage this, controlled or not, 4 days before a game when you have had a very poor start to the season. You only have to look at the headlines sports people make off the sports field, the majority are alcohol related, why put players in that environment in the first place is beyond me.


Perhaps the hierarchy/manager at the club thought the players were mature enough (after previous incidents) to understand what the night was all about, after a days team building, a meal with a drink included to unwind,discuss and focus on the future after a shaky start to the season.with transport laid on to get players home provided at the end of the evening.I do not think whatsoever they would have been given permission to act carte-blanche to get off their heads. I am astounded at Keogh if i am honest, a team captains responsibility extends off the field and should have been keeping them in check at an event like this

Who knows if the drinking would have come to light if the accident happened, i would like to think it would have

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2 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

What has social media reduced us to??

You'll learn soon enough mate.

'What time did you get in last night? Around 8.'

'What time will you be home? Around 8.'

'How many pints have you had? Around 8.'

'How do I look in this new dress? A round 8.'

Etc etc.

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