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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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Someone might be able to resolve this for me but it is something that has bothered me for a while.  For some reason a few months ago my iPad started slowly opening the Wikipedia app when I click on a wiki link in safari (rather than just opening a web version of the page).  1st world problem I know but it is annoying.

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19 minutes ago, King Kevin said:

Getting old ain't for pussies.

True. There was a time when you never thought much about your body apart from 'is it clean' and 'is it dressed impressively'. Now it demands constant attention, popping pills, X-rays, cameras up and down, health screening, tooth ache, random stupid hairs to pluck out, eye tests, moisturiser. It's grim 

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3 hours ago, StivePesley said:

People who get their phones out at halftime at Pride Park and get all frustrated that there is no network available, constantly hitting refresh. I see the same people doing it every game. Just accept it mate!

Haha. My very first game at home to Brighton this season I got the phone out at half time to check scores (briefly - I'm not obsessed with the thing ;)) and couldn't get any sort of connection.

Never even bothered trying since. Now I just stand up and do 15 minutes of mindfulness taking in the magnificent views of Pride Park. What a superb ground it really is.

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1 hour ago, Ewe Ram said:

True. There was a time when you never thought much about your body apart from 'is it clean' and 'is it dressed impressively'. Now it demands constant attention, popping pills, X-rays, cameras up and down, health screening, tooth ache, random stupid hairs to pluck out, eye tests, moisturiser. It's grim 

:lol: Made me laugh this. No offence Ewe Ram .:unsure:

The last 5 years for me have been all that and more but minus the hair plucking.


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2 hours ago, Ewe Ram said:

True. There was a time when you never thought much about your body apart from 'is it clean' and 'is it dressed impressively'. Now it demands constant attention, popping pills, X-rays, cameras up and down, health screening, tooth ache, random stupid hairs to pluck out, eye tests, moisturiser. It's grim 

Amen to that. Hair on head rapidly migrating to nose, ears and back......

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People blaming everybody else but themselves..... had some right ding dongs on twitter with regards gambling addiction.....

Been called he following by certain gambling lobbyist groups and a guy whose done Panorama and all the news channels regarding whose to blame for his addiction except him:

An apologist for the bookmakers

A shrill

A smug pri ck. For saying it's me to blame for what I did.

My recovery is bull sh it.

Dangerous because I won't blame a machine/online site or bookmaker for what I have done.

Not a gambling addict.

A liar

Been told to keep quiet about my story as it's not "helping" their campaigns against banning certain elements of gambling.

Been blocked by rethinkgambling on twitter for nothing. Just because I won't sign a petition to ban FOBTs.

Its sad that they want to **** down anyone who can get clean and abstain without the need of bans and more importantly..... who accept responsibility for what we've done.

The only question I ask of all these lobbyists and Tony Franklin (Panorama guy) is who made you place a bet? And whose responsible for you doing so?

A question that is still dodged by them all. 

Im at a gambling addiction conference March 10th in Leeds, I'll be bumping into them all.... as always and I've said that I'm not stopping them campaigning etc.... but I won't be silenced as to why I think whose responsible for what we've done. I can get the anger no doubt..... I can't get the blame game. But sometimes I have to be selfish and look after my own senses and recovery. 

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26 minutes ago, Mafiabob said:

People blaming everybody else but themselves..... had some right ding dongs on twitter with regards gambling addiction.....

Been called he following by certain gambling lobbyist groups and a guy whose done Panorama and all the news channels regarding whose to blame for his addiction except him:

An apologist for the bookmakers

A shrill

A smug pri ck. For saying it's me to blame for what I did.

My recovery is bull sh it.

Dangerous because I won't blame a machine/online site or bookmaker for what I have done.

Not a gambling addict.

A liar

Been told to keep quiet about my story as it's not "helping" their campaigns against banning certain elements of gambling.

Been blocked by rethinkgambling on twitter for nothing. Just because I won't sign a petition to ban FOBTs.

Its sad that they want to **** down anyone who can get clean and abstain without the need of bans and more importantly..... who accept responsibility for what we've done.

The only question I ask of all these lobbyists and Tony Franklin (Panorama guy) is who made you place a bet? And whose responsible for you doing so?

A question that is still dodged by them all. 

Im at a gambling addiction conference March 10th in Leeds, I'll be bumping into them all.... as always and I've said that I'm not stopping them campaigning etc.... but I won't be silenced as to why I think whose responsible for what we've done. I can get the anger no doubt..... I can't get the blame game. But sometimes I have to be selfish and look after my own senses and recovery. 

If I was going to be cruel and cynical, I might posit the notion that Mr Franklin is worried you might upset the apple cart and jeopardise his lucrative professional victim status.

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