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Your thoughts on the upcoming season


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33 minutes ago, Warren Hobhead said:

We will get a quality winger, I'm sure of it. I think we are being clever. There's enough in this squad to get us through August. The dominos are soon to fall. 

We are Derby. Never forget that.


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2 hours ago, Warren Hobhead said:

Not read the thread yet, thought I'd give my opinion first so as to not to be influenced. So apologies if I'm repeating things. 

I see this as a transitional season. I do not expect nor demand promotion. The ideal for me this year is to be at the games and thinking 'this is good, this works, I can see what we are trying to do here'. Too often the last few years I've struggled to get the point of us. We've signed players noted for what they do at other clubs but tried to force them into this mythical Derby Way b*******. Then Mel gets antsy and about turns with an appointment. The style changes too. Then when that doesn't work impeccably either, he about turns again and so on. It's got to stop for me. We need stability. 

I get the feeling GR is the one he will give the necessary time to. He will be patient at last and less gun toting when we don't win for a while. I hope so anyway. He wasn't my choice when appointed and I still have reservations about GR but he's winning me over with the transfer activity so far. Get some width and replace Ince's magic and we still might find ourselves up in the top six. But like I say, I just want to feel like I'm watching a team again. A group of players who are on the same page, with desire and application, striving for the best for the TEAM, for Derby. As much as I rated those who've been sold, Ince in particular, I felt they were individuals rather than team players. 

Season ticket was renewed the first day I could. Even bought the laddo a new home  and away top. I'm taking him to Sunderland this time next week. Bring it on. 


*please sign a winger

Surely Jacob has his own shirts will travel with the rest of the first team :ph34r:

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This is our season. We're going up!

Some moaning feckers in some posts, how can you not be excited as a fan before a ball has been kicked.

Tomorrows game won't matter a jot, the 46 that follow do, everyone starts at nil and I always believe we can go up from the second tier, we're Derby after all, a match for any second tier team.

Thats me always positive, the hope gets to you many years but right now WE'RE GOING UP!

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I'm excited. To be honest i'll just be glad to have football back at the weekends.

Current squad under GR's guidance... top 6. 

With 2 more quality forwards signed - those two Leicester lads preferably... league winners.


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Feeling really positive. Definitely going to be in the mix. Rowett gets it, he knows what's needed in the Championship and he manages to the resources he has available.

We have a back 4 as good as any in the league, we have a top 6 midfield (potentially if he gets the best out of them) and a top 6 forward line. 

We have one of the best centre forwards in the league who is excellent at bringing others into play. Rowett will play to his strengths and encourage Derby's midfield to play to his strengths. Weimann has a point to prove, and if Russell was so s**** why were Brighton sniffing round him last season. At his best he's good at this level. We haven't seen the best of Vydra, we also have Nuge!!

If we could add Tom Lawrence I would definitely say we have a great chance of automatic promotion, without I think top 6. Some people will say same group of players and we were nowhere near last season, I'd say under Rowett we won't be so predictable and only able to win games one way, we have more balance due to his signings and more steel, exactly what had been missing. We all would've liked him to further trim the squad and maybe replace some attacking options but it's difficult to do, but I'd back Rowett to get more out of this squad than previous managers have.

And If we don't get top 6, then that's ok, as long as we're seeing some progression, a new identity and we're threatening the playoffs then that's minimum requirement. We need stability above anything, Rowett being sacked would be a disaster.

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My thoughts are mainly that the championship will continue to surprise and occasionally enthrall.

There will be couple of surprisingly good teams.

And a couple of surprisingly poor ones.

We will have some good runs and some where we never look like scoring and lose 1-0 to allcomers . Gone will be the days of the flowing 5-0 victories. But I reckon we won't have more Brentford's and brightons. 

It'll be a smorgasbord of a season with something for everyone :thumbsup:



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8 hours ago, PretentiousRam said:

First time post after getting bored on another forum so go easy on me.

I like your optimism, however I'm going to have a stab in the dark and guess you don't really go to matches and stumbled across supporting the Rams as it was a good hobby ?! 

This is what I would write if I was involved in another forum but it went boring cos a) everyone was leaving for here or b) I got hounded out for posting tripe.

I have no idea if this is the case. Just speculating and dreaming stuff up based on zero evidence.

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11 hours ago, curtains said:

I hate to pick out certain players but Hanson really needed to be moved on 

I'm looking forward to Hanson becoming a figure of hate. Who cares if he is one of our own, he is the root of all our problems. Sub-human scum. Hanson out. Sack the Hanson.

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2 hours ago, Warren Hobhead said:

We will get a quality winger, I'm sure of it. I think we are being clever. There's enough in this squad to get us through August. The dominos are soon to fall. 

We are Derby. Never forget that. We can attract the cream. GR will deliver something delicious. 

But I repeat, I do not 'expect' promotion. I hope for it. I will back GR and his squad and see where it takes us. Never had much of a cross word for the club or its staff and players in all my time on here. Being a Ram is in-built. It's a passion. I love it. I don't understand those who seem to live in distress supporting a football club. I'd call it a day if it caused me to post the nonsense I read on here from quite a few. 

Each to their own, though. Such is life.

What a great post. I do think Rowett will get it sorted but as others have stated it may take time. The players we currently have for the most part are good and I think with the right ethos and team spirit they could achieve a lot. I think Rowett will get the best out of what he has but again that will take time.

That's my optimistic side. The other side worries that they lack guile and cutting edge out wide and without a really decent replacements for Ince and Hughes we'll struggle. So I'd be happy to finish top half as long as there is some evidence of  improvement/progression along the way. 


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Utterly pointless predictions time is here again - here are my finger in the air suggestions for the season ahead. 

In Carson we have one of the best stoppers in the division. The £1.7m we paid Wigan was an absolute steal IMO. Carson was part of a pretty solid defensive unit last year that was the 6th best in the Championship in terms of goals conceded. A trend of defending deeper late in games did, however, lead to us conceding a disproportionate amount of very late goals. Removing the goals conceded after 90 minutes and we'd have finished with the 3rd best defense in the league. Also, a lack of height revealed defensive frailties against set-pieces and corner kicks.

The additions of Andre Wisdom and Curtis Davies for a combined initial outlay of only £2.5m seems something of a masterstroke. The addition of Huddlestone for only £2m means we have a potentially very different look this season with only Keogh surviving the cull of the back 4. Wisdom, Keogh, Davies and Fozzy seem the likely incumbents this season and with Tom Huddlestone and a fit-again George Thorne sitting in front of that back four I'd expect us to concede fewer goals overall, but also to show a degree more calmness when closing out games for a win or hard-earned draw. Fozzy and George, having played so little footy in the last couple of years, are like new signings in my mind. Baird, Pearce. Lowe and Olsson will hopefully provide adequate cover with the young lad who played in one of the friendlies (whose name I can never remember - Scottish - grrrr!) an intriguing prospect too.

My Ranking #2 of 24

Shorn of creative talent Will Hughes, many will ask, where is the creative streak in the current midfield roster? Desperately sad as I was to see Will leave, I don't think the void left behind is the gaping chasm some make it out to be. His assists rate was not wildly impressive in the most recent seasons and he was never a tremendous goal threat. I think in Huddlestone we have another player who can pick and execute a pass as well as adding some steel to what was a lightweight midfield. Thorne too can dissect teams with his passing range and I can see him and Hudds bossing many teams and allowing the likes of Bryson, Butterfield and Johnson to play in areas where they are more of a threat. I'd expect GR to start with Jacob and Bradley but I'd not be at all surprised to see a rejuvenated Craig Bryson banging in a few more than we've seen of late if given the office. Timi Elsnik too, might find this to be a breakthrough year and remains a player of serious potential IMO. I'd dearly love to see us bring in Matty James but it seems a longshot to me and I think we have a decent enough midfield in any case, for the time being at least.

My Ranking #6 of 24

In Weimann and Russell we have two talented wingers. I know this isn't a popular school of thought and it takes a leap of faith for many on this forum to believe they will ever show the promise of seasons past again but both are young enough to re-find form and would not be the worst wingers in the division by a long chalk. Stats-wise, far from it. I would, however, like to see a new winger if we can shift a few more bodies out the door. I like Lawrence but I'm not convinced that £7m is good business. Jota looks a potential star in the division and would be the 'natural' replacement for the goal-threat lost with the departure on young Tom Ince. Doubtless other clubs will be interested however, and securing his services may therefore be a stretch.

Chris Martin is another 'new signing' having been shipped off to Fulham last year. I don't really know why but I expect a stellar season from the fat, mardy one. He looks half a stone lighter than in recent seasons and he might just feel he has a point to prove. I think he'll enjoy having someone of Tom's passing ability in midfield and he should have willing runners around him in the likes of Johnson, Bryson and Vydra, not to mention a possible flyer or two on the wings. I think Vydra too will enjoy having Hudds and George to pick out his runs and will be alive to Chris's deft touches with back to goal. Nugent is the most adaptable of the 3 and will contribute ably I'm sure. It could be famine again for sure, but I'm predicting a feast. 

My Ranking #5 of 24


Where will we finish: 4th (Play-Off Winners beating Fulham in the final)

Top Two: Boro & Villa

Rest of Top 6: Fulham, Norwich, Wendies

POTY: Tom Huddlestone

Most Improved Player: Craig Bryson 


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In a similar style is say 

defence - top 6

I like Carson, rate Baird. Keogh is fine. The addition of Wisdom I'm not sure about as years have passed since he last really impressed anyone. But he was good. The excitement comes from the return of the monster of a defender Forsyth who's incredible in the air and has blistering pace to recover from all but the most hopeless positioning. Davies can not be any worse on the ball than Shackell/Pearce. It's solid. In attack it's even better. Confident that defence could get us top 6.

midfield - midtable

Bryson plays the way he's facing. Backwards usually. Johnson's passing is dodgy. Butterfield can dictate but he's not one to pounce quickly. There's a serious lack of aggression and drive. I see some Chuckle Brothers "to me to you" going on. Huddlestone... those diagonals will create promising situations. He's a bit of a statue. Kind of a luxury player imo. Thorne... don't rely on his fitness. If he gets back fit then we have better protection for our defence. But a defensive midfielder as your most aggressive forward thinker? It's not top 6. It's steady passing and the odd YouTube pass. 

forwards - outside chance of top 6

Nugent and Martin between them will make s**** happen. Martin is a good dependable target to work off. Nugent turns bad service into decent chances. But the wide players just don't cut it. Head down and covering ground they are fine. Head up and producing something they fall short. Vydra, Blackman, Weimann, Russell, Anya to me all have this sort of running away from trouble style. Where Ince would attack head on I see these others getting their bags packed for them and sat in the corner out the way. Just like the midfield there's sort of a keep it safe style to them. 

Finish - 8th

POTY - Nugent

Most improved - Butterfield 

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I think Rowett is assembling a very reasonable team, and one that might well manage to get us promoted this season. I'm not really excited though- I don't see it as a sustainable team at all.

Oh how I wish we'd won that playoff final in 2014. I think we'd still be in the Premier League now.

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My thoughts are we have the best manager in the league in rowett, one if the best keepers, couple of arguably best defenders, best midfielder in thorne when fit & best striker in martin... soooo should go up  

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Well I for one can not wait, think we improve on last year and finish top 4, we have a very good spine to our team, think it will be an exciting season, and if we get in a top wide player, I belieave ev en the top 2 positions could be on, can not wait to see how we perform tomorrow, think the players to watch out for this season are Davis, Huddlestone and Martin.

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I have moved from worried to reserved. Lots of time left to move people out and in.

But I'll mourn sale of Hughes for a while....

On a positive side: Rams TV and opportunity to watch games live makes me feel almost like half-fan. Nothing like upgrade during off season, well done!

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I pretty much agree with @Alpha's summary. 

Lioking forward to the return of Martin but we've sold the only two players who ever had the skill to do something special. It's those moments that make a football match exciting for me. 

Yes we should be sound defensively but I can't see enough attacking quality, especially someone in midfield who is going to great chances for the forward line. I also think we will finish in a similar position to last season at best. 

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